NCI Standard Funding Opportunity Announcements
Current and Recent
Program Announcements |
Current and Recent
Requests for Applications |
and Recent NCI and Trans-NIH Initiatives |
Requests for Proposals
Standard Due Dates

Ongoing |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Culture of Health |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF)
Evidence for Action: Investigator-Initiated Research to
Build a Culture of Health
Development of data and evidence needed to advance a Culture of Health.
Research could:
(1) Provide evidence for factors in the Action
Framework that are believed - but not yet proven to impact health;
(2) Reframe or challenge existing ideas; (3) Integrate existing
data and methods across disciplines and sectors; and/or (4)
Identify actions that can improve health for marginalized
Due Dates: |
Applicants can expect
notification w/in 6-8 weeks of a 2-page Letter of Intent submission.
Invited applicants will have 2 months to submit a proposal.
Funding decisions will generally be made within 6-8 weeks of the full
submission. |
Amount & Project Period: |
~$200,000 - up to 30 months |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Overview Ι
2015 Call For Proposals |

Ongoing |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See BAA |
Army Research Office Broad Agency Announcement (BAA)
Basic and Applied Scientific Research
The purpose of this BAA is to solicit research proposals in the
engineering, physical, life, and information sciences for
submission to the Army Research Office (ARO) for consideration
for possible funding.
Due Dates: |
Open until Mar. 31, 2017
Proposers are to submit white papers prior to submission of a
complete proposal. Based on assessment of white papers, feedback will be
provided to encourage or discourage submission of full proposals. |
Amount & Project Period: |
No specific dollars have been reserved - 3
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
BAA-W911NF-12-R-0012-Mod 03

Ongoing |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See BAA |
United States Army Medical Research and Materiel
Command (USAMRMC)
Broad Agency Announcement for Extramural
Medical Research
The mission of the USAMRMC is to provide solutions to medical
problems of importance. Projects must be for basic and applied
research. Projects must be for scientific study and
experimentation directed toward advancing the state of the art
or increasing knowledge or understanding. (See general
description of research and development programs, including
research areas of interest in the announcement.)
Due Dates: |
Open continuously from Oct. 01, 2015 through
Sept. 30, 2016. Organizations are required to submit
pre-proposals/pre-applications. |
Amount & Project Period: |
Budgets are not limited - up to 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All individuals, regardless of ethnicity,
nationality, or citizenship status, employed by, or affiliated with, an
eligible organization. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
W81XWH-16-R-BAA1 |

Rolling |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Pediatric |
Thrasher Research Fund
E.W. "Al" Thrasher Awards
Ideal applications address significant health problems that
affect children in large numbers and offer the potential for
practical solutions to these problems. Such solutions sh/be
innovative and have potential for broad applicability w/low
financial and/or technical barriers to implementation.
Hypothesis-driven research is preferred over exploratory,
hypothesis-generating research. Projects with a shorter distance
to clinical applicability are given priority.
Due Dates: |
Concept papers accepted on a rolling basis, and
time from submission to decision is 1-6 weeks. Submission of full
proposal is allowed up to 1 year after approval of concept. Review and
response on proposal can take about 4 months. Proposals and reviews are
submitted to Committees at the beginning of Feb. and Aug. and
final decisions are made in late Mar. and late Sept. |
Amount & Project Period: |
Grant amount is based on the actual budgetary
needs of the project - Up to 3 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Overview and Guidance |

May 24 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Hispanic Health Services |
Department of Health and Human Services
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation
Grants to Support the Hispanic Health
Services Research Grant Program
This FOA seeks competitive applications for
small applied research projects that relate to
identifying and evaluating solutions for
eliminating health disparities among Hispanics.
Researchers are expected to become involved in
the design, implementation, and operation of
research projects that address health care
issues such as financing, delivery, access,
quality, and barriers affecting the Hispanic
Due Dates: |
May 24 (Letter of Intent)
Applications Due: June 27 (OSR) I June 29 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$215,000 (Total) - 2 years
NOTE: CMS requires
cost sharing equal to at least 1% of the award amount. Applications
that do not include cost sharing will not be considered for further
review. |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
CMS-1H0-16-001 |

May 24 (LOI) |
All HOPA Members |
Non-federal |
Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy |
The Hematology/Oncology Pharmacy Association
(HOPA) Foundation
2016 HOPA Research Fund Award
To support a hematology/oncology pharmacy practice research project with
subsequent publication. Pharmacy practice is
broadly defined including areas such as
outcomes, surveys, patient safety, standards
validation, and translational science
applications. Multiple institutions may be
involved in the project, and co-PI projects are
May 24 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Clinical Assay Development |
Integrating Biospecimen Science Approaches
into Clinical Assay Development
This FOA will support extramural research to
investigate and mitigate challenges facing
clinical assay development due to biopsy
biospecimen pre-analytical variability. The
program will tie in with current efforts to
optimize clinical biomarker assays utilized in
NCI-sponsored clinical trials.
Due Dates: |
May 24 (Letter of Intent)
June 20 (OSR) Ι June 22 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Limited to $250,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks - A multidisciplinary research team
is encouraged. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-166 |
Cycle II Due Date
May 25 |
Associate/Full Members |
Federal |
Cancer Education |
Cancer Education Grants Program Curriculum
or Methods Development
This FOA will support creative educational
activities with a primary focus on Curriculum or
Methods Development. Applications that propose
innovative, state-of-the-art programs,
addressing the cause, diagnosis, prevention, and
treatment of cancer, rehabilitation from cancer,
and the continuing care of cancer patients and
the families of cancer patients are encouraged.
Due Dates: |
May 23 (OSR) Ι May 25 (Sponsor)
Additional 2016 Due Date: Sept. 25 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$100,000/year (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Established investigator at Associate Professor
level or above in scientific area in which application is targeted, and
capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership to
development and implementation of proposed program.
PD(s)/PI(s) with a currently funded NCI R25 award may submit an
additional application in response to this FOA only if a new and
innovative course that is distinctly different from the currently funded
project is proposed. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-15-150 |
Companion FOAs: |
PAR-15-151, R25-Cancer Research Education Grants Program:
Courses for Skills Development
PAR-15-152, R25-Cancer Research Education Grants Program:
Research Experiences |
NCI is a participating Institute
May 25 |
All Faculty |
federal |
Career Development |
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research
Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research
Training Grant
Training grants enhance pre and postdoctoral
research training, including short-term research
training, and help ensure a diverse and highly
trained workforce. Training programs will
incorporate didactic, research, and career
development components.
Due Dates: |
May 23 (OSR) Ι May 25 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard Dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
Awards provide stipends for trainees,
contribute to the cost of tuition & fees for trainees, and
training-related expenses for trainees - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Faculty - PD/PI should be an established
investigator in scientific area in which application is targeted and
capable of providing both administrative and scientific leadership to
development and implementation of proposed program. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-16-152 |
May 25 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Cancer Systems Biology |
Emerging Questions in Cancer Systems Biology
This FOA solicits well-defined, discrete and
circumscribed Research Projects addressing
emerging problems in cancer as a part of a new
Cancer Systems Biology Consortium (CSBC). The
consortium will include U54 CSBC Research
Centers and a U24 CSBC Coordinating Center (see
companion opportunities below). The CSBC
initiative aims to address challenges in cancer
Research through the use of experimental biology
or population science combined with in silico
modeling, multi-dimensional data analysis , and
systems engineering.
Due Dates: |
May 25 (Letter of Intent)
June 22 (OSR) Ι June 24 (Sponsor)
Additional 2016 Due Date: Nov. 18 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budget not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-131 |
Companion Opportunities: |
U54 Research Centers for Cancer Systems Biology Consortium
U24 Coordinating Center for the Cancer Systems Biology
Consortium and the Physical Sciences-Oncology Network |

