Director's Column - The Total
Cancer Care Protocol: Adapting, Advancing and Adding Value by Dr. Tom Sellers
In a recent column on the retirement of Dr. Djeu, I shared the story of her initial
"sales pitch" to me to become a Moffitteer. That resulted in a subsequent conversation with Dr. Bill Dalton, who had just returned to Moffitt as CEO/President/Center Director. The year was 2003 and Bill painted a vision of personalized medicine that he described as Total Cancer Care® (TCC). I knew that Moffitt was a young center and going there would mean a perceived step down from the Mayo Clinic, but I was equally convinced that would be temporary and Total Cancer Care would be a game-changer. By any metric that has proven to be true.
Moffitt is special for many reasons, but one that I believe is especially important is that we are not bound to anything other than our mission and core values. We are nimble, willing to take risks and comfortable challenging assumptions and the status quo. If that requires evolution or revolution, we embrace the need for change and move forward with conviction. Today I want to recognize the stages of our TCC evolution, and our next step, with new leaders.
The TCC vision was all about improving the prevention and cure of cancer by generating data and evidence necessary to inform changes in the practice of medicine. The TCC protocol is truly a collaborative venture between patients, clinicians and researchers, changing the way we do translational research. Impressively, since its inception,
more than 139,000 patients at Moffitt have provided consent to the protocol, with tissues collected on over 78,000 patients. By facilitating access to these data and tissues through the Health and Research Informatics (HRI) platform and the Collaborative Data Services Core, numerous publications, grants and ongoing studies have been enabled. The TCC protocol is also the foundation for the Oncology Research Information Exchange Network (ORIEN) that now numbers 17 academic partners committed to data sharing and a collective reach to over 50,000 cancer patients per year in the United States.
The early years of the protocol was significantly aided through a formal partnership with Merck. Merck provided funds to support consenting of patients and collection of data and tissues, but also provided molecular profiling (mainly gene expression profiling, but some targeted DNA sequencing) to enable research on disease heterogeneity, risk stratification
and new therapeutic targets. Over time, the protocol has been amended to
collect other sample types, such as blood samples, bone marrow biopsies and biopsies, but also evolved to include recruitment of patients with cancers beyond those of highest priority to Merck. Recently, M2Gen has facilitated an innovative partnership between ORIEN members and the pharmaceutical industry to create the AVATAR
- an integration of more contemporary molecular profiling (whole exome sequencing, RNA sequencing) and rich clinical data on thousands of patients with a wide array of cancer types. Importantly, the industry funding covers the costs of the molecular profiling and data abstraction with all of the data available to Moffitt researchers.
Some of the inspiration behind possible evolution of the TCC protocol was the simple thought experiment: If we were to open the TCC protocol today, would we do things the same way? Brief interviews with key faculty returned the not too surprising answer: no. The AVATAR project is one driver, but so too is the realization that we are missing the opportunity to add great value to the protocol if we don't revisit what biospecimens we collect, how we collect them and when we collect them. Since the details will vary by the patient population and specific research needs, this will take careful planning to fully execute the next chapter.
I want to thank Drs. Scott Gilbert and Dana Rollison for the tremendous service they have provided as co-PIs of the study.
They have provided invaluable stewardship of this essential resource. Effective February 1, Dr. Shelley Tworoger, ACD of Population Science, will assume the role of TCC PI. She has a wealth of experience overseeing the biorepository protocol for the Nurses' Health Study and 5 other cohorts at Harvard, which includes over 3.5 million specimens from over 200,000 participants. Massive in complexity and impressively productive scientifically, Dr. Tworoger's insights will be leveraged to ensure the protocol is meeting the needs of our faculty, and ultimately our patients. Dr. Erin Siegel, who has been at Moffitt since 2004 and most recently as the Scientific Director of Health and Research Informatics and Scientific Director of the Collaborative Data Services Core, will now focus her efforts on TCC and ORIEN as the Scientific Director of Total Cancer Care. She will work directly with Dr. Tworoger and other leaders in the institution to develop and implement a strategic vision for TCC that will keep Moffitt at the forefront of translational impact, and serve as a resource to faculty and staff using TCC. A key element moving forward is to meet the existing and emerging research needs at Moffitt through access to internal resources and promoting exciting collaborative ventures, including ORIEN. Dr. Siegel will work to make sure that the TCC protocol facilitates rapid, cutting edge research with increased efficiency that will augment PI-initiated research.
