NCI Standard Funding Opportunity Announcements
Current and Recent
Program Announcements |
Current and Recent
Requests for Applications |
and Recent NCI and Trans-NIH Initiatives |
Requests for Proposals
Standard Due Dates

CDMRP Pre-Announcements for 2017
To be Announced |
See Links Below |
Federal |
Breast/Ovarian |
Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP)
Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP)
Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) &
Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP)
FY17 Pre-announcements
Descriptions of the initiatives planned for these programs can
be found at the links below. The pre-announcements allow
investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to
the anticipated FY17 funding opportunities.

Open |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Clinical Trials |
The Gateway for Cancer Research
Research Grants
Gateway focuses on transformational science via effective
clinical trials - when basic science translates into human testing
and clinical practice.
Due Dates: |
Rolling requests for funding conducted in two
stages: a Letter of Intent (LOI) and if invited, a full application.
Applicants must submit via Gateway's
Grant Management System |
Amount & Project Period: |
Funding is variable and duration is 1 to 3
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Gateway Contacts are: Jerian Dixon-Evans,
Research Grants Specialist (847) 342-7361 and Domarina Oshana,
Ph.D., Director of Research and Grants
(847) 342-7443 |
Link: |
Application Process |

Ongoing |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See BAA |
Army Research Office Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Basic and Applied Scientific Research
The purpose of this BAA is to solicit research proposals in the
engineering, physical, life, and information sciences for
submission to the Army Research Office (ARO) for consideration
for possible funding.
Due Dates: |
Open until Mar. 31, 2017
Proposers are to submit white papers prior to submission of a
complete proposal. Based on assessment of white papers, feedback will be
provided to encourage or discourage submission of full proposals. |
Amount & Project Period: |
No specific dollars have been reserved - 3
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
BAA-W911NF-12-R-0012-Mod 03

Ongoing |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Pediatric Brain Tumors |
A Kids' Brain Tumor Cure Foundation (aka The PLGA
Research Grants
Proposals related to basic and translational
projects that can advance understanding of the underlying
biology of the development and treatment of pediatric low grade
glioma brain tumor (PLGA) tumors will be considered.
Due Dates: |
Letters of Intent are accepted on an ongoing
basis, and are reviewed by an expert panel. Based on this feedback,
selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal |
Amount & Project Period: |
Funding is based on size, complexity, and
potential impact of project, and can be awarded over a one-, two-, or
three-year period. |
Eligibility: |
Investigators in the early years of their
careers are encouraged to apply. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Apply for an AKBTC Sponsored Grant |
September 30, 2017 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Medical Research |
Department of Defense - Dept. of the
DoD USAMRMC FY17 Broad Agency Announcement
for Extramural Medical Research
Projects funded under this BAA must be for basic and applied research to
support scientific study and experimentation directed towards
advancing the state of the art or increasing knowledge or
understanding rather than focusing on development of a specific
system or hardware solution.
Due Dates: |
This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is open from
October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017, 11:59 p.m., ET.
Pre-proposals are required so that the
Government can determine whether a proposed research idea meets
USAMRMC's mission and requirements. Pre-proposals may be submitted at
any time during the 12-month period. To submit a full
proposal/application, the PI must have received an invitation to submit
from a Contracting or Grants Officer. |
Amount & Project Period: |
No funding limitations specified - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
W81XWH-17-R-BAA1 |

See Below |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Poster/Travel Awards - Lymphatic |
Lymphatic Education & Research Network
Lymphatic Forum 2017 Travel and Poster Awards
LE&RN is proud to co-host and sponsor Lymphatic Forum 2017 in
Chicago, June 8-10, 2017. Over 30 internationally renowned
scientists will come together to discuss research in basic and
disease-oriented areas of lymphatic and vascular biology
including therapeutic approaches
Multiple |
See Below |
Federal |
Cancer Moonshot |
Cancer Moonshot - Funding Opportunities
NCI has identified
funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) from within its
extensive research portfolio that address the goals of the
Cancer Moonshot. This portfolio will expand over the next 7
years. Planning for implementation of longer-term scientific
initiatives is underway. Multiple ways to fund the best
science, including grants, supplements and other mechanisms are
being considered.

April 20 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Clinical Effectiveness |
Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Pipeline to Proposal Awards Tier A
Pre-Engagement/Community Projects
The purpose of the Pipeline to Proposal (P2P)
Awards program is to help people form new
collaborations with the goal of developing
proposals for research with sound scientific
rigor and robust patient engagement. We are
interested in research teams that include
patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other
healthcare stakeholders, as well as
researchers. The P2P program now has two tiers.
The first (Tier A) is designed to support the
development of research partnerships as they
identify a comparative clinical effectiveness
research (CER) question (or series of questions)
that is important to patients, researchers, and
other members of the healthcare community.
NCI is a participating
April 23 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Liver |
Mechanisms of Disparities in Chronic Liver
Diseases and Cancer
The purpose of the initiative is to support multidisciplinary research to
understand the underlying etiologic factors and
the mechanisms that result in disparities in
chronic liver diseases and cancer in the US.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 23 (Letter of Intent)
May 18 (OSR) Ι May 22 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates: Apr. 4, 2018, Apr. 4, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$275,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-150 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-151 (R01) |

