NCI Standard Funding Opportunity Announcements
Current and Recent
Program Announcements |
Current and Recent
Requests for Applications |
and Recent NCI and Trans-NIH Initiatives |
Requests for Proposals
Standard Due Dates

BCRP and OCRP Pre-Announcements for 2017
to include PCRP and LCRP***
To be Announced |
See Links Below |
Federal |
Breast/Ovarian |
Breast Cancer Research Program (BCRP)
Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OCRP)
Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP) &
Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP)
FY17 Pre-announcements
Descriptions of the initiatives planned for these programs can
be found at the links below. The pre-announcements allow
investigators time to plan and develop ideas for submission to
the anticipated FY17 funding opportunities.

Reminder |
Open |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Clinical Trials |
The Gateway for Cancer Research
Research Grants
Gateway focuses on transformational science via effective
clinical trials - when basic science translates into human testing
and clinical practice.
Due Dates: |
Letters of intent are accepted year round; full
applications are by invitation only. |
Amount & Project Period: |
Gateway funds research studies with a budget
estimate in the range of $200,000-$800,000. 1 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Application Process |

Ongoing |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See BAA |
Army Research Office Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Basic and Applied Scientific Research
The purpose of this BAA is to solicit research proposals in the
engineering, physical, life, and information sciences for
submission to the Army Research Office (ARO) for consideration
for possible funding.
Due Dates: |
Open until Mar. 31, 2017
Proposers are to submit white papers prior to submission of a
complete proposal. Based on assessment of white papers, feedback will be
provided to encourage or discourage submission of full proposals. |
Amount & Project Period: |
No specific dollars have been reserved - 3
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
BAA-W911NF-12-R-0012-Mod 03
September 30, 2017 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Medical Research |
Department of Defense - Dept. of the
DoD USAMRMC FY17 Broad Agency Announcement
for Extramural Medical Research
Projects funded under this BAA must be for basic and applied research to
support scientific study and experimentation directed towards
advancing the state of the art or increasing knowledge or
understanding rather than focusing on development of a specific
system or hardware solution.
Due Dates: |
This Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is open from
October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017, 11:59 p.m., ET.
Pre-proposals are required so that the
Government can determine whether a proposed research idea meets
USAMRMC's mission and requirements. Pre-proposals may be submitted at
any time during the 12-month period. To submit a full
proposal/application, the PI must have received an invitation to submit
from a Contracting or Grants Officer. |
Amount & Project Period: |
No funding limitations specified - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
W81XWH-17-R-BAA1 |

See Below |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Poster/Travel Awards - Lymphatic |
Lymphatic Education & Research Network
Lymphatic Forum 2017 Travel and Poster Awards
LE&RN is proud to co-host and sponsor Lymphatic Forum 2017 in
Chicago, June 8-10, 2017. Over 30 internationally renowned
scientists will come together to discuss research in basic and
disease-oriented areas of lymphatic and vascular biology
including therapeutic approaches
Multiple |
See Below |
Federal |
Cancer Moonshot℠ |
Cancer Moonshot℠ - Funding Opportunities
NCI has identified
funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) from within its
extensive research portfolio that address the goals of the
Cancer Moonshot. This portfolio will expand over the next 7
years. Planning for implementation of longer-term scientific
initiatives is underway. Multiple ways to fund the best
science, including grants, supplements and other mechanisms are
being considered.