Please congratulate Shelley and Erin for their new roles and thank them for their institutional service. The TCC protocol is the largest resource of its kind, and in conjunction with the HRI and other data platforms, it will be a crucial tool in our arsenal for understanding carcinogenesis at all stages of the cancer continuum. With continued investment, we will ensure that TCC is a relevant and invaluable resource. I hope you look forward to working with Erin and Shelley as they continue to enhance the value of this initiative for our researchers and ultimately the patients that we serve. This is how we will build on our unique opportunities, harness personalized medicine, and contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer!

ASCO's Biggest Cancer Advancements of the Year? Ask Dr. Frederick Locke and Dr. Scott Antonia
Clinical trials and research led by Dr. Frederick Locke and Dr. Scott Antonia have been named in the American Society of Clinical Oncology's (ASCO) Clinical Cancer Advances 2018, an annual report highlighting the most impactful clinical cancer research and policy developments over the past year.
The Advance of the Year is CAR T-cell therapy, which is poised to transform the outlook for children and adults with certain otherwise incurable cancers. The report highlights the ZUMA-1 trial, sponsored by Kite Pharma and co-led by Dr. Locke, which led to the FDA approval of Yescarta™ (axicabtagene ciloluecel). Moffitt treated the first patient in the clinical trial and the first patient commercially with this new groundbreaking therapy.
An investigator-initiated trial led by Dr. Antonia is also featured. The PACIFIC trial investigated the use of Imfinzi® (durvalumab), an immunotherapy treatment, for patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer. The drug is currently approved for the treatment of bladder cancer. The FDA is expected to make a decision on the expanded use of this therapy in the coming weeks.
Inclusion in this report emphasizes Moffitt's dedication and commitment to our mission
- to contribute to the prevention and cure of cancer.
(NEW) Moffitt Study Investigates New
Way to Reduce Graft-Versus-Host Disease
Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) remains a major cause of death among stem-cell transplantation patients. Suppressing the immune system to reduce GHVD and ensure antitumor activity of the graft is preserved is crucial to improving the success of blood and marrow transplantation. In a new article published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Moffitt researchers and collaborators demonstrate that inhibition of Janus kinase 2 (JAK2) significantly decreases GVHD and maintains tumor killing by the donor T cells. The study, authored by Drs. Brian Betts, Elizabeth Sagatys, Catherine Lee, Joseph Pidala and Claudio Anasetti, emphasizes the relevance of JAK2 in GVHD pathogenesis and prevention.
Article |

(NEW) Moffitt Researchers Provide
Insight on Mathematical & Computational Oncology
The Journal of the Royal Society Interface published a review co-authored by
Drs. Katarzyna Rejniak and Aleksandra Karolak this month. The article takes
a look at mathematical modeling and computational systems biology as useful
tools for determining personalizing cancer care.
Review Article |
(NEW) Biomedical Library Classes
The Biomedical Library offers training for EndNote X8 and Pub Med & MyNCBI.
If you are interested in the classes, please visit Biomedical Library's
calendar of event.
Library Event Calendar |
NIH Next Generation Researchers Initiative Policy
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced its policy (NOT-OD-17-101) to invest in next generation researchers and implement Section 2021 of the 21st Century Cures Act. This policy requires NIH institutes and centers (ICs) to prioritize funding for Early Stage and Early Established Investigators (ESIs and EEIs). In order to facilitate the implementation of the policy, the Office of the NIH Director will centrally track and maintain a census of ESIs and EEIs as well as monitor implementation of the policy within NIH ICs to determine the impact on individuals from underrepresented groups. Details on NIH's diversity initiatives and specific IC strategies for responding to the policy will be found on the
Division of Extramural Programs website.