April 24 |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Prostate |
Prostate Cancer Foundation
2017 PCF Challenge Awards for Metastatic,
Lethal Prostate Cancer
Awards are for investigations of metastatic,
lethal prostate cancer. Awards will be funded
depending on the level of innovation in
applications received. High risk, currently
unfunded projects are most desired.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 20 (OSR) Ι Apr. 24 (Sponsor)
Online application submission portal live at as of Friday, February 10th) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$1 million per team - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Team should be
composed of at least 3 highly experienced investigators and
may be assembled from one or more institutions;
Team must include at least
one young investigator as an integral contributor. (Young investigator
may be Postdoc, Instructor, Research Associate, Asst. Professor, or
equiv. and sh/be w/in 6 years of completing a professional degree or
clinical training, and have received <$200,000 in current direct
research funding from all sources including institutional funds.) |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
RFA | Challenge
Awards |

April 25 |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation(MMRF)
2017 Research Fellow Award
This initiative supports researchers at the post doctorate/medical fellow
or junior faculty levels working under the
supervision or guidance of a research mentor in
the multiple myeloma field. The goal is to help
support young investigators begin studies in the
field of multiple myeloma while advancing the
understanding of myeloma disease biology,
treatment and drug resistance.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 21 (OSR) Ι Apr. 25 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$75,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
Researchers w/a Ph.D., M.D. or equivalent
degree at the post-doctorate, clinical fellow, or junior faculty level
are encouraged to apply. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
proposalCENTRAL (Guidelines & application site) |
April 26(LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Screening |
Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care
Delivery: Building from the Problem of Follow-up
to Abnormal Screening Tests
Applications are encouraged that develop and test multilevel interventions
to improve follow-up to abnormal screening tests
for breast, colorectal, cervical and lung
cancers. Appropriate applications should
propose to intervene at one or more levels, and
must measure outcomes at three or more levels,
while accounting for interactions that occur
between levels.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 26 (Letter of Intent)
May 24 (OSR) Ι May 26 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
It is anticipated and encouraged that requests
be in the range of $400,000 to $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-146 |
NCI is a participating
April 27 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Nutrition |
Food Specific Molecular Profiles and
Biomarkers of Food and Nutrient Intake, and
Dietary Exposure
The purpose is to promote research on food
specific molecular signatures and biomarkers of
dietary consumption and to promote collaborative
interactions among NIH and USDA supported
nutrition researchers.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 27 (Letter of Intent)
May 25 (OSR) Ι May 27(Sponsor)
Additional Due Date:
Sept. 27, 2017 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-15-024 |

April 28 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Head & Neck |
Brandon C. Gromada Head & Neck Cancer Foundation
Research Awards
The awards are intended to
stimulate innovative research regarding
treatment and cures for head and neck cancers.
Funds may be used by junior investigators to
support ongoing, unfunded projects, or by senior
investigators as seed money to launch new
Due Dates: |
Apr. 26 (OSR) Ι Apr. 28 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$10,000 to $20,000 |
Eligibility: |
All levels of
academic rank, including trainees (graduate students and
post-doctoral fellows), junior faculty and established investigators.
Applicants must be actively
engaged in head and neck cancer research |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
2017 RFP Ι
Brandon C. Gromada Head & Neck Cancer Foundation |

April 28 (LOI) |
See Below |
Non-federal |
Ovarian |
Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance
OCRFA Grants
Collaborative Research Development
Provide funds for large ovarian cancer research
projects involving several investigators seeking
to develop program project grant applications
for submission to peer-review funding agencies.
Amount & Project Period: |
$900,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Must have full time faculty appointment |
Liz Tilberis Early Career Awards
For junior faculty with a strong commitment to an investigative career in
the field of ovarian cancer research.
Amount & Project Period: |
$450,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Must have an
M.D. or Ph.D. and should be in first 5 years of first
academic appointment (Assistant Professor or equivalent). Individuals
who will begin such a position by July 2017 are eligible.
Investigator and institution must certify
that at least 75% of the scholar's time will be dedicated to
ovarian cancer research. |
Ann Schreiber Mentored Investigator
Funds post-doctoral trainees working in ovarian
cancer research groups or those currently
enrolled in a fellowship program.
Amount & Project Period: |
$75,000 - 1 to 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Applicants must
be clinical fellows (Gynecologic Oncology, Medical
Oncology), or post-doctoral fellows;
PhD applicants must be no
more than 5 years beyond terminal degree at time of application (e.g.
terminal degree awarded during 2012 or later);
MDs must be currently
enrolled in a fellowship program;
Although trainee may take part in some non-research
activities, at least 90% effort
should be devoted to research during term of award.