Deadline Extended |
May 26 |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Women's Lung |
American Lung Association and Bonnie
J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation
2016 Momentum Research Award: Defeating Lung
Cancer in Women
This award will support novel, innovative and
transformative research with potential of high
clinical impact in the early detection of lung
cancer in women, as well understanding gender
differences in lung cancer incidence,
pathophysiology, treatment outcomes, and
prognoses, etc.
Due Dates: |
May 24 (OSR) Ι May 26 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$250,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
(MD/PhD/ MD, PhD) must be w/in 5 years of first faculty
appointment as of May 26, 2016.
Applicants not holding a faculty
appointment, but having completed 2 years of
fellowship/post-doctoral training and on track for faculty appointments
are eligible. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6071) |
Link: |
ProposalCENTRAL |
May 30 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
NCI Provocative Questions |
Revision Applications to R01 Awards for
Research on the NCI's Provocative Questions
This FOA invites revision applications from PIs w/active NIH R01 grants.
Applications must focus on research related to
one of the Provocative Questions (PQs) published
for new applications in
RFA-CA-15-008 and
RFA-CA-15-009. Research is encouraged that
directly addresses PQs, including research that
helps validate PQ research outcomes or adopts
and disseminates PQ research results that impact
cancer research and clinical care. Studies
proposed must
correspond to additional specific aims,
expanding the scope of individual, already
funded projects of the parent R01 award.
Due Dates: |
May 30 (Letter of Intent)
June 24 (OSR) Ι June 28 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Date: Oct. 28 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$150,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - up to 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks
PD/PI (or Contact PD/PI for MPI awards)
on parent award must be the same on revision application.
R01 research grants w/at
least 2 years remaining at time of award.
Application must specifically address
a particular scientific problem identified as one of the PQs exactly as
defined in this FOA |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-CA-16-010 |
Companion RFAs: |
RFA-CA-16-011, Revision Applications to
U01 Awards for
Research on the NCI's Provocative Questions
RFA-CA-16-013, Revision Applications to
P01 Awards for
Research on the NCI's Provocative Questions
RFA-CA-16-012, Revision Applications to
P50 Awards for
Research on the NCI's Provocative Questions |

May 31 |
ALL Ranks |
Non-federal |
Culture of Health |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Global Ideas for U.S Solutions
Looking for projects, programs, and models that promote health equity and
are aligned with our Culture of Health
Action Framework; current year interests in
ideas that: Build healthy places; Build social
connection across the lifespan; Get and keep
children healthy; Integrate health and social
services; and Increase the health care system's
focus on the root causes of poor health.
May 31 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Combined Modality Treatment
of Solid Tumors |
Cooperative Agreement to Develop Targeted
Agents for Use with Systemic Agents Plus
For studies to enhance pre-clinical in vitro and in vivo testing of
NCI-prioritized molecularly targeted anti-cancer
agents for use with radiation therapy combined
with systemic chemotherapy. The overall goal
is to accelerate the pace at which combined
modality treatments with greater efficacy are
identified and incorporated into standard
practices for treatments of patients with solid
Due Dates: |
May 31 (Letter of Intent)
Full Applications: Jul. 12 (OSR) Ι Jul. 14 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates: Dec. 14; Jul 14 & Dec. 14, 2017 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Not to exceed $450,000/yr. (Direct
Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored
Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-111 | |
May 31 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Pediatric Provocative Questions |
Research Answers to NCI's Pediatric
Provocative Questions
The purpose of this FOA is to invite applications for
research projects designed to use sound and
innovative strategies to solve specific problems
and paradoxes in childhood cancer research
identified by the National Cancer Institute
(NCI) as the NCI's Pediatric Provocative
Questions (Pediatric PQs).
Due Dates: |
May 31 (Letter of Intent)
June 28 (OSR) Ι June 30 (Sponsor)
Additional 2016 due date: Nov. 24 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-217 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-16-218, R01 Research Project Grant |

June 01 |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development |
The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR)
Air Force Fiscal Year 2017 Young
Investigator Research Program (YIP)
The objective of this program is to foster
creative basic research in science and
engineering; enhance early career development of
outstanding young investigators. See areas of
interest identified in the most recent Broad
Agency Announcement titled "Research
Interests of the Air Force Office of Scientific
Due Dates: |
May 27 (OSR) Ι June 01 (Sponsor)
All technical or general pre-proposal inquiries & questions must be
submitted by Monday, May 2nd. |
Amount & Project Period: |
$120,000/yr. (Total) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Scientists who
have received PhD or equivalent degrees 4/01/2011 or
Must hold full-time
permanent, career-competitive, or tenure-track position,
Proposal must include a
letter from organization confirming consideration for such an
Must be a U.S. citizen,
national, or permanent resident. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Overview Ι
BAA-AFRL-AFOSR-2016-0006 |

June 01 |
All Faculty |
Non-federal |
Treatments & Cures |
Elsa U. Pardee Foundation
Cancer Research
The Foundation supports research directed toward
identifying new treatments or cures for cancer.
It encourages applications which will allow
establishment of capabilities of new cancer
researchers, or new cancer approaches by
established cancer researchers.


June 02 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Pediatric Brain Cancer |
The Cure Starts Now Foundation
Research Grants
Funds search for a cure for brainstem glioma and other forms of pediatric
brain cancer in the hopes of curing all cancers
Focus is on Diffuse Intrinsic Brainstem Glioma
(DIPG), and to support translational and
clinical research projects in those areas.