March 22 (LOI) |
See Below |
Non-federal |
Pancreatic |
SU2C-Lustgarten Foundation Pancreatic
Cancer Interception Dream Team
Prioritized areas of interest include both applied and fundamental
research including: discovery and implementation
of innovative methods that effectively detect
pancreatic cancer at an early and surgically
curable stage; new tools for monitoring disease
progression and therapeutic response, which
could potentially serve as surrogate endpoints
for clinical trials and regulatory approval;
investigation of novel chemoprevention or immune
prevention approaches; development of risk
prognostication methods for pre-invasive
pancreatic neoplasms and other conditions that
elucidate molecular details underlying that
increased risk; understanding of immune
suppression and inflammation mechanisms that
promote pancreatic cancer and design of methods
to circumvent this; and more generally research
targeted at generating sufficient knowledge to
justify a clinical intervention to test novel
hypotheses related to early detection and
treatment of pancreatic cancer.
Due Dates: |
Mar. 22 (Letter of Intent)
Invited Submissions: June 22 (OSR) June 26 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$7M - 4 years (All funding is contingent upon
milestones and objectives being appropriately selected and
satisfactorily pursued and achieved.) |
Eligibility: |
Must include
laboratory and clinical researchers, senior and young
investigators, and senior scientists who have not necessarily worked
together in the past;
Each Team will consist of a
Dream Team Leader, a Dream Team Co-leader, no more than 4 addnl. Dream
Team Principals, and at least 2 Advocates, w/a minimum of 3
participating institutions See Dream Team
Eligibility Criteria in Guidelines for additional
requirements. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
proposalCentral (RFA located at this site which is also submission
site.) |
NCI is a participating
March 30 |
See Below |
Federal |
Career Development |
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in
Health-Related Research
The supplements to promote diversity will
provide funding to recruit and support students,
postdocs, and eligible investigators from groups
that have been shown to be underrepresented in
health-related research.
Due Dates: |
NCI accepts applications through March
30th. Submissions are to be made to OSR no later than 48 hours
prior to the planned submission date.
Applications will be accepted
for a second round from October 1 - December 1, 2017. |
Amount & Project Period: |
Varies with level of candidate;
Salary support and addnl. funds for supplies & travel vary depending on
level of candidate. |
Eligibility: |
Parent grant
must have at least 2 years support remaining;
An R01 or R01-equivalent grant may
support no more than 2 Diversity Supplement candidates;
An R21 or R21-equivalent grant may
support no more than 1 Diversity Supplement candidate whose
career level is graduate student or more junior;
Must be citizens or
non-citizen nationals of the U.S. or have been lawfully admitted for
permanent residence in the U.S.
Graduate student and postdocs
receiving support from an agency of the Public Health Service (PHS) at
time of submission are not eligible |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-16-288 (Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in
Health-Related Research)
NCI Diversity Supplement Guidelines |
NCI is a participating
Institute |
March 30 |
See Below |
Federal |
Career Development |
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry
into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers
The purpose of the supplement is to support individuals with high
potential to re-enter an active research career
after an interruption for family
responsibilities or other qualifying
circumstances. Provides supplemental funds to
existing NIH research grants for the purpose of
supporting full-time or part-time research by
these individuals to update their existing
research skills and knowledge.
Due Dates: |
NCI accepts applications through March 30th.
Submissions are to be made to OSR no later than 48 hours prior to the
planned submission date.
Applications will be accepted for
a second round from October 1 - December 1, 2017. |
Amount & Project Period: |
Postdoctoral fellows: salary not to exceed $50,000/yr.
Supplies/travel: up to $6,000/yr. w/justification.
Investigators developing independent
research careers: salary consistent w/institutional policy
and w/level of support provided by an NCI CDA, but not to exceed
$100,000/yr. Supplies and travel: up to $10,000/yr., w/justification. |
Eligibility: |
Parent grant
must have at least 2 years support remaining;
See NCI Guidelines for candidate eligibility requirements |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
NCI Re-Entry Supplements Guidelines (Please
note that the guidelines still has the old Program Announcement link,
but that is to be updated.) |

March 31 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Health Equity |
Department of Health & Human Services
Office of Minority Health
Partnerships to Achieve Health Equity
The purpose of the Partnership program is to
demonstrate that multi-partner collaborations
that address social determinants of health and
have a nationwide or regional reach, focus or
impact can efficiently and effectively do one of
the following: (1) improve access to and
utilization of care by racial and ethnic
minority and/or disadvantaged populations; (2)
develop innovative models for managing multiple
chronic conditions; (3) increase the diversity
of the health workforce; or (4) increase data
availability and utilization of data that
increases the knowledge base regarding health
disparities and facilitates the development,
implementation and assessment of health equity
Due Dates: |
Mar 29 (OSR) | Mar. 31 (Sponsor)
Technical Assistance Webinar: February 22, 2017 at 3:00-4:00 pm ET -
Additional Technical Assistance Webinar: "Evaluation - Review the
Basics": February 23, 2017 at 3:00-4:30 pm ET -
Register |
Amount & Project Period: |
$325,000-$400,000/yr. - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
MP-CPI-17-001 |