April 30 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Research Projects |
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Research Grants
The Foundation funds research directed toward
identifying new treatments or cures for cancer,
and particularly encourages applications
allowing establishment of capabilities of new
cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by
established cancer researchers. Project
relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or
cure should be clearly identified.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 27 (OSR) Ι Apr. 30 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: Aug. 31st |
Amount & Project Period: |
No limits stated; must be reasonably & clearly
supported by scope of project in application - 1 year suggested |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Grant Application
Process |
April 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging |
Perception and Cognition Research to Inform
Cancer Image Interpretation
The purpose is to facilitate research on the perceptual and cognitive
processes underlying the performance of cancer
image observers in radiology and pathology, in
order to improve the accuracy of cancer
detection and diagnosis.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 30 (Letter of Intent)
May 25 (OSR) Ι May 30 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: September 26th |
Amount & Project Period: |
Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-125 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-124 (R21) |

May 01 (Concept Paper) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Reproductive Health |
The Lalor Foundation
The Anna Lalor Burdick Grants Program
This grant program seeks to empower young women through
education about healthy reproduction in order to
broaden and enhance their options in life. The
program focuses particularly on young women who
have inadequate access to information regarding
sexual and reproductive health, including
comprehensive and unbiased information on
contraception and pregnancy termination.
Due Dates: |
May 1 (Concept paper- online portal will open
one month prior to concept paper deadline.) Applicants invited to
submit a full proposal will receive a full set of instructions to assist
in preparation of a full online proposal.
Additional Date for Concept
Paper: Nov. 1 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$15,000 - $25,000 - 1 year (On rare occasions,
trustees invite follow-up work to a project that has shown outstanding
results or promise during its first year.) |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research - (x6804) |
Link: |
Application Guidelines Ι
Application Instructions |

May 01 |
All Faculty |
Non-federal |
Research Project |
American Society of Hematology
The Bridge Grants program
ASH is accepting proposals from hematologists
whose research would not otherwise be
accomplished due to cuts in funding from the
National Institutes of Health. Established in
January 2013, the long-term goal of the program
is to help sustain recipients' research and keep
them engaged in hematology investigation.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 27 (OSR) Ι May 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$150,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
Must hold
a faculty position.
Must have submitted a
hematology-related R01 or equiv. application to NIH in the past 18
(eighteen) months that was scored but not funded.
ASH membership is required at
time of application and throughout award period. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Bridge Grant Program |
NCI is a participating
May 06 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Chronic Pain |
Clinical Evaluation of Adjuncts to Opioid
Therapies for the Treatment of Chronic Pain
This FOA aims to fund applications designed to assess the clinical value
of adjuncts prescribed to chronic pain patients
together with opioid analgesics. Adjuncts of
interest are either approved by the FDA or have
previously been studied as an Investigational
New Drug. Studies with adjuncts of interest
should be focused on enhancing analgesia, rather
than on reducing an adverse effect. A secondary
purpose is to increase awareness among opioid
prescribers of the potential value of adjunctive
therapies by focused data dissemination.
Due Dates: |
May 06 (Letter of Intent)
June 03 (OSR) Ι June 05 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets not limited - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-14-225 |
May 07 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Natural Killer (NK) Cells |
NK Cells to Induce Immunological Memory to
Prevent HIV Infection
The purpose is to support multidisciplinary, hypothesis-driven research on
Natural Killer (NK) cells, leading to the
discovery of pathways relevant for early immune
responses and immune regulation impacting the
potential protective immunity to be induced by
HIV vaccination.
May 10 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Moonshot Initiative |
Integration and Validation of Emerging
Technologies to Accelerate Cancer Research
This FOA, associated with the
Beau Biden Cancer Moonshot Initiative, is
intended to accelerate cancer research.
Specifically, this FOA targets the following 4
areas designated as scientific priorities:
1. Enhanced experimental and analytical
capabilities addressing complexities of cancer
2. New capabilities advancing precise
clinical diagnosis of cancer patients;
3. Novel predictive ex vivo and/or in
silico modeling approaches; and
4. New technologies/approaches to improve
biospecimen and data quality. Applications must
be focused on one of these areas and must be
based on comprehensive preliminary data
substantiating the potential of the proposed
technologies/tools/capabilities and the
functionality their contributing components.
May 10 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Glycomics |
Alliance of Glycobiologists for Cancer
Research: Translational Tumor Glycomics
NCI encourages research
projects to elucidate how changes in cellular
carbohydrates may promote cancer initiation and
progression and use this information to identify
glycan-based abnormalities to serve as
biomarkers for early cancer detection or risk
Due Dates: |
May 10 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 06 (OSR) Ι June 08 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Anticipated and encouraged are requests up to a
maximum of $500,000/year (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-206 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-207, U01 |