June 03, 4:00pm |
Staff/Research Scientists & All Faculty |
Moffitt |
Core Projects |
Innovative Core Projects Award
The Innovation and Technology Committee (ITC),
co-chaired by Dr. Mule and Dr. Koomen, is
pleased to announce the Innovative Core Projects
Funding Opportunity. With a goal to enhance
our institutional innovation, this award is
meant to encourage early access to novel
technologies before commercially available and
further Moffitt's efforts to remain on the
forefront of discovery.
Due Dates: |
June 03 (4:00pm) All applications along with
the Institutional Proposal Submission Form must be submitted to the
Office of Sponsored Research for review two days prior to the
application due date. |
Amount & Project Period: |
$60,000 - 12 months |
Eligibility: |
This funding opportunity is open to Moffitt
faculty as well as Staff Scientists and Research Scientists. |
Contact: |
Brittany Palermo (x1536) |
Links: |
Innovative Core Projects Funding Guidelines Ι
Face Page |
Parent R01 |
June 06 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Research Projects |
NIH Research Project Grant
The current Parent R01 expires May 10, 2016 and
is replaced by
PA-16-160. The earliest submission date is
May 05, 2016.
Due Dates: |
June 02 (OSR) Ι June 06 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard Dates Apply |
Amount & Project Period: |
Modular Budget: $250,000/yr. (Direct Costs) -
5 years
Detailed Budget: Not Limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PA-16-160 |
June 06 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Immune System Plasticity |
Immune System Plasticity in the Pathogenesis
and Treatment of Complex Dental, Oral, and
Craniofacial Diseases
The purpose is to encourage research projects
elucidating the role of immune system plasticity
in health and in the pathogenesis of dental,
oral, and craniofacial diseases.
The goal is to advance knowledge of the
immunological basis of dental, oral, and
craniofacial diseases, and to develop tools and
technologies for precise modulation of the
immune system to restore or maintain health.
The expectation is that new knowledge derived
from this research will facilitate development
of novel immunomodulatory therapies to prevent
disease onset or reverse disease progression.
June 06 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See FOAs Below |
National Cancer Institute FOAs for Cycle II Due
A listing of some new and repeating funding
opportunity announcements from NCI.
Physical Activity and Weight Control
Interventions Among Cancer Survivors: Effects on
Biomarkers of Prognosis and Survival
This FOA encourages transdisciplinary and
translational research that will identify the
specific biological or biobehavioral pathways
through which physical activity and/or weight
control (either weight loss or avoidance of
weight gain) may affect cancer prognosis and
Academic-Industrial Partnerships for
Translation of Technologies for Cancer Diagnosis
and Treatment
Applications are encouraged from research
partnerships formed by academic and industrial
investigators, to accelerate the translation of
technologies, methods, assays or devices, and/or
systems for preclinical or clinical molecular
diagnosis or in vitro imaging that are designed
to solve a targeted cancer problem. Partnership
on each application should establish an
inter-disciplinary, multi-institutional research
team to work in strategic alliance to implement
a coherent strategy to develop and translate
their system to solve their chosen cancer
problem. FOA will support clinical trials that
test functionality, optimize, and validate the
performance of the proposed translational work.
Early-life Factors and Cancer Development
Later in Life
Supports research focused on role of early-life factors
in cancer development later in life. It is
necessary to better understand:
1) Early-life
(maternal-paternal, in utero, birth and infancy,
puberty and adolescence, and teenage and young
adult years) factors associated with later
cancer development;
2) How early-life factors
mediate biological processes relevant to
carcinogenesis; and
3) Whether predictive
markers for cancer risk based on what happens
biologically at early-life can be measured and
developed for use in cancer prevention
NCI is a participating Institute
June 06 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
See FOAs Below |
NIH Funding Opportunity Announcements where
NCI is a participating institute for Cycle II
Due Date
Population Health Interventions: Integrating
Individual and Group Level Evidence
The purpose of this FOA is to support
multilevel, transdisciplinary population health
interventions that target underlying social,
economic, and environmental conditions in an
effort to improve health outcomes.
Obesity Policy Evaluation Research
This FOA encourages applications that propose to
evaluate policies or large scale programs that
are expected to influence obesity related
behaviors (e.g., dietary intake, physical
activity, or sedentary behavior) and/or weight
outcomes have the potential to prevent or reduce
rates of obesity. NCI is particularly
interested in the evaluation of programs or
policies that may affect dietary or physical
activity behavior and/or weight, and studies
incorporating economic research.
Diet and Physical Activity Assessment
The overarching goal is to provide support to promote early and
conceptual stages of research efforts on novel
scientific ideas having potential to
substantially advance cancer research, such as
improving epidemiologic study data collection;
validating measurement of exposures in body
fluids and tissues; applying epigenetic or
metabolomic approaches to cancer epidemiology
research; developing and applying novel
strategies for discovery of risk variants for
rare cancers; understanding the population
genetic architecture of cancer in understudied
populations; or validating methods to extract,
collect, and synthesize clinical data via
electronic medical records for use in
observational studies of cancer patients and
The Health of Sexual and Gender Minority
(SGM) Populations
This FOA calls for research on the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, intersex, and related populations.
Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG)
This FOA encourages collaborations between life
and physical sciences that: 1) apply a
multidisciplinary bioengineering approach to the
solution of a biomedical problem; and 2)
integrate, optimize, validate, translate or
otherwise accelerate adoption of promising
tools, methods and techniques for a specific
research or clinical problem in basic,
translational, or clinical science and practice.
Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, &
Management in Pain Research
The purpose of this FOA to stimulate and foster
a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain as they relate to
the missions of the participating centers and
institutes. Research to address these issues
conducted by interdisciplinary and
multidisciplinary research teams is strongly
encouraged, as is research from
underrepresented, minority, disabled, or women
The Role of Mobile Genetic Elements in
This FOA encourages applications to investigate
mechanisms regulating the expression and
activity of mobile genetic elements, including
long terminal repeat (LTR) and non-LTR
retroelements, in cancer. The FOA seeks
proposals that specifically investigate
mechanisms regulating the expression and
activity of mobile genetic elements in the
context of cell transformation and assess the
impact of their activity on tumor heterogeneity,
cancer evolution, and response to therapy.
Dissemination and Implementation Research in
This FOA encourages research applications that
will identify, develop, test, evaluate and/or
refine strategies to disseminate and implement
evidence-based practices (e.g. behavioral
interventions; prevention, early detection,
diagnostic, treatment and disease management
interventions; quality improvement programs)
into public health, clinical practice, and
community settings. In addition, studies to
advance dissemination and implementation
research methods and measures are encouraged.

June 06 |
All Faculty |
Non-federal |
Translational Research |
The Harrington Discovery Institute
Scholar-Innovator Award
This Award recognizes physician-scientist
innovators throughout the U.S. whose research
has the potential to change standard of care.
The Scholar-Innovator Award provides research
and drug development funding as well as
non-financial support to selected innovators and
their institutions to help bridge the gap
between basic discovery and clinical

June 08 (Pre-app.) |
Established Investigators |
Federal |
Neurofibromatosis |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Neurofibromatosis Research Program (NFRP)
Clinical Consortium Award W81XWH-16-NFRP-CCA
Will support a Consortium of exceptional institutions and investigators
that will accelerate clinical translation of
basic NF research and ultimately decrease impact
of the disease. The Consortium shall consist of
one central Operations Center that will be
responsible for facilitating the rapid
selection, design, execution and analysis of
clinical trials within the Consortium. The
Consortium shall consist of a minimum of 5
Clinical Trial Sites necessary to effectively
participate in multiple trials. All sites must
be identified, have clinical trials experience,
and multidisciplinary expertise in supporting
NF1 and/or NF2 and/or schwannomatosis clinical
Due Dates: |
June 08 (Pre-application)
Invited Submissions: Jul. 28 (OSR) Ι Aug. 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$5,000,000 (Direct Costs) - 4 years
Option for 2 additional periods up to $2M (Total Costs) each (contingent
upon receipt of future Congressional appropriations) for an additional
max. performance period of 4 years |
Eligibility: |
Operations Center PI must be independent
investigator at or above Associate Professor (or equiv.) level
w/experience in developing and running large scale initiatives such as
clinical trials or consortia. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Neurofibromatosis Research Program (NFRP)
Announcement (Pre-app.) |

June 08 (Pre-app.) |
See Below |
Federal |
See Below |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP)
Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP)
Career Development Award
Supports independent, early-career investigators to conduct impactful
research w/mentorship of an experienced
cancer researcher. Application must address at least one of
the FY16 PRCRP Topic Areas.
Preliminary data not
Clinical trials are not allowed.
Amount & Project Period: |
$360,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Principal Investigator (PI): Independent early-career
investigator w/in 10 years after completion of terminal degree (excl.
time spent in residency or on family medical leave) by application
submission deadline;
PI must commit a min. of 30%
effort to proposed research. Designated
Mentor: Investigators at or above Associate Professor (or
equivalent) level; must have a proven publication and funding record in
cancer research. |
Link: |
Announcement |
Idea Award with Special Focus
Supports innovative, untested,
high-risk/potentially high-reward concepts,
theories, paradigms, and/or methods in cancer
research relevant to Service members, their
families, and other military beneficiaries.
The "Special Focus" of this award mechanism is
on exposures, conditions, or circumstances that
are unique to the military, disproportionately
represented in a military beneficiary
population, or may affect mission readiness.
Amount & Project Period: |
$400,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Investigator with a faculty-level appointment
(or equivalent). |
Link: |
Announcement |
Translational Team Science Award
Supports hypothesis-driven translational studies associated with an
ongoing (not intended to fund ongoing clinical
trial) or completed clinical trial that could
lead to a next-phase clinical trial or future
clinical application. May support preclinical
studies in animal models and human subjects and
human anatomical substances. Not intended to
support high throughput screenings, sequencing,
Amount & Project Period: |
$1,000,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
At least 2 and
up to 3 PIs must partner in one overarching correlative or
translational research study.
Initiating PI sh/be at or
above Assistant Professor level or equiv.
Partnering PI(s) must be at
or above the level of Assistant Professor (or equiv.)
It is encouraged that at
least one of the PIs be a military or VA investigator. |
Link: |
Announcement |