According to the Policy, ESIs and EEIs fit the following descriptions:
Early Stage Investigator (ESI) - An ESI is a Program Director/Principal Investigator (PD/PI) who has completed their terminal research degree or end of post-graduate clinical training, whichever date is later, within the past 10 years and who has not previously competed successfully as PD/PI for a substantial NIH independent research award. A list of NIH grants that a PD/PI can hold and still be considered an ESI can be found at
here. ESIs are encouraged to enter the date of their terminal research degree or the end date of their post-graduate clinical training in their eRA Commons profile to ensure their correct identification.
Under the NGRI policy, meritorious R01-equivalent applications with ESI PD/PIs will be prioritized for funding. ICs will put this prioritization into effect starting in fiscal year (FY) 2017. The goal for FY 2017 will be to fund approximately 200 more ESI awards than in FY 2016.
By providing funding priority for ESIs, NIH intends to encourage funding applications that involve researchers earlier in their career. An NIH R01-equivalent research grant application with more than one PD/PI (MPI) will be prioritized for funding only if all MPIs have ESI status.
Early Established Investigator (EEI) - An EEI is a PD/PI who is within 10 years of receiving their first substantial, independent competing NIH R01-equivalent research award as an ESI. A meritorious application with a designated PD/PI EEI may be prioritized for funding if:
• The EEI lost or is at risk for losing all NIH research support if not funded by competing awards this year, OR
• The EEI is supported by only one active award.
NIH will identify EEIs in their eRA Commons profile by the end of the month. An NIH grant application with more than one PD/PI (MPI) will be prioritized for funding only if all MPIs have EEI status and meet prioritization criteria.
Please contact the Office of Sponsored Research,
x6159, if you have any questions.
(NEW DATE) Research Purchasing Survey
The MRI's Lead Purchasing Analyst, Gabe Franklin, will be presenting a
research purchasing overview on March 21 at 9:30 a.m. in the
Ted and Marty Couch Auditorium. In order to make sure your concerns are addressed, please
take a few minutes to complete
this survey. |
Register for Business of Biotech
Join us for the 12th annual Business of Biotech conference on Friday, March 2. The Business of Biotech Conference brings together biomedical companies, startups, entrepreneurs, service providers, and investors for networking, partnership discussions, and information on the latest hot topics in the field.
Each year since 2006, Moffitt has hosted this conference, which has shown steady growth in attendance from about 200 to maximum capacity 375 at the 2017 conference. This conference offers a wealth of networking and educational opportunities. Although there is no charge to attend, registration is required. To
learn more and register, please
click here. |
National Cancer Database Accepting Participant Use Data Files
The National Cancer Database (NCDB) is now accepting applications for organ-site specific files including cases diagnosed between 2004 and 2015 for the 2015 Participant Use Data File (PUF) release.
The PUF contains de-identified patient level data and is designed to provide investigators at Commission on Cancer (CoC)-accredited cancer programs with a data resource they can use to review and advance the quality of care delivered to cancer patients through analyses of cases reported to the NCDB. The PUF is Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant and meets the terms of the Business Associate Agreement (BAA) between the American College of Surgeons and cancer programs accredited by the CoC.
Prior to planning to submit a PUF, you are advised to read the information provided on the
NCDB PUF website. It is important that you also read the
Getting Started Document and review the
Data Dictionary in order to understand the variables and their limitations that could impact your proposed research. Applicants who have received a PUF file in the past should read the
Summary of Changes document to learn about any updates since the last PUF RFA.
Questions regarding the NCDB PUFs or the RFA process for a PUF may be
directed to the NCDB technical staff.
Nominate a Clinical and Research Mentor of the Year
Nominations are now being accepted from Trainees for the Clinical Mentor of the Year and the Research Mentor of the Year. Nominations are due no later than
5:00 p.m. on March 30. The links to submit nominations are provided below.
The winning nominations will be selected by a committee of Moffitt clinical fellows and residents (Clinical Mentor of the Year) and postdoctoral fellows and graduate students (Research Mentor of the Year) based on specific guidelines for each award. Winners will be announced at the
Moffitt Scientific Symposium on May 9.