March 31 |
See below |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
American Society for Radiation Oncology
2017 Junior Faculty Career Research
Training Award
ASTRO funds research in radiation biology,
cancer biology and radiation physics. Funding
opportunities are available for junior faculty
and residents. The Junior Faculty award is for
faculty in early stages of their career to
explore opportunities in research. It provides
an opportunity to have focused time for research
projects in radiation oncology, biology or
physics and provides funds to generate pilot
data that can be used for future federal funding
Amount & Project Period: |
$200,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
physician or physicist in radiation oncology or a
radiobiologist w/in first 5 years of junior faculty appt.;
Candidate and at least one mentor
must be active ASTRO members;
At least 50% effort required
for this award |
Link: |
Overview |
Residents/Fellows in Radiation Oncology
Seed Grant
This grant is designed to support residents or
fellows who are planning a career focusing
primarily on basic science or clinical
research. Specific areas of interest may
include but are not limited to: 1. Basic and
clinical research in the radiation therapy
sciences. 2. Projects in which innovative
techniques, new methods or special equipment
leading to better patient care are developed. 3.
Aspects of health care planning and delivery,
including outcome evaluation studies (i.e.,
health services research-related activities). 4.
Development of programs in health education
relevant to the radiation therapy sciences.
Amount & Project Period: |
$25,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
Candidate and at least one mentor must be active ASTRO
At least 75% effort required
for this award |
Link: |
Overview |

Semi-annual Due Date |
April 01 |
See Below |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
American Cancer Society
Career Development Awards
The first of 2 annual deadlines for career development awards in a process
where scientists propose projects that they
believe are ready to be tackled with the
available knowledge and techniques.
Postdoctoral Fellowships
Amount & Project Period: |
$48,000, $50,000, and $52,000 per year - 3
$4,000/yr. fellowship allowance. |
Eligibility: |
Must be U.S. citizen or permanent resident of
U.S. at application. |
Mentored Research Scholar Grant
Amount & Project Period: |
$135,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
Be w/in first 4 years of initial full-time
faculty position |
Research Scholar Grants
Amount & Project Period: |
$165,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
Must currently have an independent research or
faculty position |
April 01 |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Palliative Care |
Pilot and Exploratory Projects in
Palliative Care of Cancer Patients and Their
To support clinician investigators conducting
patient-oriented research in palliative care,
applications are solicited for pilot/exploratory
research grants in palliative care of cancer
patients and their families. These grants will
generate the pilot data necessary to maximize an
investigator's chances of competing successfully
for larger grants.
Due Dates: |
Mar. 30 (OSR) Ι Apr. 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$60,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 1 to 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks - Must hold a full-time
faculty position or equiv. in U.S. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
proposalCENTRAL (Submission Site) |

April 01 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Myeloproliferative Neoplasms |
The MPN Research Foundation
2017 MPN Challenge
Grant Program supported by the MPN Research
Foundation and the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
The objective is to change the trajectory and ultimate prognosis for
patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms
(MPNs), including MF, PV and ET. This program
represents an important partnership between
MPNRF and LLS, who share a mission to advance
the scientific understanding of MPNs and bring
new treatments and the hope for a cure to
patients with these rare diseases.

April 01 |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
Cancer Research
Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowship Program
Candidate must be working in areas directly related to cancer immunology.
Eligible projects fall into the broad field of
immunology and must show relevance to solving
the cancer problem. Proposals that do not
encompass both these areas will not be
Due Dates: |
Mar 30 (OSR) Ι Apr. 01 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 01 |
Amount & Project Period: |
3 years
Annual Stipend: $55,000, $57,000 & $59,000
Institutional Allowance: $1,500/yr. |
Eligibility: |
Must have
doctoral degree by award activation;
Must have
less than 5 years postdoc experience;
Must have less than 3 years' experience in sponsor lab at award activation |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Guidelines |

