![]() |
March 2018 |
The Gateway for Cancer Research
Gateway focuses on transformational science via effective
clinical trials - when basic science translates into human
testing and clinical practice. |
Due Dates: | Rolling requests for funding conducted in two stages: a Letter of Intent (LOI) and if invited, a full application. Applicants must submit via Gateway's Grant Management System |
Amount & Project Period: | Funding is variable and duration is 1 to 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Gateway Contacts are: Jerian Dixon-Evans, Research Grants Specialist Jerian.Dixon-Evans@gatewaycr.org (847) 342-7361 and Domarina Oshana, Ph.D., Director of Research and Grants Domarina.Oshana@gatewaycr.org (847) 342-7443 |
Link: | Grant Application Process |
February 15 (LOI) | Postdocs & Junior Faculty | Non-federal | Myelodysplastic Syndromes |
Due Dates: | Feb. 15 (Letter of Intent) Invited Submissions: Mar. 28 (OSR) Ι Mar. 30 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $60,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: | Hold an MD or MD/PhD
or equiv.; No nationality restrictions; Project must represent independent research conducted by applicant; Preference given to New Investigators who are defined as: post-doctoral fellows, instructors, and those who have been assistant professors for <5 years. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | RFP | Fund Your Research | proposalCENTRAL |
R21 | NCI |
February 20 | All Ranks | Federal | Clinical/Translational |
Due Dates: | Feb. 16 (OSR) Ι Feb. 20 (Sponsor) Additional 2018 Due Dates: June 19 & Oct. 17 |
Amount & Project Period: | $275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-020 |
February 20 | Postdocs | Non-federal | Career Development/Immunology |
Due Dates: | Feb. 16 (OSR) Ι Feb. 20 (Sponsor) |
Eligibility: | Current SITC
member; Hold MD, PhD or combined MD/PhD degree; Currently hold position as a postdoctoral fellow, resident, research scientist or comparable position; Be w/in postdoctoral or postgraduate training, or <4 years from completing such training; Commit 75% effort to research supported by the fellowship |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | 2018 SITC Fellowship Opportunities |
Amount & Project Period: | $100,000 -1 year |
Amount & Project Period: | $200,000 - 2 years |
Amount & Project Period: | $100,000 - 1 year |
February 21 (LOI) | Established Investigators | Non-federal | Bladder Cancer |
Due Dates: | Feb. 21 (Letter of Intent) Invited Applications: May 14 (OSR) Ι May 16 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $300,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: | Must have a
medical and/or doctoral degree; Must be an independent investigator; Proof of permanent resident status or a valid work visa is required if applicant is not an American or Canadian citizen; May not apply both for this award and for a BCAN Young Investigator Award; Those holding current BCAN Young Investigator Award or Research Innovation Award are not eligible to apply. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | 2018 Bladder Cancer Research Innovation Award |
February 22 | New Faculty | Non-federal | Career Development |
Due Dates: | Feb. 20 (OSR) Ι Feb. 22 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $100,000 CDN (Unrestricted) - 2 years |
Eligibility: | Must hold a PhD (or equiv.); Must be w/in 5 years of first full-time academic appt. (academic appt. must be no earlier than May 1, 2013); Postdoctoral fellows are not eligible |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | CIFAR Azrieli Global Scholars Program Detailed Overview |
February 23 | All Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | See Below |
Due Dates: | Feb. 23 (NCDB) |
Contact: | Questions regarding NCDB PUFs or RFA process for a PUF may be directed to NCDB technical staff at NCDB_PUF@facs.org. |
Links: |
NCDB PUF website Required Application Elements Participant Use Data FILE (PUF) Supplemental Documents National Cancer Database (NCDB) |
February 26 | Postdocs & Junior Faculty | Non-federal | Career Development/Bladder Cancer |
Due Dates: | Feb. 22 (OSR) Ι Feb. 26 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $50,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: | Must be w/in 6 years of completing a
professional degree such as MD, PhD, MD-PhD, MPH, or equivalent or
clinical training such as residency or fellowship; May hold title of Senior Postdoc, Instructor, Research Associate, Assistant Professor or equiv.; At start of grant, applicant cannot hold title of Assoc. Professor; Proof of permanent resident status or valid work visa is required if applicant is not an American or Canadian citizen. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
2018 Young
Investigator Award and
Award Guidelines 2018 Patient-Centered Clinical Research Young Investigator Award and Award Guidelines |
R03 | NCI |
February 27 | All Ranks | Federal | Exploratory Research |
Due Dates: | Feb. 23 (OSR) Ι Feb. 27 (Sponsor) Additional 2018 Due Dates: June 29 & Oct. 26 |
Amount & Project Period: | $50,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-021 |
U54 | NCI |
February 27 | Established Investigators | Federal | Health Disparities |
Due Dates: | Dec. 13 (Letter of Intent, not required, not
binding) Feb. 23 (OSR) Ι Feb. 27 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: January 9, 2019; January 9, 2020 |
Amount & Project Period: | 2 institutions: Max. $2M/yr. (Direct Costs)
3 institutions: Max. $2.5M/yr. (Direct Costs) Applications exceeding limits will not be accepted. Duration: Max. 5 years |
Eligibility: | Each partnership
must include both types of institutions: 1) institutions
serving underserved health disparity population and underrepresented
students (ISUPSs); and 2) NCI-designated Cancer Centers (CCs).