May 16 |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
New Connections: Increasing Diversity of
RWJF Programming
New Connections is a career development program for early career
researchers, providing support to grantees and
other individuals who are part of a network of
eligible researchers. The researchers in this
program come from multiple disciplines and work
to build the case for a Culture of Health with
strong qualitative and quantitative research
skills; and produce and translate timely
research results.
Due Dates: |
May 12 (OSR) Ι May 16 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$50,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
Must have
completed doctoral degree w/in last 10 years (September 1,
2007 or later) and must be early-career scholars, such as a post-doc or
assistant professor;
Must be from a group that has
historically been disadvantaged or underrepresented in
research disciplines. Eligible individuals include individuals from
ethnic and racial groups historically underrepresented in research
disciplines, first-generation college graduates, people from low-income
communities, and individuals with a learning or physical disability.
Call for additional details
of eligibility |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
2017 Call for Proposals |
NCI is a participating
May 19 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Tobacco Research |
Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science for
Research Relevant to the Family Smoking
Prevention and Tobacco Control Act
The purpose is to invite applications for
Tobacco Centers of Regulatory Science (TCORS) to
support biomedical and behavioral research that
will provide scientific data to inform
regulation of tobacco products to protect public
health. Research Projects must address the
research priorities related to the regulatory
authority of the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP).
Due Dates: |
May 19 (Letter of Intent - LOI is due 60 days
prior to the application due date)
Applications Due: Jul. 17 (OSR) Ι Jul. 19 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Not to exceed $4 million/yr. (Total Costs) - 5
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-OD-17-006 |
RFA: |
RFA-OD-17-002, U54 Specialized Center-
Cooperative Agreements |
May 19 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Head & Neck |
Neoantigen-Based Therapeutic Targeting of
Head and Neck Cancers
The purpose of this FOA is to support basic and
preclinical research aimed at developing novel
immunotherapeutic targets for head and neck
cancers (HNC), including salivary gland cancers.
Research will identify human HNC-specific
neoantigens, and will test the utility of these
neoantigens as targets for eliciting anti-tumor
immune responses in affected patient
Due Dates: |
May 19 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 15 (OSR) Ι June 19 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Limited to $350,000 in direct costs - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-DE-18-004 |

May 19 (Initial Proposal) |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
The Taub Foundation
Grants Program for MDS Research
This program supports high-impact, innovative, translational research to
understand the underlying causes of MDS and to
advance its treatment and prevention. Innovative
studies with transformative potential to
elucidate MDS etiology and to develop new
treatments are particularly encouraged.
Due Dates: |
Initial Proposal: May 17 (OSR) Ι May
19 12:00 Noon, EDT
Invited Submissions: Sept. 13 (OSR) Ι Sept. 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$600,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
U.S. citizenship not required; no visa documentation required |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
Link: |
Application Materials |

May 22 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Pediatric |
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation for
Childhood Cancer
2017 Reach Grants
This grant is intended to support selected
late translational studies.
Preference will be given to research projects
which will likely result in initiation of a
clinical trial two to three years from the start
of the project.
May 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
NCI Provocative Questions |
Research Answers to NCI's Provocative
The purpose is to support research projects designed to solve specific
problems and paradoxes in cancer research
identified by the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) Provocative Questions initiative. Each
application must address one and only one
specific PQ, exactly as defined in FOA.
Due Dates: |
May 30 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 26 (OSR) Ι June 28 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 30 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$275,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-CA-17-018 |
Companion RFA: |
RFA-CA-17-017 (R01) |
RFAs also listed below for
R01, P01 and P50 awards
May 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
NCI Provocative Questions |
Revision Applications to National Cancer
Institute (NCI)-supported U01 Awards to Include
Research on the NCI's Provocative Questions
This FOA invites revision applications
from investigators with active NCI U01 research
project awards. These revision applications are
expected to focus on research related to one of
the 12 of the NCI's Provocative Questions (PQs)
published for new applications in
RFA-CA-17-017 (R01) and
RFA-CA-17-018 (R21) (See Above).
Research is encouraged that directly addresses
PQs, including research that helps validate PQ
research outcomes or adopt and disseminate PQ
research results that impact cancer research and
clinical care.
Studies proposed in the revision applications
must correspond to additional specific aims,
expanding the scope of individual, already
funded projects of the parent U01 award.
Due Dates: |
May 30 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 26 (OSR) Ι June 28 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 30 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Not to exceed $150,000/yr.(Direct Costs)
May request support for up to two years, not to exceed remaining number
of years on parent grant. Parent grant must be active when application
is submitted. |
Eligibility: |
The PD/PI (or Contact PD/PI for multi-PD/PI
awards) on the parent award must remain the same on the revision
If a no-cost extension is needed on the parent grant, it must be in
place before the revision application is submitted. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-CA-17-020 |
Companion RFAs: |
RFA-CA-17-019, Revision applications for R01 Research Project Grant
RFA-CA-17-021, Revision applications for P01 Research Program Projects
RFA-CA-17-022, revision applications for P50 Specialized Center |
May 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging - CTs |
Early Phase Clinical Trials in Imaging and
Image-Guided Interventions
This FOA is intended to support clinical trials
conducting preliminary evaluation of the safety
and efficacy of imaging agents, as well as an
assessment of imaging systems, image processing,
image-guided planning and/or execution therapy,
contrast kinetic modeling, 3-D reconstruction
and other quantitative tools.
Due Dates: |
May 30 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 26 (OSR) Ι June 28 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 & 2018 Due Dates: Oct. 11; and Feb. 14; June
28, & Oct. 11, 2018 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$500,000 (Direct Costs) for total period. No
more than $250,000 (Direct Costs) may be requested in any single year. -
3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-167 |