Clinical Mentor of the Year Guidelines |
Clinical Mentor of the Year Nomination
Research Mentor of the Year Guidelines |
Research Mentor of the Year
Nomination Form |
Moffitt Scientific Symposium Call for Abstracts
Clinical Fellows, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Residents, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Research Scientists and Staff Scientists conducting research at Moffitt Cancer Center are invited to submit an abstract for the 2018 Moffitt Scientific Symposium (limit one abstract per person). All abstracts received for this event that meet the established guidelines will be accepted for the Poster Presentation (space permitting). Monetary awards will be given to all individuals selected to give an oral presentation as well as the top poster presentation winners in each of the 4 categories. Early submission of your abstract is encouraged.
Abstract submission deadline is Monday, March 5 at 5:00
click here for more details and to submit your abstract.
For more information, please contact
Angie Reagan (x5189) or
Rae Reuille (x1548). |
Student Research Opportunity Available in Puerto Rico
The Ponce Health Sciences University
& Moffitt Cancer Center Partnership are accepting applications from Medical and Graduate students interested in an 8 week research rotation at the Ponce Health Sciences University
- Ponce Research Institute in Ponce, Puerto Rico.
The primary goal of this program is to allow cross-institutional training of Medical and Graduate students from MCC/USF and PHSU in specialized areas of cancer. Areas include basic and translational cancer research as well as education into the problems associated with delivery of cancer care and research in minority populations. To achieve this goal students from each institution are provided an opportunity to train and do research at the opposite institution.
Applications are due February 5. For more information, please contact
Sabrina Rodriguez or
visit this website.
SPARK Accepting Applications for
Summer 2018
The Summer Program for Advancement of Research Knowledge, also known as
SPARK, is looking for undergraduates for a sponsored internship. Deadline
for applying is February 15.
More Information |
Grants and Funding Announcements
2018 Society of
Immunotherapy of Cancer (SITC) Fellowships
These fellowship awards will help support the development of the next generation of immunotherapy experts with a vested interest in furthering research and translation of cancer immunotherapy. Applications are due by February 20.
Three fellowships are available:
• SITC-Bristol-Myers Squibb Postdoctoral Cancer Immunotherapy Translational Fellowship for 2 years and $200,000 funding;
• SITC-Merck Immunotherapy Clinical Fellowship for 1 year and $100,000 funding;
• SITC-AstraZeneca Postdoctoral Cancer Immunotherapy in Combination Therapies Clinical Fellowship for 1 year and $100,000 funding.
Please visit
2018 SITC Fellowship Opportunities
website for additional details.
Miles for Moffitt Funding Opportunity
Research leadership is pleased to announce the annual Miles for Moffitt Milestone Awards
funding opportunity. The selection committee will recognize Moffitt scientists in two categories:
established investigators and junior faculty. All Moffitt faculty are eligible, including prior Miles for Moffitt awardees. Current 2017 Miles for Moffitt awardees are not eligible.
The maximum award amount is up to $100,000 for 12 months.
Submission deadline is Monday, March 12 at
4:00 p.m. Awardees will be announced at the Scientific Symposium
on May 9.
Guidelines |
If you have questions, please contact
Maureen Ahearn. |
Moffitt-Celgene Innovative Studies Funding Opportunity
Moffitt invites its investigators to apply for grant funding
to address unmet medical needs or standard of care
challenges. The maximum award amount is $870,000 for two
years. Up to four projects will be funded.
Submission deadline is Thursday, February 1, 2018 at
p.m. For additional information, please contact the
Management Department.
Moffitt Innovative Studies Guidelines |
Moffitt Clinical Trial Funding Opportunity
The Moffitt Research Institute is pleased to announce a clinical trial funding opportunity with an emphasis on increasing minority accrual. Funding will be awarded to a proposal for an investigator-initiated phase 0, I, or II intervention, including therapeutic, supportive care and prevention, clinical trial that addresses an underrepresented population and is likely to lead to increased minority subject accrual. Opportunity to support all
faculty ranks. The award maximum is $100,000 for the clinical trial (including trial coordination, data management, non-billable lab tests, etc.) and up to $50,000 for correlative science costs (including shared resources, research lab supplies and tech support).