(Partnerships involving more than two institutions require NCI approval
before submission of an application.) PD(s)/PI(s) are preferred to be mid-to-senior-level scientists w/records of obtaining grants. A less experienced investigator at an ISUPS can be designated as one of multiple PDs/PIs, if there is an appropriate institutional investment in this investigator, and a demonstrable collaboration (active or planned) of the less experienced investigator with a more experienced PD/PI. The contact PD/PI for the CC must be a CC PD/PI. Both contact PDs/PIs should be reciprocally listed as PD(s)/PI(s) on the linked application from the partner institution. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-361 |
R33 | NCI |
February 28 | All Ranks | Federal | Biospecimen Science |
Due Dates: | Jan. 30 (Letter of Intent, not required, not
binding) Feb. 26 (OSR) Ι Feb. 28 (Sponsor) Additional 2018 Due Dates: May 29 & Sept. 28 |
Amount & Project Period: | $300,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: | RFA-CA-18-005 |
Companion RFAs: |
RFA-CA-18-002, R21 (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-18-003, R33 (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) RFA-CA-18-004, R21 (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) |
February 28 | All Ranks | Non-federal | Cancer Research Projects |
Due Dates: | Feb. 28 (Sponsor Receipt Date) |
Amount & Project Period: | $50,000 (Total Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Suzanne Knapp, Moffitt Foundation (x1400) |
RFP Link: | RFP for Cancer Research Funding |
Admin. Supplement | NIH |
March 01 | See Below | Federal | Diversity |
Due Dates: | Feb. 27 (OSR) Mar. 01 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: Dec. 01 |
Amount & Project Period: | See
NCI Diversity Supplements Guidelines Administrative supplements end w/currently funded competitive cycle of parent grant and budget requests may be limited by the awarding IC. Also see terms & conditions in FOA. |
Eligibility: | Parent grant must
have at least 2 years of NCI support remaining; Candidates for supplement may be students, post-baccalaureate and post-Masters individuals, postdoctoral fellows and faculty investigators who are members of an underrepresented group; NCI does not accept P30, SC1, SC2 or SC3 as parent grants for Diversity Supplements; R01 or R01- equivalent grants are allowed to support a maximum of 2 Diversity Supplement candidates; R21 or R21- equivalent grants are allowed to support a maximum of 1 Diversity Supplement candidate whose career level is graduate student or more junior; Graduate student and postdoctoral fellow candidates who are receiving support from an agency of the Public Health Service (PHS) at the time of submission are not eligible. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
PA-18-586 NCI Diversity Supplements Guidelines |
March 01 | See Below | Non-Federal | Melanoma |
Due Dates: | Feb. 27 (OSR) Mar. 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | EIAs: $100,000/yr. - 2 years CDAs (Incl. MM-CDA): $50,000/yr. - 2 years |
Eligibility: | General Eligibility: Applicant must hold a PhD or MD degree or equiv.; Applicant may be PI or co-PI on only one application of any type; U.S. citizenship not required, but research must be conducted in the U.S.; PIs and co-PIs may not have an active research award w/MRF. EIAs: Both tenured and on-tenure-track established melanoma researchers, or senior researchers (title equiv. to Assoc. Professor or higher) working in closely related fields who wish to move into melanoma research; CDAs (Incl. MM-CDA): Junior investigators w/<5 years of postdoc experience at time of grant award; Must not have previously received any major grant support (e.g. from ACS, NIH, NCI or DoD): Applicants may also have a title of Research Associate/ Scientist, Instructor, Assistant Professor, or equiv. Individuals in this category, may have received previous grant support (e.g. K08, K99, etc.); Applicant required to have at least one mentor (Mentors do not have to be at applicant's own institution). |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
2018 MRF Request for Proposals (RFP) ProposalCENTRAL (Submission Site) |
March 01 | Established Women Investigators | Non-federal | Achievement Award |
Due Dates: | Mar. 01 |
Amount & Project Period: | $10,000 unrestricted research grant and presentation at the annual meeting of a FSAEB Member Society |
Eligibility: | Nominators and
nominees: must be members of at least one
FASEB Member Society but do not have to be members of the same
society; Award recipient required to present an Excellence in Science Award Lecture at the annual meeting of a FASEB Member Society in the award year; Nominations must be submitted on the Excellence in Science Award nomination form |
Contact: | Yvette R. Seger, PhD, Director of Science Policy and Staff Liaison to the Excellence in Science Award Committee (301)634-7124 |
Link: | FASEB Excellence in Science Award |
Admin. Supplement | NCI |
March 01 | See Below | Federal | PDX/PDXNet |