April 05 (LOI) |
Faculty |
Non-federal |
Drug Discovery |
Harrington Discovery Institute
2018 Scholar-Innovator Program
This program supports efforts to advance
promising drug discoveries. Applications must
have a focus that includes fundamental discovery
(elucidation of novel targets and leads) or
development of new drugs or biologics or
drug-device combinations.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 05 (Letter of Intent)
Invited Applications: May 29 (OSR) Ι May 31 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$100,000 guaranteed; opportunity to qualify for
$700,000 - milestone based over 2 years Pharmaceutical industry drug
development expertise and project support through Harrington Discovery
Innovation Support Center |
Eligibility: |
Physician-scientists w/MD or MD/PhD Project may
have only one Principal Investigator (PI) |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Award Program Details |
April 09 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Quantitative Imaging |
Quantitative Imaging Tools and Methods for
Cancer Therapy Response Assessment
This FOA seeks applications addressing
development, optimization and validation of
quantitative imaging (QI) software tools and
methods for prediction and/or measurement of
response to cancer therapies or for planning and
validating radiation therapy treatment
strategies in clinical trials. The initial UG3
exploratory phase is to be used for the
development and optimization of QI tools and
methods chosen for study by the investigating
team, while the UH3 phase is for the clinical
validation of the tools/methods developed in the
UG3 phase.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 09 (Letter of Intent)
May 05 (OSR) Ι May 09 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date:
September 12th |
Amount & Project Period: |
$300,000/yr. (Direct Costs UG3 phase) - 2 years
$500,000/yr. (Direct Costs UH3 phase) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-128 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-129 (U01) |
April 13 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Native American Populations |
Interventions for Health Promotion and
Disease prevention in Native American
The purpose of this funding opportunity
announcement (FOA) is to develop, adapt, and
test the effectiveness of health promotion and
disease prevention interventions in Native
American (NA) populations. The NCI is interested
in applications focusing on both individual and
community interventions relating to primary and
secondary (screening) cancer prevention. It is
important that researchers consider the context
in which people live (place, built environment,
etc.) and develop interventions that can improve
overall health and result in improved health
outcomes as they relate to cancer and cancer
Due Dates: |
Apr. 13 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: May 10 (OSR) Ι May 12 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budget not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-14-260 |
Mechanisms eligible for supplement: R21, R33, U01, & U24
April 13 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Technology Collaborations |
Activities to Promote Technology Research
Collaborations (APTRC) for Cancer Research
To accelerate the development of new enabling
cancer technologies, the NCI invites requests
for supplemental funding to support and
encourage new multidisciplinary scientific
collaborations among awardees from the
Innovative Molecular Analysis Technologies
(IMAT) program which supports highly innovative,
data-generating platforms and methodologies and
the Informatics Technologies for Cancer Research
(ITCR) program which supports powerful data
processing and visualization technologies.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 10 (OSR)|Apr. 12 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Dates: Jul.
25th & Dec. 12th |
Amount & Project Period: |
Limited to $50,000/yr. (Direct Costs) per
parent award. Project and budget periods must be w/in currently
approved project period for existing parent award. |
Eligibility: |
Individual(s) must hold an
active grant or cooperative agreement as
noted in left column |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-143 |

April 13, 4:00pm, EST |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Drug Discovery |
Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery
Florida Translational Research Program
The Program provides Florida-based scientists with access to experienced
professionals and state-of-the-art technological
resources for drug discovery to facilitate an
interdisciplinary, collaborative approach
to establish a pipeline of potential new
treatments for today's most challenging and
unmet medical needs.