June 08 (Pre-app.) |
Postdocs/Fellows |
Federal |
Career Development |
NIH Director's Early Independence Award
Limited Submission - Requires Moffitt
Opportunity for outstanding junior
investigators to accelerate entry into an
independent research career by forgoing
traditional post-doctoral training to pursue
independent research directly after completion
of terminal doctoral degree or clinical
Due Dates: |
June 08, 4:00pm
(Pre-application to include: 1 page letter of introduction & 2-page
research outline submitted electronically to (PDF format only)) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$250,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
At time of application, candidate must be w/in
1 year (before or after) of completing a terminal degree or clinical
residency, and must not be in an independent position |
Contact: |
Maureen Ahearn (x8824) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-RM-16-006 |

June 09 (Pre-app.) |
See Below |
Federal |
Prostate |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP)
Prostate Cancer Research
Program (PCRP)
Health Disparity Research Award
This award supports new ideas based on
innovative concepts or methodologies for health
disparity research with potential to make an
important contribution toward eliminating death
from prostate cancer. Studies are expected to
improve understanding of, and ultimately
contribute to eliminating disparities in
prostate cancer incidence, morbidity, mortality,
and survivorship. Applicants for this award
must explicitly state how the proposed research
is related to an area of prostate cancer health
Amount & Project Period: |
Standard Award:
$450,000 (Direct Costs)
Qualified Collaborator Option:
$600,000 (Direct Costs)
Nested Young Investigator Option:
Additional $92,500 (predoctoral) or $115,000 (postdoctoral)
Performance Period: 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Investigator Category: independent investigator at or above
the level of Assistant Professor (or equiv.)
New Investigator Category:
must meet the following criteria at application submission deadline:
1. Have freedom to pursue individual aims w/out formal
2. Have not previously received a PCRP Health Disparity
Research Award
3. Have either completed at least 3 years of postdoctoral
training or fellowship or are w/in 5 years of having
first independent faculty position (or equivalent)
Qualified Collaborator Option:
Supports a higher level of funding for PIs who include a
collaborator (at or above level of asst. professor) that significantly
contributes (10% or more effort and provides both
intellectual input and research resources to the research project such
that it could not otherwise be accomplished.
Nested Health Disparity (HD) Young
Investigator Option: Supports predoctoral (who will have
successfully completed comprehensive examinations or otherwise met
candidacy requirements by March 31, 2017); postdoctoral trainee
(who will have successfully defended a doctoral thesis or possess an
M.D., and will have <3 years of postdoc experience by March 31, 2017). |
Link: |
Announcement |
Impact Award
This award encourages applications specifically
focused on scientific and clinical prostate
cancer issues, having potential to make a major
impact in eliminating death from prostate cancer
and enhancing the well-being of men experiencing
the impact of the disease. The intent is to
support the full spectrum of research ideas from
basic research to clinical trials. Applicants
are highly encouraged to address one of the PCRP
overarching challenges, and are expected to
address at least one of the PCRP focus areas.
Amount & Project Period: |
Individual PIs: $750,000
(Direct Costs)
Partnering PI Option: $2,000,000 (Direct Costs)
Performance Period: 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Independent investigators at or
above Assistant Professor (or equiv.) level for single or partnering PI
option. |
Link: |
Announcement |

June 09 (Pre-app.) |
See Below |
Federal |
Lung |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP)
Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRRP)
Career Development Award
Supports early-career, independent researchers
to conduct research under mentorship of an
experienced lung cancer researcher; preliminary data not required.
Amount & Project Period: |
$250,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Must be independent investigator at
level of Assistant Professor, Instructor, or equiv.;
Must be w/in 5 years of first faculty appointment (or equiv.),
and exhibit a strong desire to pursue a career in lung cancer research.
Mentor: At or above the level
of Associate Professor (or equivalent); have a proven publication and
funding record in lung cancer research |
Link: |
Announcement |
Idea Development Award
Supports new ideas in the early stages of development representing innovative, high-risk/high-gain research;
emphasis on innovation and impact; New Investigator category supports applicants early in their faculty appointments or in the process of developing independent research careers;
preliminary data required, but may be from outside of lung cancer.
Amount & Project Period: |
$350,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Although a PI may be eligible for both the New
Investigator and Established Investigator categories, the PI can choose
only one category under which to apply.
Established Investigators:
Independent investigators at or above the level of Assistant Professor
(or equivalent); or New Investigators:
Investigators that meet the following criteria at the application
submission deadline date:
1. Have not previously received a LCRP Idea
Development Award or Early Investigator Synergistic Idea Award
2. Independent investigators at or above
Professor (or equivalent) and be w/in 10 years of first
faculty appointment (or equivalent) |
Link: |
Announcement |
Clinical Exploration Award
Supports rapid execution of hypothesis-driven, early-phase clinical trials
to examine interventions that could have a major
impact on lung cancer clinical management.
Application must include documentation of an
existing Investigational New Drug (IND) or
Investigational Device Exemption, if applicable.
Amount & Project Period: |
$550,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Independent investigators at or above
the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) |
Link: |
Announcement |
Investigator-Initiated Translational
Research Award
Supports translational research that will
develop promising ideas in lung cancer into
clinical applications. Translational research
may be defined as an integration of basic
science and clinical observations. Mechanism is intended to fund a broad range
of translational studies, including, but not
limited to:
1. Studies advancing/translating in vitro and/or animal
studies to applications w/human
2. Late-stage preclinical work leading to/preparing for
a clinical trial.
3. Correlative studies associated with an ongoing
or completed clinical trial and
projects that develop endpoints for clinical trials.
Amount & Project Period: |
$400,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Independent investigators at or
above the level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent) |
Link: |
Announcement |