Due Dates: | Feb. 27 (OSR) Ι Mar. 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | No more than $125,000 (total costs) - 1 year and must be w/in currently approved project period for existing parent award. |
Eligibility: | Requests must be
submitted on paper for the following: P01 Research Program Projects, P30 Center Core Grants, P50 Specialized Center, U54 Specialized Center- Cooperative Agreements, and UM2 Program Project or Center with Complex Structure Cooperative Agreement Requests may be submitted electronically for the following: R01 Research Project Grant, U01 Research Project/Cooperative Agreements, and UM1 Multi-Component Research Project Cooperative Agreements |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PA-18-496 |
Admin. Supplement | NIH |
March 01 | See Below | Federal | Career Development |
Due Dates: | Feb. 27 (OSR) Ι Mar. 01 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: Dec. 01 |
Amount & Project Period: | Annual Salary Cap: $100,000 plus fringe
benefits; Addnl. $10,000 (Max.) for supplies, domestic travel, and publication costs; Period of performance must be w/in currently approved period for existing parent award. |
Eligibility: | See
FOA for listing of Activity Codes of eligible awards. Eligible Candidates: Must have doctoral degree, (e.g. M.D., D.D.S., Ph.D., O.D., D.V.M., or equiv.); and accepted in a postdoctoral or faculty position at the time they left active research. Must be planning a career in biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research; (candidates who have begun re-entry process with a fellowship, traineeship, or similar mechanism are not eligible); Awards limited to citizens or non-citizen nationals of U.S. or to individuals who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence (i.e., in possession of a Permanent Resident Card, Form I-551) at the time of award. See FOA: Section 3.Additional Information on Eligibility, Eligibility Circumstances for additional information. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
PA-18-592 NCI Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers |
March 02 | All Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Lung Cancer |
Due Dates: | Feb. 28 (OSR) Ι Mar. 02 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $1.5M (TOTAL) - 3 years |
Eligibility: | Independent
investigators at all levels; At least 2, but no more than 3, co-applicants serving as Co-PIs from distinct institutions are required (the lead PI is responsible for application); Only one application per lead PI will be accepted, although individuals may serve as a co-PI or contribute to more than one application; Principal Investigators (PIs) must have a doctoral degree (including PhD, MD, DO, DC, ND, DDS, DVM, ScD, DNS, PharmD, or equiv.) in biomedical sciences or a field applicable to health science research; Project Team should also include at least 1 young investigator (e.g., postdoctoral or clinical research fellow; junior faculty member); Non-citizens or permanent residents must assure that visa status will provide sufficient time to complete project and grant term at institution from which application submitted; AACR membership is required. Satisfactory membership application must be submitted by Friday, March 2, 2018. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
AACR-J&J Lung Cancer Innovation Science Grants Program Guidelines and Application Instructions proposalCENTRAL (Submission Site) |
See Below | NIH |
March 03 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Genome Editing |
Due Dates: | Mar. 03 (Letter of Intent) Applications Due: Mar. 30 (OSR) Ι Apr. 03 (Sponsor) |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
U42 | NIH |
Amount & Project Period: | $225,000 (Direct Costs Yr. 01) and $450,000 (Direct Costs Yrs. 2-5) - 5 years |
RFA Link: | RFA-RM-18-012 |
U01 | NIH |
Amount & Project Period: | $390,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
RFA Link: | RFA-RM-18-015 |
UG3/UH3 | NIH |
Amount & Project Period: | $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs yrs. 1-3) $1,000,000/yr. (Direct Costs yrs. 4&5) |
RFA Link: | RFA-RM-18-016 |
U01 | NIH |
Amount & Project Period: | Not to exceed $250,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
RFA Link: | RFA-RM-18-017 |
U24 | NIH |
Amount & Project Period: | Direct Costs: $1.25M/yr.01; $3.25M/yrs. 2-4; and $1.0M/yr.05 - 5 years |
RFA Link: | RFA-RM-18-018 |
March 5 (Pre-application) | All Ranks | Non-federal | Health Disparities |
Due Dates: | Mar. 05 (Pre-application) Invited Submissions: May 31 (OSR) Ι June 04 (Sponsor) Submissions must be made online at http://www.rahf.org/grants |
Amount & Project Period: | $600,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | Hillman Innovations in Care Program Ι Request for Proposals |
R01 | NIH |
March 05 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Liver |
Due Dates: | Mar. 05 (Letter of Intent, not required or
binding) Apr. 02 (OSR) Ι Apr. 04 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: Apr. 04, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: | Application budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-17-151 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-17-150 R21 |
K18 | NIH |