May 31 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Ovarian |
Tell Every Amazing Lady Louisa M. McGregor
Ovarian Cancer Foundation
2017 T.E.A.L.® Medical Research and
Awareness Program Beneficiary
The Tell Every Amazing Lady About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor
Ovarian Cancer Foundation 2017 Medical Research
Program offers funding in support of ovarian
cancer research studies that are most aligned
with that mission as determined by the T.E.A.L.®
board of directors and scientific advisory
board. The mission of the T.E.A.L.® is to
promote public awareness of and education about
the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of ovarian
cancer, provide support to survivors, and raise
funds for research in order to find a cure.

May 31 |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Biomedical Science Prize |
Vilcek Foundation
Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical
The Vilcek Foundation will award prizes to young
foreign-born biomedical scientists who
demonstrate outstanding early achievement.
Eligible work may be in basic, applied, and/or
translational biomedical science.
Due Dates: |
May 31 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$50,000 Unrestricted Cash Prize |
Eligibility: |
Must have been
born outside the U.S. and be no more than 38 years old as of
December 31, 2017.
Must be a naturalized citizen or
permanent resident (green card holder) of the U.S.; hold an
H1B or O-1 visa and have been living & working in the U.S. for at least
5 years; or have been granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
(DACA) status. Must have earned a
doctoral degree (M.D., Ph.D., or equiv.), intend to pursue a
professional career in the U.S., and hold a full-time position at an
academic institution or other organization. |
Link: |
Overview/Online Application |
Division of Program Coordination, Planning and
Strategic Initiatives,
Office of Research
Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)
May 31 |
See Below |
Federal |
Equipment |
Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program
This FOA encourages applications from groups of
NIH-supported investigators to purchase or
upgrade a single item of expensive, specialized,
commercially available instruments or integrated
systems. Types of instruments supported include,
but are not limited to: X-ray diffractometers,
mass and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers,
biosensors, electron and light microscopes, cell
sorters, and biomedical imagers.
Due Dates: |
May 26 (OSR) Ι May 31 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Maximum award is $600,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
PD/PI should
have documented (in the biographical sketch) technical expertise
directly related to the type of the chosen instrument. PD/PI does
not need to have an NIH research grant or any other research support,
but is expected to be an expert on the requested instrument. PD/PI may
be a Core director, tenured, or non-tenured faculty member of the
applicant organization. Multiple PDs/PIs are not allowed.
Three Major Users (w/active NIH research
awards) having a substantial need for the instrument must be
identified. Once this eligibility requirement has been met, additional
users with active research awards from NIH or other sources may be added
as Major or Minor Users |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-074 |