April 14 |
Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
The V Foundation for Cancer Research
V Scholar Grant – Restricted Submission
This is an opportunity for young tenure-track faculty early in their
cancer research career by funding projects that
are either laboratory-based fundamental research
or translational research.
This is a restricted submission and Moffitt will
have the opportunity to submit two applications.
One of the two nominee applicants must identify
as someone from an underrepresented in science
minority ethnic group for the purposes of this
application are defined as African American or
people of African descent, Hispanic-American,
or Native American and Alaskan Native.
Due Dates: |
Pre-applications are due by April 14, 2017 via
email to Pre-applications will be reviewed
internally by REX. The Pre-application must include a 1 page letter of
introduction and a 2-page outline and be submitted electronically in PDF
format only. The final submission to the V-Foundation will be June 1,
2017. |
Amount & Project Period: |
$200,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
By the Due Date of Application, applicants must
have all the following:
Hold a tenure-track faculty position
as an assistant professor at their cancer research institution;
Appointed to first full-time assistant
professor position w/in last 5 years, and not yet been
promoted to Associate Professor; Clinical
scientists are eligible if the research institution can
demonstrate that it will fully support the research applicant (e.g.,
dedicated lab space, start-up funds, dedicated research time).
Applicant must be either US Citizen or
be a permanent legal resident in U.S.
Applicant can NOT already have been
awarded an RO1 or RO1-equivalent grants. |
Contact: |
Maureen Ahearn (x8824) for additional information and guidelines. |

Semi-annual Due Date |
April 14 |
Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
American Cancer Society Institutional
Research Grant (ACS-IRG)
ACS-IRG Pilot Projects Funding Opportunity
Pilot funding opportunities to support junior
faculty in initiating cancer-related research
projects that assist them in competing
successfully for national research grants.
Due Dates: |
April 14 (OSR) Proposals are to
be submitted to OSR for review 2 days prior to the published due date.
OSR will forward proposals prior to deadline. USF and Ponce
investigators are to submit proposals directly to |
Amount & Project Period: |
$30,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
faculty members at the Assistant Member/Assistant Professor
level or equiv.;
PI must have no active
peer-reviewed funding at time of submission or award.
Recipients of active state and nationally
competitive grants (e.g. R01, VA Merit, FIRST R29 or Bankhead Coley) are
not eligible. However, holders of career development grants such as NIH
K- series or the ACS's Junior Faculty and Junior Clinical Research
Awards are eligible as long as they meet all other criteria and proposed
project does not duplicate other funded work.
Previous awardees of an R21, R01 or equiv. are not
eligible. Must be independent and have
an institutional commitment for salary and space;
Must be w/in first six years
of initial faculty appointment. In the case of Ponce investigators, must
be w/in the first 6 years of a faculty research appointment.
Research Scientists are eligible
to apply; must be independent and w/in 2 years of a tenure-track
appointment. A letter of support from the Department Chair supporting
the expectation of a tenure-earning position is required.
PI must be a Permanent Resident of the
U.S. and must submit notarized evidence indicating Resident
Alien Card or “Green Card”, I-551, or approval for the issuance of such
card as evidenced by an official passport stamp of the U.S. Immigration
Service or a form I-797. |
Contact: |
Maureen Ahearn (x8824) |
Links: |
ACS-IRG Spring Guidelines Ι
ACS-IRG Spring Application |

April 14 |
Clinicians |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
William Guy Forbeck Research Foundation
Scholar Award
Scholars have the unique opportunity to attend
the Annual Forbeck Forum, a 3-day retreat in
Lake Geneva, Wisconsin for four consecutive
years The Forum topic this year is MYC and
RAS. The key objectives of the Scholar Retreat
Expedite current research
Bridge the gap between institutions and scientific
Share issues relating to the career path of a young
Additional benefits of being a Forbeck Scholar
include the opportunity to host a Focus Meeting
and apply for research funding through the
Collaborative Research Program.

April 15 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Patient Safety Education |
The Doctors Company Foundation
Patient Safety
The purpose is to support patient safety education for
healthcare professionals in training and in
practice, and patient safety research with
clinically useful applications. In this context,
patient safety is defined as a healthcare
discipline that minimizes the incidence and
impact of adverse events by redesigning systems
and processes using human factors principles to
reduce errors.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 13 (OSR) Ι Apr. 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
No amount specified - 1 to 3 years (Funding
from this organization is limited so applications should reflect a
realistic timeframe and budgets should be reasonable in accordance with
proposed objectives. |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Overview Ι
Grant Application Process |