The deadline is Thursday, February 1 at 4:00 p.m.
If you have questions, please contact
Maureen Ahearn.
Research Lab 360: Cores, Labs, and Space |
(NEW) SRB Atrium Floor Replacement
The Design and Construction Team will be kicking off the replacement of the SRB Atrium flooring project on Feb. 3, with the beginning of phase one. The project has been broken out into five phases, each phase lasting five to six weeks with an expected completion of July 27.
Please plan to use caution during the length of the project, as construction barricades will be positioned. The restrooms located on the far east end of the building will be closed during phase one only.
West end restrooms will remain open. Please also note that the David Murphy and Ferman Family conference rooms will be accessible during all phases of the project.
If you have any questions, please contact
Cheryl Bartolomeo,
Manager of Business Operations, x8116.
Seminars and Events
February 1 -
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Seminar, Contact
Shonda Sterner
Yevgeniya Nusinovich, MD, PhD, Senior Editor,
Science Translational Medicine
Danny Welch, PhD, Senior Editor, Cancer
Thomas A. Sellers, PhD, Center Director, Deputy
Editor, Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
Academic Insights Panel: Publication Success
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, David
Murphey Conference Room
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 2 -
Second Annual Women in Medicine Grand Rounds, Contact
Gina Woodward
Elizabeth L. Travis, PhD, FASTRO, Associate
Vice President, Women & Minority Faculty Inclusion, Mattie Allen
Fair Professor in Cancer Research, Department of Experimental
Radiation Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer
Center, Houston, TX
Building an Inclusive Culture: Bricks and Mortar
12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, Ted and Marty
Couch Auditorium (Luncheon to follow)
Live streaming will be available at the Moffitt McKinley
Campus in the Gruden Huddle Room
Calendar |
Flyer |
Register |
February 6 -
Immunology Program Research in Progress Seminar,
Contact Rose Reyes
Jenny Ting, PhD, Microbiology and Immunology,
Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
Innate Immune Receptors: Cancer, Inflammation and the
9:00 - 10:00 a.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 7 -
Anatomic Pathology Grand Rounds, Contact
Karen Kaul, MD, PhD, Chair, Department of
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, NorthShore University Health
Next Generation Pathology: Opportunities and Challenges
12:00 - 1:00 pm, Stabile Research Building Ted & Marty Couch
Auditorium (Lunch provided for first 60 attendees)
Calendar |
February 7 -
Basic Science Grand Rounds, Contact
Shonda Sterner
Keith T. Flaherty, MD, Massachusetts General
Hospital Cancer Center, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical
School, Boston, MA
Defining Resistance to Dual MAP Kinase Pathway Inhibition
and Strategies to Overcome It
12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, David Murphey
Conference Room (Lunch provided to the first 75
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 7 -
Molecular Research In Progress, Contact
Kristin Gilpin
Karen Mann, PhD, Assistant Member, Department
of Molecular Oncology
Delineating TCF12 as a Progression Driver in Metastatic
Pancreatic Cancer
Nick Gimbrone, Graduate Student, Cress Lab,
Molecular Oncology
STK11 Mutations Stink, Implications in Putrescine
Biosynthesis in Lung Cancer
2:00 - 3:00 pm, Stabile Research David Murphey Conference Room (Refreshments
will be served)
Calendar |
February 8 -
Grand Rounds in Population Science, Contact
Christine Abel
Darren Mays, PhD, MPH, Behavioral Scientist,
Department of Oncology, Georgetown University Medical Center
Cancer Prevention and Control Program, Washington, D.C.