June 01 |
Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development |
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Fiscal Year 2018 Air Force Young
Investigator Research Program (YIP)
Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
This program intends support for scientists and
engineers demonstrating exceptional ability and
promise for conducting basic research. The
program objective is to foster creative basic
research in science and engineering and enhance
early career development of outstanding young
Due Dates: |
May 30 (OSR) Ι June 01(Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$450,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Received PhD or
equiv. April 1, 2012 or later;
Received PhD or equiv. bet.
April 1, 2010 & April 1, 2012, and presently hold a tenure-track faculty
position <2 years before April 1, 2017.
Must be a U.S. citizen,
national, or permanent resident. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
BAA-AFRL-AFOSR-2017-0002 |
June 01 |
See Below |
Federal |
See Below |
National Cancer Institute Administrative
Supplements for Validating the Use of
Automated Sources of Residential Histories in
Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts
NCI announces an
opportunity for awardees holding eligible
NCI-funded awards to request administrative
supplement funding to support augmented efforts
to refine automated methodologies to obtain more
accurate and reliable lifetime residential
history data and linkages that would enhance
cancer research.
Amount & Project Period: |
Max. $125,000 (Total Costs) Project and budget
periods must be w/in currently approved project period for existing
parent award. Supplements requests are limited to 1 year. At least one
full year must remain on the active grant or cooperative agreement award
at time of funding. Requests for no-cost extensions on parent grants to
accommodate supplements will not be permitted. |
Eligibility: |
To be eligible, the parent award
must be active and the research proposed in the supplement must be
accomplished within the competitive segment. Eligible Award Types:
P01; R01; U01; UM1. Only one application per parent award is allowed. |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-222 |
Supplement Opportunity to Support
Population-Based Research Studies of Rare
invites applications for supplemental funding to
eligible NCI awards so that involved personnel
(awardees) can advance their efforts to gain
needed knowledge on rare cancers. The goal is
to support population-based, hypothesis-testing
studies that will increase understanding of
the etiology or post-diagnosis outcomes of rare
Amount & Project Period: |
Max. $150,000 (Total Costs) Project and budget
periods must be w/in currently approved project period for existing
parent award. Supplements requests are limited to 1 year. At least one
full year must remain on the active grant or cooperative agreement award
at time of funding.
Requests for no-cost extensions on parent grants to accommodate
supplements will not be permitted. |
Eligibility: |
To be eligible, the parent award must be active
and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within
the competitive segment. Eligible Award Types: P01; R01; R03; R21;
U01; UM1.
Only one application per parent award is allowed. |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-223 |
Research Supplements to Promote Sharing Data
in Cancer Epidemiology Studies
Funds are available for administrative supplements to prepare and deposit
individual-level data from cancer epidemiology
studies into NCI-supported, controlled-access
databases including the Cancer Epidemiology Data
Repository (CEDR)
and the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP).
Amount & Project Period: |
Max. $100,000 (Total Costs) Project and budget
periods must be w/in currently approved project period for existing
parent award. Supplements requests are limited to 1 year. At least one
full year must remain on the active grant or cooperative agreement award
at time of funding. Requests for no-cost extensions on parent grants to
accommodate supplements will not be permitted. |
Eligibility: |
To be eligible, the parent award must be active
and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within
the competitive segment. Eligible Award Types: P01; R01; R03; R21;
U01; UM1.
Only one application per parent award is allowed. |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-224 |
NCI is a participating
June 05 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Health Behaviors |
Intensive Longitudinal Analysis of Health
Behaviors: Leveraging New Technologies to
Understand Health Behaviors
NCI is interested in supporting
research in the following specific content
Projects that incorporate geospatial factors into data
collection and analysis plans to account for
data collection across diverse places.
Incorporate data from multiple levels (e.g.,
biological, intrapersonal, interpersonal,
community, policy) and types (e.g., self-report;
sensor data) to explain and understand risky
behaviors such as alcohol use, sedentary
behavior, smoking, and poor diet.
NCI is a participating
June 05 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Human Microbiome & Cancer |
Advancing Mechanistic Probiotic/Prebiotic
and Human Microbiome Research
NCI encourages research on the microbiome and cancer, including the
influence of pre/probiotics on functional and
molecular profiles in cancer prevention,
development and treatment.
Due Dates: |
June 01 (OSR) Ι June 05 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-15-135 |
Companion FOA: |
PA-15-127 Advancing Translational and Clinical Probiotic/Prebiotic
and Human Microbiome Research (R01) |
NCI is a participating
June 05 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Alcohol-associated Cancers |
Mechanisms of Alcohol-associated Cancers
The purpose is to invite applications investigating the cellular and
molecular mechanisms by which alcohol increases
cancer risk. Research seeking to elucidate the
mechanisms by which components of tobacco
products, including ENDS interact with alcohol
consumption to affect carcinogenesis is of high
interest to NCI.
Reminder/Updates |
June 05 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See Specific FOA |
New and/or Re-Issued NCI Funding Opportunity
Below are a few R01 Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) that have
been renewed with new FOA numbers or newly
published within in the last few months.
Please see
Opportunities by Type for a complete listing
of NCI funding Opportunities.
Due Dates: |
June 01 (OSR) Ι June 05
(Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application Budgets not limited
- 5 years (Note: This may vary with some R01 announcements) |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Title & Link: |
Reducing Overscreening for Breast,
Cervical, and Colorectal Cancers among Older Adults
PA-17-110 (This one has a companion R21 FOA (PA-17-109)
Research Projects to Enhance Applicability of
Mammalian Models for Translational Research
Collaborative Research Projects to Enhance Applicability of
Mammalian Models for Translational Research
PAR-17-244 |
June 05 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Epidemiology |
Core Infrastructure and Methodological
Research for Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts
The purpose is to support of the core functions
of Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts (CECs), as well
as methodological research. This FOA is intended
to support maintenance of existing CECs
infrastructure and resource sharing with broader
scientific communities.
June 07 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
In vivo Cancer Imaging Systems |
Academic-Industrial Partnerships to
Translate and Validate in vivo Cancer Imaging
The purpose is to stimulate translation of
scientific discoveries and engineering
developments in imaging or spectroscopic
technologies into methods or tools that address
problems in cancer biology, risk of cancer
development, diagnosis, treatment, and/or
disease status. A distinguishing feature of each
application will be formation of an
academic-industrial partnership, which is a
strategic alliance of investigators in academic,
industrial, and any other entities who work
together as partners to identify and translate a
technological solution or mitigation of a
cancer-related problem.
Due Dates: |
Applications Due: June 05 (OSR) June 07
Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 03 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-093 |
NCI is a participating
June 11 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Sleep Disparities |
Mechanisms and Consequences of Sleep Disparities
in the U.S.
NCI is particularly interested in
understanding the mechanisms underlying how
sleep deficiency or sleep disruption among
minority and health disparity cancer populations
may contribute to the disparity of cancer
therapeutic outcomes such as progression-free
survival, or overall survival through effect on
therapeutic efficacy and quality of life during
cancer treatment.
Due Dates: |
June 11 (Letter of Intent)
Application Due: Jul. 07 (OSR) Ι Jul. 11 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates: July 11, 2018 & July 11, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-234 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-235 (R21) |
June 13 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Cancer Communication |
Innovative Approaches to Studying Cancer
Communication in the New Media Environment
This FOA invites applications that seek to apply
one or more innovative methodologies in
communication research across the cancer control
continuum, from prevention, early detection,
diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, to end
of life.
Due Dates: |
June 09 (OSR) Ι June 13 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Date: Oct. 11 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-249 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-16-248 (R21) |
June 15 |
See Below |
Federal |
Immunotherapy |
Activities to Promote Research Collaborations on
Immune-Related Adverse Events (APRC-irAEs)
Associated with Cancer Immunotherapy
overarching goal is to support collaborative
pilot projects to generate new ideas and
approaches to reduce the incidence and/or
severity of auto-inflammatory or autoimmune
adverse events in the setting of cancer
immunotherapy. In order to facilitate formation
of multidisciplinary teams with expertise in
mechanisms of cancer immunology/immunotherapy as
well as immune tolerance and/or autoimmunity,
teams that include (a) a current NCI grantee and
a current NIAID grantee, or (b) a current NCI
grantee and a current NIAMS grantee, are
encouraged to propose collaborative pilot
projects that utilize their complementary and
synergistic expertise.
Due Dates: |
June 13 (OSR) Ι June 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount: |
Max. $200,000 (Direct Costs)/yr. ($100,000 per
collaborating PD/PI/IC), regardless of the number of collaborating
units. |
Performance Period: |
Must be w/in currently approved project period
for existing parent award.
Both collaborating PDs/PIs must have at least one full year of active
funding (excluding no-cost extension periods) remaining at time of
anticipated award for a one year APRC request and two years of active
funding (excluding no-cost extension periods) remaining at time of
anticipated award for a two year APRC request.
An anticipated award date of August 15, 2017 can be used for this
calculation. |
Eligibility: |
Must hold eligible parent award:
Only PDs/PIs with active NCI, NIAID, or
NIAMS funding of the eligible grant mechanisms (See
FOA), in the areas of cancer immunotherapy, peripheral mechanisms of
immune tolerance, or autoimmunity are eligible;
PDs/PIs may belong to the same
or different departments w/in an institution, or from different
institutions. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-248 |