March 06 | All Ranks | Federal | Career Enhancement Award |
Due Dates: | Mar. 02 (OSR) Ι Mar. 06 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: Mar. 06, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: | May not exceed $100,000 (Total Costs) - 1 year See FOA for specific costs supported |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-349 |
March 09 | All Ranks | Non-federal | Women's Health |
Due Dates: | Mar. 07 (OSR) Ι Mar. 09 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | Not stated |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | Apply for Funding |
March 12 | All Moffitt Faculty | Moffitt | Research Projects |
Due Dates: | All applications (full proposal, budget and budget justification) along with the Institutional Proposal Submission Forms must be submitted to the Office of Sponsored Research through normal proposal review procedures by March 8th. OSR will submit applications to the Intramural Programs via email by 4:00 pm EST on the due date of March 12th. |
Amount & Project Period: | $100,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: | Established
investigators and junior faculty Current 2017 Miles for Moffitt awardees are not eligible. Faculty members are limited to only one application submission as the PI and Co-PI, but may be listed as co-investigators on additional applications. An extramural grant application based on an M4M award is expected to be submitted w/in 12 months of M4M project completion. |
Contact: | Maureen Ahearn (x8824) |
Links: | Guidelines Ι Application |
R21 | NCI |
March 12 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Cancer Prevention/Control |
Due Dates: | Mar. 12 (Letter of Intent, not required, not
binding) Apr. 09 (OSR) Ι Apr. 11 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Oct. 10, & Apr. 11, 2019 (w/LOI 30 days prior) |
Amount & Project Period: | $275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-024 |
R01 | NCI |
March 12 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Health Outcomes |
Due Dates: | Mar. 12 (Letter of Intent, not required, not
binding ) Apr. 09 (OSR) Ι Apr. 11 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Oct. 10, & Apr. 11, 2019 (w/LOI 30 days prior) |
Amount & Project Period: | Application budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-246 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-18-247 (R21 Clinical Trial Optional) |
March 13 (LOI) | Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Cell and Gene Therapy |
Due Dates: | Mar. 13, 11am, EST (Letter of Intent) Invited Applications: May 11 (OSR) Ι May 15, 11am, ET (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | Max. $500,000 (TOTAL) - 2 to 3 years |
Eligibility: | Must be tenure-track or tenured faculty No citizenship restrictions; work conducted in U.S. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | proposalCENTRAL Ι ACGT |
March 14 | Junior Faculty | Non-federal | Brain |
Due Dates: | Mar. 12 (OSR) Ι Mar. 14 |
Amount & Project Period: | $600,000 - 4 years |
Eligibility: | Must have received first faculty appt. no earlier than March 1, 2013 w/in U. S. or an equiv. institution in Canada. If tenure-granting institution, appt. must be tenure-track. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | DSA Application Information and Requirements |
March 15 | Physician Researchers | Non-federal | Diversity Career Development |
Due Dates: | Mar. 13 (OSR) Ι Mar. 15 (Sponsor) In addition to electronic submission, a hard copy must be postmarked by Mar. 16. |
Amount & Project Period: | $420,000 - 4 years |
Eligibility: | Must be from
historically disadvantaged background (see above); Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident at time of application (see announcement for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals ("DACA") status; Must be completing or have completed formal clinical training; Physicians must be Board-eligible to apply; Expectation is that at least 70% effort will be dedicated to research. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | Overview | 2018 Call for Applications |
March 15 | Junior Faculty | Non-federal | Neuromodulation |
Due Dates: | March 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $25,000 and publication of essay in Science (See link for details) |
Eligibility: | Must be Junior
Investigator w/advanced degree rec'd. w/in last 10 years,
and must be 45 years or younger as of 01/01/2018; Entrant's essay must describe research and its implications for neuromodulation. Entrant must have performed or directed work described in essay. Research must have been performed during previous 3 years. |
Contact: | SciencePINSPrize@aaas.org |
Links: | About the Prize | How to Enter |
March 15 | Postdocs | Non-federal | Career Development |
Due Dates: | Mar. 13 (OSR) Ι Mar. 15 (Sponsor) Note: This due date is for degrees conferred April 15, 2017 - March 15, 2018, and applicant joined lab on or after April 15, 2017. |
Amount & Project Period: | $231,000 - 4 years |
Eligibility: | Applicants must have completed one or more of
the following degrees or its equiv.: (MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, and/or DVM).
