About CCAF'17:
Welcome CCAF and CCAF-IT Members!!
On April 30th, 2017 through May 2nd, the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute invites you to St. Petersburg, Florida for the 2017 Cancer Center Administrators Forum (CCAF) and CCAF-IT meeting. The Planning Committee has organized a great line-up of topics and speakers, as well as fun activities to foster networking and collaboration. The agenda will feature discussion of the new CCSG Funding Opportunity Announcement; lessons from members who have recently completed CCSG renewals; panels around best practices; and information technology specific sessions, plus reports from NCI and the CCAF Executive Committee.
It’s important to have a little fun while we work, and we thank Forte for sponsoring a private, pirate-themed cruise featuring popular local cuisine unique to the Tampa Bay area. If you take advantage of the extended dates at the hotel and bring family members along, you are welcome to add them to the dinner cruise during registration.
Please explore our website to see the many offerings of our 2017 CCAF/CCAF-IT meeting and the surrounding Tampa Bay area.
We are grateful to our industry sponsors: Forte Research Systems, Complion, Huron Consulting Group, Priority Software, Velos, KaufmanHall, Tyler & Company, iLab Solutions (Agilent Technologies), and " Visit St. Petersburg/Clearwater. Please be sure to thank our sponsors during the event.
We expect a well-attended forum so be sure to register at your earliest convenience to secure your spot at the 2017 meeting. If you need additional information or assistance, you may contact the meeting coordinator Jeri Thomas, (813) 745-1420 or jeri.thomas@moffitt.org