June 10 |
Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Research Support |
Vilcek Foundation
The Vilcek Prize for Creative Promise in
Biomedical Science
Prizes are awarded to young foreign-born biomedical researchers who
demonstrate outstanding early achievement.
Eligible work may be in basic, applied, and/or
translational biomedical science.
Due Dates: |
June 08 (OSR) Ι June 10 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$50,000 |
Eligibility: |
Must have been born outside the United States;
Must not be more than 38
years old as of December 31, 2016 (born on or after January 1, 1978);
Must be a naturalized citizen
of the United States;
or be a permanent resident (green card holder) of U.S.
or be a holder of an H1B or O-1 visa and have been
and working in the U.S. for at least 5 years; or have
granted Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA);
Eligible positions include
the following: assistant or associate professor, research scientist, or
Must have earned degree (MD,
PhD, or equiv.);
Must intend to pursue
professional career in U.S.;
Must hold full-time position |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Foundation Ι
Guidelines |
June 11 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging & Biomarkers |
Imaging and Biomarkers for Early Detection
of Aggressive Cancer
This FOA invites applications for collaborative
research projects to improve cancer screening,
early detection of aggressive cancer, assessment
of cancer risk and cancer diagnosis aimed at
integrating multi-modality imaging strategies
and multiplexed biomarker methodologies into a
singular complementary approach.
Due Dates: |
June 11 (Letter of Intent)
Jul. 09 (OSR) Ι Jul. 11 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Date in 2016: Dec.14 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Budgets not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-089 |
National Library of Medicine
Cycle II
New Submissions |
June 13 |
Junior Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development |
NLM Career Development Award in Biomedical
Informatics and Data Science
The purpose is to provide support for intensive
career development in biomedical informatics and
data science leading to research independence.
Application domains of interest include health
care delivery & consumer health, translation of
basic biological research to health outcomes,
population medicine & public health, and the
organization, analysis and use of biomedical big
Due Dates: |
June 09 (OSR) | June 13 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates: Standard
dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
Up to $100,000 (plus fringe)/yr. for salary
$50,000/yr. for research
development costs
Duration: 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Must have
research or health-professional doctoral degree or equiv.
Must be w/in 3 years of
initial full-time appointment as of submission date.
Must commit 75% effort to
career development and research training |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-204 |
Cycle II
New Submissions |
June 13 |
See Below |
Federal |
Career Development |
National Research Service Awards (NRSA)
Due Dates: |
June 09 (OSR) Ι June 13 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
Salary Support: Up to $100,000 plus
fringe benefits/yr. Research Support: Up to $30,000 per year
Period of Award: 5 years |
Eligibility: |
See Specific FOA and related NCI requirements |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
NCI is a participating Institute |
NIH Pathway to Independence Award
This program is designed to facilitate a timely transition of outstanding
postdoctoral researchers with a research and/or
clinical doctorate degree from mentored,
postdoctoral research positions to independent,
tenure-track or equivalent faculty positions.
Cancer Prevention, Control, Behavioral
Sciences, and Population Sciences Career
Development Award
The purpose is to support the career development
of junior investigators with research or health
professional doctoral degrees who want to become
cancer-focused academic researchers in cancer
prevention, cancer control, or the behavioral or
population sciences.
NCI is a participating Institute
Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career
Development Award
The NCI K08 award provides support and
"protected time" from clinical duties to
non-tenured early career stage
clinician-scientists interested in mentored
basic and/or translational cancer research.
Eligible candidates must have a clinical degree
and perform clinical duties.
The NCI Transition Career Development Award
The purpose is to facilitate transition of investigators in mentored,
non-independent cancer research positions to
independent faculty cancer research positions.
This is achieved by providing protected time
through salary and research support for the
initial 3 years of the first independent
tenure-track faculty position, or its
equivalent, beginning when the candidate starts
a tenure-track faculty position.
Amount and Project Period: |
Salary Support: Up to $100,000 plus
fringe benefits/yr. Research Support: Up to $50,000/yr.
Period of Award: 5 years |
Link: |
PAR-15-056 |
Companion FOA: |
PAR-15-063 (NCI Transition Career Development Award to Promote
Diversity) |
NCI is a participating Institute
Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career
Development Award
The NCI K23 award provides support and "protected time" to non-tenured
early career stage clinician-scientists
interested in mentored patient-oriented cancer
research. Candidates must have a clinical degree
and practice clinically.
June 13 |
Established Investigators |
Federal |
Career Enhancement |
Short-term Mentored Career Enhancement Award
in Dental, Oral and Craniofacial Research for
Mid-Career and Senior Investigators
This FOA encourages applications for short-term
mentored career enhancement awards in dental,
oral and craniofacial research w/a focus on
behavioral and social sciences, and genetic and
genomic research. The intent is to provide
mid-career or senior investigators with
short-term training in the theories, tools,
methods or approaches of another scientific
area, in order to enhance their existing
research program.
Two categories of candidates are targeted:
(a) Established dental, oral, and craniofacial
research investigators seeking training
w/investigators from another field, in order to
enrich their existing dental, oral and
craniofacial research program; and
(b) Established investigators in other fields who
seek training with dental, oral and
craniofacial research investigators in order to
facilitate the introduction of dental, oral
and craniofacial research into an existing
research program.
Due Dates: |
June 09 (OSR) Ι June 13 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Dates:
Standard Dates |
Amount & Project Period: |
NIDCR will contribute a min. 20% up to a max.
50%/yr. to the salary of the career award recipient, and $25,000/yr.
toward research development costs.
A project period from 2.5 months to 12 months may be requested |
Eligibility: |
Must have
a research or health professional doctoral degree, or a combined
health-professional and research doctoral degree.
Intended for well-established
investigators at academic rank of Associate Professor or Professor, or
equiv., who have established records of independent, peer reviewed
Federal or private research grant funding. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-179 |

June 13 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Pain Research |
American Pain Society and
Pfizer Independent Grants for Learning & Change
Implementing the National Pain Strategy in an
Era of Accountable Care: Improving Chronic Pain
Care in America
The purpose of this RFP is to encourage
submission of LOIs describing projects designed
to address the problems and objectives
identified in the
National Pain Strategy. This RFP seeks to
fund quality improvement, clinical science and
implementation science projects that:
Translate scientific knowledge into clinically
useful approaches that improve the care
individuals with chronic pain and that
Achieve that translation in service of
addressing one or more problems and objectives
identified within the
National Pain Strategy's 6 working groups.
Due Dates: |
June 13 (Letter of Intent)
Invited Submissions: Sept. 08 (OSR) I Sept. 12 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Max: $750,000 (Total) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Overview Ι
June 15 |
Established Investigators |
Federal |
Career Development |
Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for
Clinical Oncology (PCACO) (NIH Institutional
Research Career Development K12 grant mechanism)
This FOA encourages applications for
institutional research career development (K12)
programs from applicant organizations proposing
to promote the training and career development
of clinical trials researchers.
Due Dates: |
June 13 (OSR) Ι June 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$50,000 (Direct Costs) - year 01 (Curriculum
planning and development, advertising and recruiting of the first class
of Scholars)
Years' 2-5: $750,000/yr. (Direct Costs) - 5 years (Total) |
Eligibility: |
PD/PI sh/be an
established investigator in scientific area that application
is targeted and capable of providing administrative & scientific
leadership to development & implementation of program;
PD/PI will be responsible for
selection and appointment of scholars to program, and for overall
direction, management, administration, and evaluation of program;
PD(s)/PI(s) are expected to have
ongoing R01 and/or R01-like cancer-focused grant support (grants or
contracts of at least 3 years' duration and $150,000/yr. direct costs,
including those supporting clinical trials. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-189 |

June 15 |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Neurobiology |
The International Eppendorf & Science Prize
for Neurobiology
An international award which honors young scientists for their outstanding
contributions to neurobiological research based
on methods of molecular and cell biology.
Due Dates: |
June 15 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$25,000 award plus full support to attend the
Prize Ceremony held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the
Society for Neuroscience in the USA and an invitation to visit Eppendorf
in Hamburg, Germany |
Eligibility: |
Must be a
neurobiologist w/advanced degree received in last 10 years, and not
older than 35 years of age.
Entrant's essay must describe
contributions to neurobiological research based on methods of molecular
and cell biology. Entrant must have
performed or directed work described in the essay.
Research must have been
performed during the previous three years. |
Link: |
Application Guidelines |
June 16 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Epidemiology and Genomics |
Exploratory Grants in Cancer Epidemiology
and Genomics Research
The overarching goal is to provide support to promote early and
conceptual stages of research efforts on novel
scientific ideas having potential to
substantially advance cancer research, such as
improving epidemiologic study data collection;
validating measurement of exposures in body
fluids and tissues; applying epigenetic or
metabolomic approaches to cancer epidemiology
research; developing and applying novel
strategies for discovery of risk variants for
rare cancers; understanding the population
genetic architecture of cancer in understudied
populations; or validating methods to extract,
collect, and synthesize clinical data via
electronic medical records for use in
observational studies of cancer patients and
June 16 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
RBA Modifications in Cancer Biology |
Pilot and Feasibility Studies Evaluating the
Role of RNA Modifications (the
'epitranscriptome') in Cancer Biology
This FOA encourages basic research into the role of RNA chemical
modifications and their corresponding writers,
readers and erasers in the initiation and
progression of cancer.