See Award Overview/Eligibility for additional details. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | Awards Program Information Ι Award Application Guidelines |
R21/R33 | NIH |
March 16 | All Ranks | Federal | Aging |
Due Dates: | Mar. 14 (OSR) Ι Mar. 16 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: | R21 Phase: $275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years R33 Phase: Under $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-645 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-18-644 R33 (Exploratory/Developmental Grants Phase II) |
March 19 | Junior Faculty | Non-federal | Career Development |
Due Dates: | Mar. 15 (OSR) Ι Mar. 19 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $225,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: | S/be w/in 6 years
following completion of a professional degree; Must hold title of Postdoc, Instructor, Research Associate, Asst. Professor or equiv.; Must be under direct supervision of a mentor(s) and at least 1 mentor must reside at applicant's institution; S/have received no more than $200,000 in current direct research funding from all sources including institutional funds during the 3-year term of this award |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: | RFA |
March 19 | Graduate Students/Postdocs | Non-federal | Career Development/Travel Support |
Due Dates: | Mar. 19 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | Support to defray registration and travel costs associated with attending the 20th International Vascular Biology Meeting in Helsinki, Finland (June 3-7, 2018). |
Eligibility: | Must be actively
enrolled in a doctoral program, residency or accredited
program of postdoctoral graduate education in the biomedical sciences.
Other trainees will be considered at the discretion of LE&RN and the
Review committee; Must be a current LE&RN supporting member in good standing through December 31, 2018 or later (become a Supporting Member here) |
Contact: | Please contact LE&RN at lern@lymphaticnetwork.org. |
Links: |
LE&RN Travel Awards 20th International Vascular Biology Meeting in Helsinki, Finland (June 3-7, 2018) |
March 23 | Postdocs | Non-federal | Clinical Career Development |
Due Dates: | Mar. 21 (OSR) Ι Mar. 23 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $25,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: | Must meet all
of the following criteria: Completed two years of a fellowship in oncology or hematology at an ECOG-ACRIN member institution before the award's effective date of July 1; Must be actively involved in a cancer clinical trial and planning to conduct related research activity in the upcoming year; Not yet appointed to a first full-time faculty position as of the award effective date |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | Paul Carbone, MD Fellowship Award |
April 01 | All Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Leukemia |
Due Dates: | Mar. 28 (OSR) Ι Apr. 01 (Sponsor- Receipt Date) |
Amount & Project Period: | $50,000 (Total Costs) - 1 year |
Eligibility: | New and established investigators |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | Guidelines |
April 01 | All Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Brain |
Due Dates: | Mar. 28 (OSR) Ι Apr. 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | $50,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: | All Faculty Ranks - must be: Undertaking clinical or translational research, w/intention of applying for R01 NIH funding or equivalent w/in 5 years, or Undertaking innovative research to bridge from bench to animal research or to acquire preclinical data from animal models; Formal involvement of a biostatistician is required for all clinical trial proposals, but not for pre-clinical or translational science proposals. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | 2018 Research Investigator Grant Ι FAQs |
April 02 | See Below | Non-federal | See Below |
Due Dates: | Mar. 29 (OSR) Ι Apr. 02 (Sponsor) |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Primary Link: | proposalCentral |
Amount & Project Period: | $135,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 3 to 5 years |
Eligibility: | Must be full-time and w/in first 6 years of initial faculty appointment. Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident of U.S. (See Eligibility, section 21 of the Grant Policies and Instructions for more information). |
Links: | Overview Ι Grant Policies and Instructions |
Amount & Project Period: | Stipends of $48,000, $50,000, and $52,000 per year, plus a $4,000 per year fellowship allowance – 3 years |
Eligibility: | Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident of U.S. |
Links: | Overview Ι Policies and Instructions |
Amount & Project Period: | $135,000/yr. (Direct Costs) -5 years |
Eligibility: | Junior faculty w/in first 4 years of first independent appointment. (See Eligibility, section 21 of the Grant Policies and Instructions for more information). |
Links: | Overview Ι Policies and Instructions |
Amount & Project Period: | $60,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 1 to 2 years |
Eligibility: | All Faculty Ranks - Must have Full-time faculty position |
Links: |
Overview Pilot and Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care of Cancer Patients and Their Families Policies and Instructions. |
April 02 (LOI) | See Below | Non-federal | See Below |