June 15 |
Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Neurobiology |
Eppendorf & Science Prize for Neurobiology
This annual Prize is an international award honoring young scientists
for their outstanding contributions to
neurobiological research based on methods of
molecular and cell biology. The winner and
finalists are selected by a committee of
independent scientists, chaired by Science's
Senior Editor, Dr. Peter Stern.
Due Dates: |
June 15 (Sponsor) Entry form and additional
submission materials must be submitted electronically through the
prize management system. |
Amount & Project Period: |
The winner receives:
>Prize money of US $25,000
>Publication in Science of an essay by the winner about
his/her research
>Full support to attend the Prize Ceremony held in
conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the
Society for
Neuroscience in the USA
>An invitation to visit Eppendorf in Hamburg, Germany
>Up to three finalists are honored, too!
Eligibility: |
Entrant must be
a neurobiologist w/advanced degree received in the last
10 years and not older than 35 years of age;
Entrant's essay must describe contributions to
neurobiological research based on methods of molecular and cell biology;
Entrant must have performed or directed work described in
Research must have been performed
during previous 3 years. |
Link: |
Overview |

June 16 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Health IT |
Health Information Technology (IT) to
Improve Health Care Quality and Outcomes (R21)
This FOA invites grant applications for funding
to conduct exploratory and developmental
research grants for projects in the early and
conceptual stages of development that will
contribute to the evidence base of how health
information technology (IT) improves health care
quality and outcomes.
Due Dates: |
June 14 (OSR) Ι June 16 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
$300,000 (TOTAL) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks - Note: Each PD/PI must devote a
minimum of 20% annual full-time effort in each year of this project
(i.e., at least 8 hours per week). |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-246 |

June 20 |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Women's Cancers |
The Foundation for Women's Wellness
2017 Research Awards
These research awards target early funding for
small, short-term studies that hold promise for
improving medical knowledge in leading female
cancers. Applications should only be for
studies that are exploring basic, clinical or
epidemiological lines of inquiry.
Due Dates: |
June 16 (OSR) Ι June 20 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$25,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
Must be an M.D. and/or Ph.D. with a faculty
appointment (assistant professor, or higher) |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6071) |
Link: |
Research Awards |

June 30 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Children's Leukemia |
Children's Leukemia Research Association
Research Grants
These research grants will be made for the most promising research into
leukemia, in the hopes of isolating the causes
and finding a cure for this dread disease.