Updated |
June 19 |
Clinical Faculty |
Non-federal |
Duvelisib |
National Comprehensive Cancer Network®
Phase I/II Clinical Trials and/or
Correlative Studies with Duvelisib for
Hematologic Malignancies
The overall aim of the project is to develop
innovative studies to help determine the role of
in the treatment of select hematologic
malignancies. Research emphasis includes 3
areas: 1. Combination Studies to Enhance
Efficacy: CLL & iNHL; 2. Concepts Expanding
Activity Signal: Rare/Understudied Populations;
and 3. Innovative dosing schedules to maximize
efficacy & tolerability: CLL & indolent
non-Hodgkin lymphoma (iNHL).
Due Dates: |
June 16 (OSR) Ι June 19 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Maximum Total Funding:
Phase I and Single-arm Phase II clinical trials: $300,000
Correlative Lab studies section of clinical trial: $100,000
Multi-institutional funding; $100,000
Period of Performance: 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Clinical Faculty |
Contact: |
Maureen Ahearn (x8824) |
Links: |
Cover Letter Ι
Oncology Research Program |

June 20 |
Faculty |
Non-federal |
Women's Cancers |
The Foundation for Women's Wellness
Research Awards
These research awards target early funding for small, short-term studies
that hold promise for improving medical
knowledge in female cancers. Desired research
proposals have direct clinical application in
preventing and/or treating disease; studies with
the promise of yielding results that will
attract larger sources of funding for advancing
study; and influencing long-term research
directions in its field.
Due Dates: |
June 16 (OSR) Ι June 20 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$25,000 - 1 year |
Eligibility: |
Must be an M.D. and/or Ph.D. with a faculty
appointment (investigator, assistant professor, or higher) |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Research Awards |

June 21 (Pre-application) |
Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Blood-related Cancers |
Gabrielle's Angel Foundation for Cancer Research
Mainstream or Conventional Research and Complementary or
Integrative Research
Gabrielle's Angel Foundation has announced 2 funding opportunities for
cancer research projects for junior faculty who are applying
novel and state-of-the-art techniques to address fundamental
problems in the genesis and treatment of blood related cancers.
Two proposals may be submitted: 1 in the area of mainstream of
conventional research and 1 in complementary or integrative
Due Dates: |
June 21 (Pre-application) Must include
a 1 page letter of introduction and a 2-page research outline and be
submitted electronically in PDF format only to
Maureen Ahearn. (x8824)
Selected Submissions due: Aug. 10 (OSR) Ι Aug. 12
(Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$75,000/yr. (Total) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Applicant must
have MD or PhD; junior faculty position; designation of
Assistant Professor (Associate Professors may not apply); institutional
support in form of tenure track OR be an independent junior faculty
member; held current position no longer than 5 years |
Contact: |
Maureen Ahearn (x8824) for additional information |
Links: |
Guidelines Ι
Application |
NCI is a participating institute
June 21 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Drug Delivery |
Image-guided Drug Delivery
Funding will support innovative research projects that are focused on
image-guided drug delivery (IGDD), including
real-time image guidance, monitoring,
quantitative in vivo characterizations and
validation of delivery and response. It will
support research in development of integrated
imaging-based systems for delivery of drugs or
biologics in cancer and other diseases,
quantitative imaging assays of drug delivery,
and early intervention.
Due Dates: |
June 19 (OSR) Ι June 21 (Sponsor)
Note: Additional due date in 2016: Nov. 22 |
Amount & Project Period: |
Budgets are not limited - 5 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-16-044 |
June 22 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Career Development |
Exploratory Grant Award to Promote Workforce
Diversity in Basic Cancer Research
Supports eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be
underrepresented in the biomedical, clinical,
behavioral, and social sciences workforce, and
provides a bridge to investigators that have
completed their research training and may need
extra time to develop a larger research project
grant application.
Due Dates: |
June 18 (OSR) Ι June 22 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2
years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
FOA Link: |
PAR-15-053 |

June 23 (Pre-app.) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Prostate |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP)
Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP)
Idea Development Award W81XWH-16-PCRP-IDA
This award supports new ideas representing innovative approaches to
prostate cancer research. Research deemed
innovative may represent a new paradigm,
challenge current paradigms, look at existing
problems from new perspectives, or exhibit other
highly creative qualities. Research that is an
incremental advance upon published data is not
considered innovative. This award also
emphasizes potential short-term and long-term
impact of the research project on prostate
cancer research and/or patient care.
Due Dates: |
June 23 (Pre-application)
Invited Submissions: Oct. 04 (OSR) I Oct. 06 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Established PIs:
$600,000 (Direct Costs)
New Investigator Option:
$275,000 (Direct Costs)
Partnering PI Option:
Total for initiating & partnering PIs: $1,000,000 (Direct Costs)
Period of performance: 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Investigators: Independent investigators at or above the
level of Assistant Professor (or equivalent);
partnering PI option supports synergistic partnerships among established
investigators, structured for up to a total of 3 PIs.
New Investigators: must meet
the following criteria:
1. Freedom to pursue individual aims w/out formal
2. Not previously received a PCRP Idea Development Award;
3. Either completed at least 3 years of postdoctoral
or fellowship (if never held an independent faculty
position); or been in an independent faculty position for
years. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Announcement I
(Pre-app.) |

June 23 (Pre-app.) |
All Faculty Ranks |
Federal |
See Below |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Programs (CDMRP)
Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program
Investigator-Initiated Research Award
award is designed to support research
w/potential to yield highly impactful data that
could lead to critical discoveries or major
advancements. The PI must
clearly articulate the project's potential
immediate and long-range outcome(s)/product(s)
(knowledge and/or materiel) and how they will
impact a central critical problem or question.
Amount & Project Period: |
Single PI:
$1,200,000 (Direct Costs)
Partnering PI Option: $1,500,000 (Direct Costs)
Performance Period: 3 years |
Link: |
Announcement |
Technology/ Therapeutic Development
This is a product-driven award mechanism
intended to provide support for the translation
of promising preclinical findings into products
for clinical applications, including prevention,
detection, diagnosis, treatment, or quality of
life, in at least one of the Congressionally
directed FY16 PRMRP Topic Areas. Applications
must include relevant data that support the
rationale for the proposed study.

June 23 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Bavituximab |
Phase I/II Clinical Trials and Correlative
Trials of Bavituximab for Solid Tumors
The overall aim is to develop innovative studies
to help determine the role of bavituximab in
expanding efficacy and/or improving outcomes for
patients treated with immunotherapy or with
modalities that increase tumor antigenicity. It
is hoped that the concepts submitted in response
to this RFP will prove useful in guiding further
development of bavituximab. Studies with
correlative endpoints are encouraged.
Due Dates: |
June 21 (OSR) Ι June 23 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Phase I Studies & Single-Arm Phase II:
$300,000 - 2 years Correlative Studies:
$100,000 - 2 years
Add $100,000 for multi-institutional studies.
Funding should not exceed $500,000 as itemized above. |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
NCCN Investigator's Login |

June 29 (Pre-app.) |
See Below |
Federal |
See Below |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP)
Focused Program Award
Applications must describe a unifying,
overarching challenge to be addressed by a set
of research projects. The overarching challenge
must be relevant to a critical problem or
question in the field of research and/or patient
care in at least one of the FY16 PRMRP Topic
Areas. Applications shall include multiple,
distinct research projects led by individual
project leaders that address complementary
aspects of the overarching challenge. Projects
must be interrelated and synergistic, and
advance a solution beyond what would be possible
through individual efforts.
Amount & Project Period: |
$10,000,000 (Total) - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
PI must be
at or above Full Professor (or equiv.) level;
PI must commit at least of
20% effort to this award
Project leaders must be at or
above Asst. Professor (or equiv.) level. |
Link: |
Announcement |
Clinical Trial Award
Supports rapid implementation of clinical trials
w/potential to have a significant impact on a
disease or condition addressed in at least one
of the congressionally directed FY16 PRMRP Topic
Areas. Clinical trials may be designed to
evaluate promising new products, pharmacologic
agents (drugs or biologics), devices, clinical
guidance, and/or emerging approaches and
technologies. Proposed projects may range from
small proof-of-concept trials (e.g., pilot,
first in human, Phase 0) to demonstrate
feasibility or inform the design of more
advanced trials, through large-scale trials to
determine efficacy in relevant patient
Amount & Project Period: |
Application budget not restricted, but must be
justified & appropriate to scope of proposed clinical trial - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
Assistant Professor (or equiv.) level or above |
Link: |
Announcement |