Due Dates: | Apr. 02 (Letter of Intent) Jul. 12 (OSR) Ι Jul. 16 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | The Primary Boost: $200,000
(Direct Costs) -2 years The Secondary Boost: $300,000 (Direct Costs) - 18 months |
Eligibility: | Must have held or
currently hold one of these grants (or previous versions of
such awards): Research Scholarship Grant (RSG), Mentored Research
Scholar Grant (MRSG), Cancer Control Career Development Awards (CCCDA),
or Pilot and Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care (PEP) award for a
minimum of one year. Note: For current ACS grantees, recommendation
is to delay submission of letter of intent (LOI) until last year of
grant since part of the LOI review may include consideration of
discoveries made under ACS support. Currently independent, full-time faculty Who's Not Eligible: People who have had only grants for ACS Postdoctoral Fellows or ACS Professors, without also having one of the grant types listed above. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | New Initiative Ι proposalCENTRAL (Submission site) |
April 02 | Postdocs | Non-federal | Immunology/Tumor Immunology |
Due Dates: | Mar. 29 (OSR) Ι Apr. 02 (Sponsor) Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 01 |
Amount & Project Period: | 3 years Annual Stipend: $55,000, $57,000 & $59,000 Institutional Allowance: $1,500/yr. |
Eligibility: | Must have
doctoral degree by award activation; Must have < 5 years' postdoc experience; Must have < 3 years' experience in sponsor lab at award activation |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: | Program Description Ι Instructions |
R43/R44 | NIH |
April 05 | Small Business Concerns (SBCs) | Federal | SBIR |
Due Dates: | Apr. 05 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Standard Dates |
Amount & Project Period: | Phase I: $150,000 - 6 months Phase II: $1,000,000 - 2 years See FOA for detailed information about research split between SBC and partnering research institution. |
Eligibility: | Only United States small business concerns
(SBCs) are eligible. (See FOA, Section II). Primary employment of the PD/PI (for both Phase I and Phase II) must be w/SBC at time of award and during conduct of proposed project. For projects w/multiple PDs/PIs, at least one must meet primary employment requirement. See SBIR/STTR Application Guide for specific details on eligibility requirements. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PA-18-573 (R43/R44 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track) |
Companion FOA: | PA-18-574 (Clinical Trial Not Allowed) (R43/R44 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track) |
R41/R42 | NIH |
April 05 | Small Business Concerns (SBCs) | Federal | Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) |
Due Dates: | Apr. 05 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Standard Dates |
Amount & Project Period: | Phase I: $150,000 – 1 year Phase II: $1,000,000 – 2 years See FOA for detailed information about research split between SBC and partnering research institution. |
Eligibility: | Only United States small business concerns
(SBCs) are eligible (See FOA, Section III). PD(s)/PI(s) may be employed w/SBC or the single, "partnering" non-profit research institution as long as s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC, characterized by an official relationship with the SBC. Each PD/PI must commit a minimum of 10% effort and have formal appointment with or commitment to applicant SBC, characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual. Such a relationship does not necessarily involve a salary or other form of remuneration. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PA-18-575 (R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track) |
Companion FOA: | PA-18-576 (Clinical Trial Required) (R41/R42 Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Grant - Phase I, Phase II, and Fast-Track) |
R43/R44 | NCI |
April 05 | Small Business Concerns (SBCs) | Federal | Cancer Relevant Technologies |
Due Dates: | April 05 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: | Phase I awards: $150,000 - normally not to
exceed 6 mos. Phase II awards: $1,000,000 - normally not to exceed 2 years |
Eligibility: | Only U.S. small business concerns (SBCs) are
eligible to submit applications (See FOA for details). Primary employment of PD/PI must be w/SBC at the time of award and during conduct of proposed project. For projects with multiple PDs/PIs, at least one must meet primary employment requirement. Occasionally, deviations from this requirement may occur. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-303 |
April 06 (Required Registration) | All Ranks | Non-federal | HIV/AIDS |
Due Dates: | Must
Register by
April 06, by 12:00pm ET (REQUIRED) to provide preliminary
information and to receive portal username, password and other Letter of
Intent materials. Apr. 11, 3:00pm, ET (Letter of Intent) Invited Submissions: Early August 2018 |
Amount & Project Period: | 1.1: Meta-analysis of data from completed
clinical trials (1 year; Total Costs: $100,000) 1.2: Addition of study arm to an existing clinical trial (4 years; Total Costs: $300,000) 1.3: Addition of reservoir and outcome (PTC or delay to rebound) analyses to an existing clinical trial (4 years; Total Costs: $100,000) 2.1: Addition of a recruitment and retention intervention to an existing clinical trial (4 years; Total Costs: $50,000) 2.2: Characterization of clinical case studies (1 year; Total Costs: $75,000) |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Impact Grants Detailed Information about Funding Opportunities RFP |