April 20 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Clinical Effectiveness |
Patient Centered Outcomes Research Institute
Pipeline to Proposal Awards Tier A
Pre-Engagement/Community Projects
The purpose of the Pipeline to Proposal (P2P)
Awards program is to help people form new
collaborations with the goal of developing
proposals for research with sound scientific
rigor and robust patient engagement. We are
interested in research teams that include
patients, caregivers, clinicians, and other
healthcare stakeholders, as well as
researchers. The P2P program now has two tiers.
The first (Tier A) is designed to support the
development of research partnerships as they
identify a comparative clinical effectiveness
research (CER) question (or series of questions)
that is important to patients, researchers, and
other members of the healthcare community.
NCI is a participating
April 23 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Liver |
Mechanisms of Disparities in Chronic Liver
Diseases and Cancer
The purpose of the initiative is to support multidisciplinary research to
understand the underlying etiologic factors and
the mechanisms that result in disparities in
chronic liver diseases and cancer in the US.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 23 (Letter of Intent)
May 18 (OSR) Ι May 22 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates: Apr. 4, 2018, Apr. 4, 2019 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$275,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-150 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-151 (R01) |

April 24 |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Prostate |
Prostate Cancer Foundation
2017 PCF Challenge Awards for Metastatic,
Lethal Prostate Cancer
Awards are for investigations of metastatic,
lethal prostate cancer. Awards will be funded
depending on the level of innovation in
applications received. High risk, currently
unfunded projects are most desired.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 20 (OSR) Ι Apr. 24 (Sponsor)
Online application submission portal live at as of Friday, February 10th) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$1 million per team - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Team should be
composed of at least 3 highly experienced investigators and
may be assembled from one or more institutions;
Team must include at least
one young investigator as an integral contributor. (Young investigator
may be Postdoc, Instructor, Research Associate, Asst. Professor, or
equiv. and sh/be w/in 6 years of completing a professional degree or
clinical training, and have received <$200,000 in current direct
research funding from all sources including institutional funds.) |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
RFA | Challenge
Awards |
April 25 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Screening |
Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care
Delivery: Building from the Problem of Follow-up
to Abnormal Screening Tests
Applications are encouraged that develop and test multilevel interventions
to improve follow-up to abnormal screening tests
for breast, colorectal, cervical and lung
cancers. Appropriate applications should
propose to intervene at one or more levels, and
must measure outcomes at three or more levels,
while accounting for interactions that occur
between levels.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 25 (Letter of Intent)
May 24 (OSR) Ι May 26 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
It is anticipated and encouraged that requests
be in the range of $400,000 to $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-146 |
April 27 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Care Delivery |
Multilevel Interventions in Cancer Care
Delivery: Building from the Problem of Follow-up
to Abnormal Screening Tests
This FOA seeks to advance the science of
multilevel interventions in 3 ways: a) by
establishing a common conceptualization of
levels and associated level-specific factors
that affect practice; b) by standardizing
metrics of the levels and their main effects on
other levels and the individuals needing
follow-up care; and c) by developing and
standardizing analysis of the effect of
interventions on individuals, groups, and
organizations responsible for intervention
implementation. This FOA also encourages
applications that test interventions to improve
the follow-up of abnormal screening in one or
more ways, including: a) measuring multilevel
effects of single-level interventions; b)
comparing single vs. multilevel interventions;
and c) testing multilevel interventions.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 27 (Letter of Intent)
May 24 (OSR) Ι May 26 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Date: Sept. 21st |
Amount & Project Period: |
$450,000 - $500,000/yr. (Direct Costs) Note:
Larger budgets may be requested but no request may exceed $750,000/yr.
(Direct Costs) - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks - Multiple PD/PI applications could
have different responsibilities w/respect to one or more of the
following: 1) analysis and metrics, 2) medical care interventions, & 3)
behavioral interventions. |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-15-108 |
April 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging |
Perception and Cognition Research to Inform
Cancer Image Interpretation
This FOA facilitates research on the perceptual and cognitive processes
underlying the performance of cancer image
observers in radiology and pathology, in order
to improve the accuracy of cancer detection and
Due Dates: |
Apr. 30 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: May
25 (OSR) Ι May 30 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-125 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-124 (R21) |