June 30 (LOI) |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Pediatric Cancers |
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
Familial RUNX1
ALSF and The Babich Family Foundation have
partnered to raise awareness and accelerate
research around familial RUNX1 disorders.
Due Dates: |
June 30 (Letter of Intent)
Invited Submissions: Sept. 29 (OSR) I Oct. 03 (Sponsor) |
Eligibility: |
Must have faculty appointment
May be MD, DO, PhD, or MD/PhD
Must have record of
publication & funding productivity in the last 5 years
Multiple investigator applications
that bring together pairs or teams of researches with complementary
expertise are encouraged |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
2016 Familial RUNX1 Research Grant
purpose is to fund research that will develop
strategies leading to development of therapies
for prevention of the transition from
pre-leukemia to leukemia for patients with the
familial RUNX1 disorder. Projects should focus
on familial RUNX1 disorder rather than acquired
RUNX1 mutations seen during the evolution of
2016 Familial RUNX1 Patient Samples
The purpose is to increase understanding of the
disease pathogenesis of familial RUNX1 disorders
by facilitating correlative analyses of
longitudinal patient samples and outcome data.
Identification of sources for the collection and
annotation of samples from patients with
familial RUNX1 disorders will be foundational to
building the familial RUNX1 disorder research
program. Projects should focus on familial
RUNX1 disorder rather than acquired RUNX1
mutations seen during the evolution of AML

June 30 |
All Faculty |
Non-federal |
Children's Leukemia |
Children's Leukemia Research Association
Research Grants
These research grants are for doctors who are conducting the most
promising research into leukemia, in the hopes
of isolating the causes and finding a cure for
this dread disease.

June 30 |
Graduate Students |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
James S. McDonnell Foundation
2016 Postdoctoral Fellowship in Studying Complex
The JSMF Fellowship is designed to provide
students with an opportunity to seek
potential postdoctoral research opportunities on
the basis of the student's interest and desire
to obtain additional skills and experience that
will further their pursuit of careers in complex
systems science.
Due Dates: |
Jul. 18 (OSR) Ι Jul. 20 (Sponsor)
Additional Due Date: Feb. 23, 2017 |
Amount & Project Period: |
$200,000 (TOTAL) - 2 to 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Applicants may
not already have a Ph.D. or expect to receive one before
submission deadline.
Applicants should have
theoretical and/or experimental training in Complex Systems Science.
Applicants should not have
already identified a postdoctoral position and postdoctoral research
Applicants should understand
that if a letter of intent to fund is received, it is unlikely that an
application to remain at the same institution will be approved.
Candidates from any country
are eligible |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Guidelines |
NCI is a participating Institute
June 30 (LOI) |
Junior Faculty |
Federal |
Tobacco Regulatory Science |
Tobacco Regulatory Science Small Grant
Program for New Investigators
Applicants are encouraged to conduct projects that ultimately have
potential to inform regulations on tobacco
product manufacturing, distribution, and
marketing. Research projects must address the
research priorities related to the regulatory
authority of the Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) as
mandated by the Family Smoking Prevention and
Tobacco Control Act (FSPTCA), Public Law 111-31.

July 01 |
Established Investigators |
Non-federal |
Pancreatic |
Pancreatic Cancer Action Network (PANCAN)
Precision Promise Clinical Trial Consortium
The mission of Precision Promise is to transform outcomes for all
pancreatic cancer patients. Precision Promise has three
components: a Coordinating Center, a
Translational Research Grants Program and a
Clinical Trial Consortium. The purpose of this
RFA is to constitute the
Precision Promise U.S. Clinical Trial Consortium
which will start with 10 U.S. clinical sites,
but it is envisioned to expand to additional
sites in the U.S. and globally and to
incorporate just-in-time trial initiation in the
Due Dates: |
June 29 (OSR) Ι July
01(Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
One-time upfront $15,000 to establish
each CTC site; $100,000/yr. to support Master Protocol and
general CTC activities;
20% for indirect costs.
Contracts are renewable on a yearly basis and dependent on
reaching specified milestones of patient enrollment and data quality. |
Eligibility: |
Contact PI must be an independent researcher
w/a doctoral degree (incl. PhD, MD, DO, PharmD or equiv.) in
biomedical sciences or field applicable to health science research. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Overview Ι
Guidelines and Instructions Ι
proposalCENTRAL |

July 01 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Lung |
Lung Cancer Research Foundation
Grant Program
This program provides funding for innovative
research focused on the prevention, diagnosis,
treatment and cure of lung cancer. The
Foundation encourages applications for projects
investigating a wide variety of research topics,
1. Prevention and screening for early
2. Identification of new biomarkers and the
development of targeted therapies
3. The development of next-generation
chemotherapeutic agents
4. Supportive measures for people with lung
cancer and their families Quality of care and
outcomes research.

July 01 |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation
Research Fellowship
Grants financial support of sufficient duration to help further the
careers of young men and women engaged in basic
biological or medical research.
Due Dates: |
June 29 (OSR) Ι July 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Yr. 01: $51,000 (Stipend) - $1,500 (Allowance)
Yr. 02: $52,000 (Stipend) - $1,500 (Allowance)
Yr. 03: $53,000 (Stipend) - $1,500 (Allowance) |
Eligibility: |
Hold, or be in
final stages of obtaining Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent;
year of postdoctoral research experience as of due date and
have received a PhD <2 years before due date, or M.D.
degree <3 years before due date |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (X6804) |
Link: |
Fellowships |

July 01 |
Junior Clinical Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Rachleff Innovation Award
The goal is to fund high-risk/high-reward research that lacks sufficient
preliminary data to secure traditional funding.
Due Dates: |
June 29 (OSR) Ι July 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$300,000 (Total) - 2 years
Note: Continued support for years 3 and 4 will be granted to those
awardees who demonstrate progress on their proposed research during
years 1 and 2. |
Eligibility: |
Applicants must belong to 1 of the following:
Tenure-track Assistant Professors w/in
first 4 years of initial Asst. Professor appt. (Cut-off date: July 1,
Clinical Instructors and Senior Clinical
Fellows (in final year of sub-specialty training) holding an
MD and pursuing a period of independent research before taking a
tenure-track faculty position. Such individuals must have an
exceptional record of research accomplishment, dedicated laboratory
space and support of their institution.
Note: Research Assistant Professors,
Research Associate Professors, Research Scientists and Postdoctoral
Fellows are not eligible.
Applicants are expected to commit
a minimum of 80% effort to research |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Application Guidelines |

July 01 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Cutaneous |
American Society for Dermatologic Surgery
Cutting Edge Research Grant Program (CERG)
Submission of well-conceived research projects is encouraged.
Specifically encouraged are proposals in the areas of depth of
training, scope of practice, safety and efficacy as well as
research with specific relevance in: Cosmetic medicine and
surgery; Core surgical procedures and techniques;
Cutaneous oncology;
and new technologies.