April 08 | See Below | Non-federal | Career Development |
Due Dates: | Apr. 05 (OSR) Ι Apr. 08 (Sponsor) |
Eligibility: | Must have < 5
years in a faculty appointment at time of application, and
be an ASTRO member in good standing; Must attend at least 1 ASTRO Annual Meeting and the BCRF Research Meeting and present findings of this research study at both meetings; At least 50% full-time professional effort must be devoted to goals of award. More details will be contained in RFA |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: | ASTRO 2018 Funding Opportunities |
Amount & Project Period: | $200,000 - 2 years (to be combined with matching funds or in kind contribution from applicant's institution.) |
Amount & Project Period: | $225,000 - 3 years (to be combined with matching funds or in kind contribution from applicant's institution.) |
April 09 | All Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Lung |
Due Dates: | Apr. 07 (OSR) Ι Apr. 09 (Sponsor- Receipt date) |
Eligibility: | CHEST membership
required at application; Licensed physicians; Physicians-in-training (residents or fellows), other health-care professionals, or clinical researchers w/relevant experience also be accepted; Special consideration is given to young investigators and applicants in early stages of their careers. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Primary Link: | 2018 RFPs |
Amount & Project Period: | $10,000 (Total Costs) - 1 year |
Link: | Women's Lung Health |
Amount & Project Period: | $60,000 - 2 years |
Link: | Research Grant in Lung Cancer |
UG3/UH3 | NCI |
April 09 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Cancer Therapy |
Due Dates: | Apr. 09 (Letter of Intent, Not required, or
binding) May 07 (OSR) Ι May 09 (Sponsor) Additional 2018 Due Date: Sept.12th |
Amount & Project Period: | UG Phase: Not to exceed $300,000/yr.
(Direct Costs) - 2 years; UH Phase: Not to exceed $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-248 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-18-249 (U01 Clinical Trial Optional) |
R01 | NCI |
April 11 | All Ranks | Federal | "Chemobrain" |
Due Dates: | Apr. 09 (OSR) Ι Apr. 11
(Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Oct. 10, 2018 and Apr. 11, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: | Budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-605 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-18-606 (R21) |
U01 | NIH |
April 11 | All Ranks | Federal | NIH Collaborative Research |
Due Dates: | Apr. 09 (OSR) Ι Apr. 11 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | Max. $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs (total for extramural grantee, Clinical Center and Intramural investigator)) - 4 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks - Application requires
full collaboration of extramural PD/PI from applicant institution and
NIH intramural investigator. Multiple PD/PI (MPI) model is strongly encouraged but not required. For applicants opting to not use MPI model, NIH intramural investigator can hold any role other than PD/PI role. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804 |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-646 |
R13 | NIH |
April 12 | All Ranks | Federal | Conference/Meeting Support |
Due Dates: | Apr. 10 (OSR) Ι Apr. 12 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: | The appropriate NIH Conference Grant Contact should be consulted for guidance regarding any IC-specific budget limitations or project duration requirements. Most ICs will accept applications for up to 5 years if a series of annual or biannual conferences are proposed by a permanently sponsoring organization. Support for conferences held on a less frequent schedule must be applied for individually. |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PA-18-648 |
April 15 | All Ranks | Non-federal | Bridge Funding |
Due Dates: | Mar. 28 (OSR) Ι Apr. 15 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: Oct. 15 |
Amount & Project Period: | $30,000 - (Must have a duration of at least 6 months prior to resubmission to a federal funding agency) |
Eligibility: | All Ranks Unfunded first submission NIH R01, R21, K08, K23, and K99 proposals (no A1 or A2 proposals) as well as original DoD proposals are eligible. NIH proposals must have scored in the 20th percentile or lower, and DoD proposals must have scored less than 2.5. Must have received agency score w/in past 9 months and must require at least 6 months of additional research prior to resubmission. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | Award Guidelines Ι RFA |
April 16 | Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Diabetes and Cancer |
Due Dates: | Apr. 12 (OSR) Ι Apr. 16 (Sponsor) |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | Core Program |
Amount & Project Period: | $345,000 (TOTAL) - 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Faculty Ranks |
Amount & Project Period: | $600,000 (TOTAL) - 3 years |
Eligibility: | All Faculty Ranks |
Amount & Project Period: | $552,000 (TOTAL) - 4 years |
Eligibility: | Must be full-time
independent faculty w/< 10 years of research experience