July 01 |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
2017 Research Fellowship
This fellowship supports early postdoctoral
research training in all basic biomedical
Due Dates: |
June 29 (OSR) Ι July 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Yr. 01: $52,000 (Stipend) + $1,500 (Allowance)
Yr. 02: $54,000 (Stipend) + $1,500 (Allowance)
Yr. 03: $57,000 (Stipend) + $1,500 (Allowance) |
Eligibility: |
Must have
obtained or be in final stages of obtaining a Ph.D., M.D.,
or equiv.
Must not have more than 1
year of postdoctoral research experience at deadline for submitting
application and who have received a PhD (or D.Phil. or equiv.) no more
than 2 years before the deadline, or M.D. degree no more than 3
years before the deadline.
No more than one application
from a laboratory during each annual cycle. Applications from different
laboratories/supervisors at the same institution are allowed. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (X6804) |
Link: |
Research Fellowships |

July 03 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Cutaneous |
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Cutting Edge Research Grant Program (CERG)
Submission of well-conceived research projects
that stimulate advancement of the practice of
dermatologic surgery, the invention of new
technologies or research projects that document
the outstanding and high volume work of
dermatologic surgeons are encouraged.
Specifically encouraged are proposals in the
areas of depth of training, scope of practice,
safety and efficacy as well as research with
specific relevance in Core surgical procedures
and techniques; Cutaneous oncology; and new
NCI is a participating
July 04 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
BD2K Educ. resources |
BD2K Open Educational Resources for Skills
Development in Biomedical Big Data Science
This FOA will support creative educational
activities with a primary focus on Courses for
Skills Development for biomedical researchers
who need the requisite knowledge and skills to
extract knowledge from biomedical Big Data.
Due Dates: |
Jul. 4 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: Jul. 31 (OSR) Ι Aug. 02 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Not to exceed $200,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 3
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-HG-16-016 |
Companion RFAs: |
RFA-ES-16-002, BD2K Mentored Career Development Award in
Biomedical Big Data Science for Clinicians
and Doctorally Prepared Scientists (K01)
RFA-ES-16-003, BD2K Career Transition Award in Biomedical
Data Science for Intramural Investigators(K22)
RFA-LM-16-002, Predoctoral Training in Biomedical Big Data
Science (T32) |

July 06 |
Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Innovation Award
The Innovation Award is specifically designed to provide funding to
extraordinary early career researchers who have
an innovative new idea but lack sufficient
preliminary data to obtain traditional funding.
It is not designed to fund incremental advances.
Due Dates: |
Jul. 03 (OSR) Ι Jul. 06 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$300,000 - 2 years (Stage 1 award will be for
two years;
Stage 2 support for years 3 & 4 will be granted to those awardees
who demonstrate progress on the proposed research during years 1 & 2 of
the award.) |
Eligibility: |
Applicants must belong to one of the following
categories: Tenure-track Assistant
Professors w/in first four years of obtaining initial
Assistant Professor position. (Cut-off date: July 1, 2013);
Clinical Instructors and Senior Clinical
Fellows (in final year of sub-specialty training) holding an
MD and pursuing a period of independent research before taking a
tenure-track faculty position, and must have dedicated laboratory space
and support of institution;
Not eligible are Research
Assistant Professors, Research Associate Professors, Research Scientists
and Postdoctoral Fellows;
Applicants are expected to commit
at least 80% of their full time effort to conducting research.
award overview for additional eligibility details. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Application Guidelines |
July 14 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Solid Tumor Therapies |
Cooperative Agreement to Develop Targeted
Agents for Use with Systemic Agents Plus
The purpose is to invite applications proposing
studies to enhance pre-clinical in vitro and in
vivo testing of NCI-prioritized molecularly
targeted anti-cancer agents for use with
radiation therapy combined with systemic
chemotherapy. Studies should generate validated
high-quality preclinical data on the effects of
molecular therapeutics when added to
standard-of-care therapies for solid tumors. The
specific purpose is to provide a more rational
basis for prioritizing those NCI-supported
investigational new drugs or agents (INDs) most
likely to have clinical activity with
Due Dates: |
Jul. 12 (OSR) Ι Jul. 14(Sponsor)
Additional Due Date: Nov. 14, 2017 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Max. $450,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-111 |
July 18
(LOI) |
Ranks |
Federal |
Communication |
Inter-organelle Communication in Cancer
The purpose of this FOA is to support research
projects that examine how inter-organelle
communication in cancer cells and/or
tumor-associated cells affects cellular
function, adaptation, and phenotypic plasticity.
Due Dates: |
Jul. 18 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: Aug. 14 (OSR) Ι Aug. 16 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets not limited
- 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-203 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-204 (R21) |