April 30 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Research Projects |
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Research Grants
The Foundation funds research directed toward
identifying new treatments or cures for cancer,
and particularly encourages applications
allowing establishment of capabilities of new
cancer researchers, or new cancer approaches by
established cancer researchers. Project
relevance to cancer detection, treatment, or
cure should be clearly identified.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 27 (OSR) Ι Apr. 30 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: Aug. 31st |
Amount & Project Period: |
No limits stated; must be reasonably & clearly
supported by scope of project in application - 1 year suggested |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Grant Application
Process |
April 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging |
Perception and Cognition Research to Inform
Cancer Image Interpretation
The purpose is to facilitate research on the perceptual and cognitive
processes underlying the performance of cancer
image observers in radiology and pathology, in
order to improve the accuracy of cancer
detection and diagnosis.
Due Dates: |
Apr. 30 (Letter of Intent)
May 25 (OSR) Ι May 30 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: September 26th |
Amount & Project Period: |
Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
of Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-125 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-124 (R21) |
May 07 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Natural Killer (NK) Cells |
NK Cells to Induce Immunological Memory to
Prevent HIV Infection
The purpose is to support multidisciplinary, hypothesis-driven research on
Natural Killer (NK) cells, leading to the
discovery of pathways relevant for early immune
responses and immune regulation impacting the
potential protective immunity to be induced by
HIV vaccination.
May 10 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Glycomics |
Alliance of Glycobiologists for Cancer
Research: Translational Tumor Glycomics
Through this FOA, the NCI encourages research
projects to elucidate how changes in cellular
carbohydrates may promote cancer initiation and
progression and use this information to identify
glycan-based abnormalities to serve as
biomarkers for early cancer detection or risk
Due Dates: |
May 10 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 06 (OSR) Ι June 08 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Anticipated and encouraged are requests up to a
maximum of $500,000/year (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-206 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-17-207, U01 |
May 19 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Head & Neck |
Neoantigen-Based Therapeutic Targeting of
Head and Neck Cancers
The purpose of this FOA is to support basic and
preclinical research aimed at developing novel
immunotherapeutic targets for head and neck
cancers (HNC), including salivary gland cancers.
Research will identify human HNC-specific
neoantigens, and will test the utility of these
neoantigens as targets for eliciting anti-tumor
immune responses in affected patient
Due Dates: |
May 19 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 15 (OSR) Ι June 19 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Limited to $350,000 in direct costs - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-DE-18-004 |

May 19 (Initial Proposal) |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
The Taub Foundation
Grants Program for MDS Research
This program supports high-impact, innovative, translational research to
understand the underlying causes of MDS and to
advance its treatment and prevention. Innovative
studies with transformative potential to
elucidate MDS etiology and to develop new
treatments are particularly encouraged.
Due Dates: |
Initial Proposal: May 17 (OSR) Ι May
19 12:00 Noon, EDT
Invited Submissions: Sept. 13 (OSR) Ι Sept. 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$600,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
U.S. citizenship not required; no visa documentation required |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
Link: |
Application Materials |
May 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
NCI Provocative Questions |
Research Answers to NCI's Provocative
The purpose is to support research projects designed to solve specific
problems and paradoxes in cancer research
identified by the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) Provocative Questions initiative. Each
application must address one and only one
specific PQ, exactly as defined in FOA.
Due Dates: |
May 30 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 26 (OSR) Ι June 28 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 30 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$275,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-CA-17-018 |
Companion RFA: |
RFA-CA-17-017 (R01) |