since their terminal degree (Note tenure-track position not required); Cannot have previous or current NIH support (R00, R01, U01 or equivalent). May not hold concurrent awards of similar intent (NIH K awards, foundation or non-profit career development awards), however may have completed previous NIH K or other career development funding; Must dedicate at least 75% effort to research activities. |
Amount & Project Period: | From $47,484-$55,581/yr. plus $5,000/yr. training and $5,000/yr. fringe benefit allowances - up to 3 years |
Eligibility: | Researchers (PhD,
MD, PharmD, DO, DPM, or equiv.) w/confirmed postdoc position
by award start date; May not have more than 10 years research experience beyond conferral of doctoral degree; Must be authorized to work in U.S. or U.S. possessions |
Amount & Project Period: | From $47,484-$55,581/yr. plus $5,000/yr. training and $5,000/yr. fringe benefit allowances - up to 3 years |
Eligibility: | Researchers (PhD,
MD, PharmD, DO, DPM, or equiv.) w/confirmed postdoc position
by award start date; May not have more than 10 years research experience beyond conferral of doctoral degree; Must be authorized to work in U.S. or U.S. possessions |
April 23, 3:00pm ET | All Faculty Ranks | Non-federal | Prostate Cancer |
Due Dates: | Apr. 19 (OSR) Ι Apr. 23 (Sponsor, 3:00pm ET) |
Amount & Project Period: | Up to $1M (Total) - 2 years |
Eligibility: | Team should be
composed of at least 3 investigators capable of providing unique
scientific expertise; May be assembled from one institution, or several institutions; Must embed at least one young investigator as an integral contributor; Young investigator may hold title of Postdoc, Instructor, Research Assoc., Asst. Professor, or equiv., and be w/in 6 years of completing a professional degree (MD, DO, PhD, MD-PhD, DSc, ScD, DDM, DDS, DMD, MBBS, or equiv.) or subsequent mentored academic or clinical training program; S/he must have been awarded no more than $200,000 in direct research funding from all sources including institutional funds during the 2-year term of this award. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: | RFA Ι SmartSimple (Submission site) Ι PCF for Researchers |
R01 | NCI |
April 30 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Cancer Imaging |
Due Dates: | Apr. 30 (Letter of Intent, not required or
binding) May 25 (OSR) Ι May 30 (Sponsor) Additional Due Dates: Sept. 26th and May 30, & Sept. 26, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: | Application budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-640 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-18-641, R21 |
April 30 | All Ranks | Non-federal | Research Projects |
Due Dates: | Apr. 26 (OSR) Ι Apr. 30 (Sponsor) Additional Annual Due Dates: Aug. 31 and Jan. 31 |
Amount & Project Period: | Funding amounts not specified - generally one year |
Eligibility: | All Ranks - new cancer researchers or new approaches by established cancer researchers |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: | Grant Application Process |
U01 | NCI |
May 05 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | "Traceback" testing |
Due Dates: | May 05 (Letter of Intent, not required, or
binding) Applications Due: June 01 (OSR) Ι June 05 (Sponsor) Additional Dates: Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: | Application budgets not limited - 4 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-616 |
R01 | NIH |
May 06 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Disparities |
Due Dates: | May 06 (Letter of Intent, not required or
binding) Applications Due: June 05 (OSR) Ι June 07 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: June 7, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: | Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-288 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-18-289 R21 Clinical Trial Optional |
U01 | NIH |
May 08 | All Ranks | Federal | Biomedical |
Due Dates: | May 04 (OSR) Ι May 08 (Sponsor) Additional Due Date: Sept. 13 |
Amount & Project Period: | Application budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-208 |
Companion FOAs: |
PAR-18-206 R01 (Clinical Trial Optional) PA-18-286 R21 (Clinical Trial Optional) Due Dates: Standard dates for companion FOAs |
U01 | NIH |
May 09 (LOI) | All Ranks | Federal | Aging and Cancer |
Due Dates: | May 09 (Letter of Intent, not required or
binding) Applications Due: June 06 (OSR) Ι June 08 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | Not to exceed $75,000/yr. (Direct Costs) for extramural research component - 2 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks - An investigator from NCI Center for Cancer Research must serve as co-investigator, and collaborators from NIA and other divisions in NCI intramural research program are also encouraged. Intramural collaborators should be tenured or tenure-track scientists and should have had previous contact with the PD(s)/PI(s) regarding the collaborative project proposed in the application. |
Contact: | Office of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: | PAR-18-552 |
R01 | NIH |
May 14 | All Ranks | Federal | Native American Health |
Due Dates: | Apr. 13 (Letter of Intent) Applications Due: May 10 (OSR) Ι May 14(Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: | Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: | All Ranks |
Contact: | Budgets are not limited – 5 years |
FOA Link: | PAR-17-473 |
Companion FOA: | PAR-17-464, R21 |