Communication Research to Guide Tobacco Regulation
11:30 - 12:30 p.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room (Lunch provided to the first 60 attendees)
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 8 - Integrated Mathematical Oncology & Physical
Sciences in Oncology Center Seminar, Contact
Danae Paris
Jan Poleszczuk, PhD, Assistant Professor, Nalecz Institute of
Biocybernetics & Biomedical Engineering, Polish Academy of
Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
Non-local Effects of Radiotherapy and Their Potential for Clinical
Application: Mathematical Oncology Perspective
12:00 - 1:00 pm, Stabile Research Building Atrium 4 (Lunch
provided to first 25 attendees)
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 9 -
Moffitt Grand Rounds, Contact Pamela Huntley
David P. Carbone, MD, PhD, Director of James
Thoracic Center, Professor, The Ohio State University
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH
Lung Cancer: Science-based Progress for a Major Health Problem
8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room (Breakfast will be served)
Calendar |
(NEW) February 9 -
Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Seminar, Contact Shonda Sterner
Tracy Costello, PhD, Director of Postdoctoral
Affairs, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL
Individual Development Plan Workshop
2:30 - 4:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, David Murphey
Conference Room (Coffee and snacks provided for attendees)
Calendar |
(NEW) February 12 -
Cancer Biology and Evolution Seminar, Contact
Kristen Gilpin
Hilary Coller, PhD, Associate Professor,
Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology, University of
California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
The Role of Autophagy in the Tumor Microenvironment and
Wound Healing
12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, David Murphey
Conference Room (Lunch will be provided)
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 21 -
Grand Rounds, Contact Pamela Huntley
Manish Kohli, MD,, Consultant and Professor,
Division of Medical Oncology, Department of Oncology, Mayo
Clinic, Rochester, MN
Advanced Prostate Cancer Genomics for Individualizing
Androgen Deprivation Therapies: Challenges and Opportunities
8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Stabile Research Building, Ted and Marty Couch
Auditorium (Breakfast provided)
Calendar |
Flyer |
February 21 -
Basic Science Grand Rounds, Contact
Shonda Sterner
Valerie M. Weaver, PhD, Professor and Director,
Center for Bioengineering and Tissue Regeneration, University of
California San Francisco School of Medicine, San Francisco, CA
Forcing Tumor Aggression and Recurrence
12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room (Lunch provided to the first 75 attendees)
Calendar |
Flyer |
(NEW) February 22 -
Physical Sciences in Oncology Center Seminar, Contact Danae Paris
Paul K Newton, PhD, Professor of Aerospace and
Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, Norris Comprehensive
Cancer Center, University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, CA
Three Problems in Mathematical Oncology
12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room (Lunch provided to first 75 attendees)
Calendar |
Flyer |
(NEW) February 22 -
Center for Infection Research in Cancer Seminar,
Contact Julie Rathwell
Emmanuel Thomas, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Sylvester
Comprehensive Cancer Center, Miami, FL
An Integrated Multidisciplinary Approach for Prediction of
Liver Cancer Development in Chronic Hepatitis C Infected
Patients Utilizing Genomics, Elastopgraphy, Imagine and
Circulating Tumor Cells
4:00 - 5:30 p.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room (Light refreshments will be served)
Calendar |
February 27 - Office of Postdoctoral Affairs Responsible Conduct of
Research Series, Contact
Shonda Sterner
Ken Wright, PhD, Senior Member and Vice-Chair Department of
Immunology and
Doug Cress, PhD, Senior Member Molecular Oncology,
Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL
Research Misconduct and Policies
for Handling Misconduct
12:30 pm - 1:30 pm, Stabile Research Building Ferman Family Conference Room
Registration is required. To register, use Lawson My Self-Service, click on MCC Training,
Registration by Course, scroll down to "OPA-RCR Research Misconduct" and click on the course "OPARCRMIS".
Calendar |
February 28 -
Basic Science Grand Rounds, Contact
Shonda Sterner
Crystal L. Mackall, MD, Professor of Pediatrics
and Medicine, Associate Director, Stanford Cancer Institute,
Stanford, CA
CAR T Cells for Cancer Therapy: The Next Generation
12:00 - 1:00 p.m., Stabile Research Building, Ferman Family
Conference Room (Lunch provided to the first 75 attendees)
Calendar |
Flyer |
June 11 - Cancer
Biology and Evolution Symposium, Contact
Catherine Reyes
Please mark your calendars to attend this event in the SRB
Calendar |