May 31 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Ovarian |
Tell Every Amazing Lady Louisa M. McGregor
Ovarian Cancer Foundation
2017 T.E.A.L.® Medical Research and
Awareness Program Beneficiary
The Tell Every Amazing Lady® About Ovarian Cancer Louisa M. McGregor
Ovarian Cancer Foundation 2017 Medical Research
Program offers funding in support of ovarian
cancer research studies that are most aligned
with that mission as determined by the T.E.A.L.®
board of directors and scientific advisory
board. The mission of the T.E.A.L.® is to
promote public awareness of and education about
the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of ovarian
cancer, provide support to survivors, and raise
funds for research in order to find a cure.
May 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging - CTs |
Early Phase Clinical Trials in Imaging and
Image-Guided Interventions
This FOA is intended to support clinical trials
conducting preliminary evaluation of the safety
and efficacy of imaging agents, as well as an
assessment of imaging systems, image processing,
image-guided planning and/or execution therapy,
contrast kinetic modeling, 3-D reconstruction
and other quantitative tools.
Due Dates: |
May 30 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 26 (OSR) Ι June 28 (Sponsor)
Additional 2017 & 2018 Due Dates: Oct. 11; and Feb. 14; June
28, & Oct. 11, 2018 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$500,000 (Direct Costs) for total period. No
more than $250,000 (Direct Costs) may be requested in any single year. -
3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-167 |
Division of Program Coordination, Planning and
Strategic Initiatives,
Office of Research
Infrastructure Programs (ORIP)
May 31 |
See Below |
Federal |
Equipment |
Shared Instrumentation Grant (SIG) Program
This FOA encourages applications from groups of
NIH-supported investigators to purchase or
upgrade a single item of expensive, specialized,
commercially available instruments or integrated
systems. Types of instruments supported include,
but are not limited to: X-ray diffractometers,
mass and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers,
biosensors, electron and light microscopes, cell
sorters, and biomedical imagers.
Due Dates: |
May 26 (OSR) Ι May 31 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Maximum award is $600,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
PD/PI should
have documented (in the biographical sketch) technical expertise
directly related to the type of the chosen instrument. PD/PI does
not need to have an NIH research grant or any other research support,
but is expected to be an expert on the requested instrument. PD/PI may
be a Core director, tenured, or non-tenured faculty member of the
applicant organization. Multiple PDs/PIs are not allowed.
Three Major Users (w/active NIH research
awards) having a substantial need for the instrument must be
identified. Once this eligibility requirement has been met, additional
users with active research awards from NIH or other sources may be added
as Major or Minor Users |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-074 |
June 01 |
See Below |
Federal |
Data Sharing - Cancer Epidemiology |
Research Supplements to Promote Sharing Data in
Cancer Epidemiology Studies
Funds are available for
administrative supplements to prepare and
deposit individual-level data from cancer
epidemiology studies into NCI-supported,
controlled-access databases including the Cancer
Epidemiology Data Repository (CEDR)
and the database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP).
Due Dates: |
May 30 (OSR) Ι June 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$100,000 (Total Costs). Project/budget period
must be w/in currently approved project period for existing parent
award. Projects must be completed within one calendar year. Requests
for no-cost extensions on parent grant to accommodate supplement are not
permitted. |
Eligibility: |
Must hold an active grant or
cooperative agreement, and the research proposed in the supplement must
be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award
(P01, R01, R03, R21, U01, UM1) |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-17-224 |
June 05 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Screening Older Adults |
Reducing Overscreening for Breast, Cervical,
and Colorectal Cancers among Older Adults
The purpose is to promote research on
interventions, based in healthcare settings,
designed to reduce overscreening for breast,
cervical, or colorectal cancers among
average-risk older adults. These tests may be
overused, thereby subjecting adults to
unnecessary risks. Research is needed both to
understand the factors that drive overuse and to
develop and test interventions that will reduce
overuse in healthcare delivery systems.
June 07 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
In vivo Cancer Imaging Systems |
Academic-Industrial Partnerships to
Translate and Validate in vivo Cancer Imaging
The purpose is to stimulate translation of
scientific discoveries and engineering
developments in imaging or spectroscopic
technologies into methods or tools that address
problems in cancer biology, risk of cancer
development, diagnosis, treatment, and/or
disease status. A distinguishing feature of each
application will be formation of an
academic-industrial partnership, which is a
strategic alliance of investigators in academic,
industrial, and any other entities who work
together as partners to identify and translate a
technological solution or mitigation of a
cancer-related problem.
Due Dates: |
Applications Due: June 05 (OSR) June 07
Additional 2017 Due Date: Oct. 03 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-17-093 |
June 13 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Cancer Communication |
Innovative Approaches to Studying Cancer
Communication in the New Media Environment
This FOA invites applications that seek to apply
one or more innovative methodologies in
communication research across the cancer control
continuum, from prevention, early detection,
diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship, to end
of life.
Due Dates: |
June 09 (OSR) Ι June 13 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Date: Oct. 11 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-249 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-16-248 (R21) |