July 01 | All Ranks | Non-Federal | Clinical Oncology |
The Hope Foundation
Early Exploration and Development (SEED)
To encourage preliminary research that will
translate to clinical trials or trial-associated
projects (translational medicine studies) within
SWOG and the National Clinical Trials Network
(NCTN). Awards may assist investigators with
projects that support the following types of
studies: pre-clinical data, secondary data
analysis from clinical trials, pilot and
feasibility studies (including early stage
clinical trials), small, self-contained research
projects, or development of research
methodology/technology. |
NCI is a participating institute
July 06 (LOI) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Clinical Genome Sequencing |
Clinical Sequencing Evidence-Generating
Research (CSER2) - Clinical Sites with Enhanced
The purpose is to establish Clinical Sites with
Enhanced Diversity that collectively encompass a
broad spectrum of healthcare settings and serve
ancestrally and socioeconomically diverse
patients with a wide range of clinical
conditions, to: 1) define, generate and analyze
evidence regarding the clinical utility of
genome sequencing; 2) research critical
interactions among patients, family members,
health practitioners, and clinical laboratories
that influence implementation of clinical genome
sequencing; and 3) identify and address
real-world barriers to integrating genomic,
clinical, and healthcare utilization data within
a healthcare system to build a shared evidence
base for clinical decision-making. Applicants
are expected to recruit a minimum of 60% of
patients who come from racial or ethnic minority
populations, underserved populations, or
populations who experience poorer medical
outcomes. In contrast, applicants to the
companion RFA HG-16-010 are expected to recruit
a minimum of 25% of such patients.

July 07 (Pre-app) |
See Below |
Federal |
Prostate (Career Development) |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP)
Early Investigator
Research Award
This award supports prostate cancer-focused
research opportunities for individuals in the
early stages of their careers, under the
guidance of a designated Mentor, and allows
young investigators to develop a research
project, investigate a problem or question in
prostate cancer research, and further their
intellectual development as a prostate cancer
researcher of the future.
Amount & Project Period: |
Pre-doc PhD &
M.D./PhD: $60,000 (Direct costs)
Post-doc MD or PhD:
$125,000 (Direct Costs)
Period of performance: 2 years |
Eligibility: |
By March 31, 2017:
Pre-doctoral Ph.D. PIs: Must
be enrolled full-time in an accredited doctoral program and must have
completed all pre-dissertation requirements
Postdoctoral Ph.D. or M.D. PIs:
Must have successfully defended doctoral thesis or possess M.D. degree,
& have <3 years of postdoctoral research experience (excluding clinical
residency or clinical fellowship training) and be involved in an
accredited training or residency program |
Link: |
Announcement |
Physician Research Award
The Physician Research Award supports a mentored
research experience to prepare physicians with
clinical duties and/or responsibilities for
productive careers in prostate cancer
research. The scientific rationale and
experimental methodology should demonstrate
in-depth analysis of the research problem. The
feasibility of the research design and methods
should be well defined, and a clear plan should
be articulated as to how proposed goals can be
achieved. Inclusion of preliminary data relevant
to prostate cancer and the proposed project is
encouraged but not required.
Amount & Project Period: |
$520,000 (Direct Costs) - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
At the time of application submission, the PI
must be either:
a) In the last year of an accredited medical residency or
medical fellowship program; or
b) W/in 3 years of having initiated an appointment as
Instructor, Assistant Professor, or equivalent
40% Protected time for research is required |
Link: |
Announcement |

July 07 (Pre-app.) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Discovery/Pilot Projects |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program (PRMRP)
Discovery Award
The intent is to support innovative, non-incremental,
high-risk/potentially high-reward research that
will provide new insights, paradigms,
technologies, or applications. Studies supported
are expected to lay groundwork for future
avenues of scientific investigation. The
proposed research project should include a
well-formulated, testable hypothesis based on a
sound scientific rationale and study design.
Research relevant to one or more FY16 PRMRP
Topic Areas may be considered for funding.

July 08 (LOI) |
All Faculty Ranks |
Non-federal |
Radiation |
Radiation Oncology Institute (ROI)
Leveraging Big Data to Optimize Quality
Assurance and Patient Care Improvement
This RFP seeks proposals addressing the highest
impact research questions for the field of
radiation oncology. Focus on one or several
prevalent cancers is encouraged, however, any
proposal that would lead to important research
utilizing big data to improve quality in
radiation therapy is sought. Special
consideration given to proposals w/emphasis on
identifying multidisciplinary data sources from
all sectors that participate in providing care
for cancer patients with radiation in order to
develop Quality Assessment and Improvement
methods that span all care collaborators. To
this end, multidisciplinary teams composed of
physicists, dosimetrists, doctors, nurses,
allied medical personnel and clerical employees
are highly encouraged.

July 13 (LOI) |
See Below |
Non-federal |
Psychosocial/Pediatric |
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)
Psychosocial Grants
Launch Grants
Will support
studies that aim to explain and/or improve
psychosocial outcomes of those affected by
childhood cancer.
Amount & Project Period: |
$100,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
W/in 7 years of obtaining terminal degree |
Family Impact Grants
support studies that aim to explain and/or
improve psychosocial outcomes of those affected
by childhood cancer.
Amount & Project Period: |
$300,000 - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Established Investigators |
July 13 |
See Below |
Federal |
Commercialization |
SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate
the Development of Cancer Therapeutics, Imaging
Technologies, Interventional Devices,
Diagnostics and Prognostics Toward
Additional funding to support the next stage of
development for projects that were previously
funded under SBIR or STTR Phase II awards from
any Federal agency. Projects proposed in
response to this FOA must be applicable to one
of the following areas: (1) cancer therapeutics;
(2) cancer imaging technologies, interventional
devices, and/or in vivo diagnostics; or (3) in
vitro and ex vivo cancer diagnostics and
prognostics. The purpose is to facilitate
transition of SBIR or STTR Phase II projects to
the commercialization stage.
Due Dates: |
Jul. 11 (OSR) Ι Jul. 13
(Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$1,000,000/yr. (Total) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Organized for profit, w/place of
business in the U.S.
Has (including affiliates), no more than 500 employees. |
Contact: |
Office of Sponsored Research
(x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-CA-16-008 |

July 18 (Pre-app.) |
See Below |
Federal |
Neurofibromatosis |
Congressionally Directed Medical Research
Neurofibromatosis Research Program
Clinical Trial Award
Supports research having potential for a major
impact on treatment or management of NF.
Clinical trials may be designed to evaluate
promising new products, pharmacologic agents
(drugs or biologics), devices, clinical
guidance, and/or emerging approaches and
technologies. Proposed projects may range from
small proof-of-concept (i.e., pilot, first in
human, or Phase 0) trials to demonstrate
feasibility or inform the design of more
advanced trials, through large-scale trials to
determine efficacy in relevant patient
Amount & Project Period: |
$900,000 (Direct Costs) - 4 years |
Eligibility: |
At or above Assistant Professor (or equiv.)
level |
Link: |
Announcement |
Exploration - Hypothesis Development
Supports initial exploration of innovative,
high-risk, high-gain, and potentially
groundbreaking concepts in NF research. Studies
are expected to lay groundwork for future
avenues of scientific investigation. The
proposed project should include a well
formulated, testable hypothesis based on strong
scientific rationale and study design. The
presentation of preliminary and/or published
data is encouraged, but not required.
Amount & Project Period: |
$100,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
All Ranks |
Link: |
Announcement |
Investigator-Initiated Research Award
Supports highly rigorous, high-impact research
projects having potential to make an important
contribution to NF research and/or patient care.
Projects may focus on any phase of research,
excluding clinical trials. Applications must
include preliminary and/or published data that
are relevant to NF and the proposed project.
Amount & Project Period: |
Single PI: $525 (Direct Costs) - 3 years
PI & OQC: $575,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
At or above Assistant Professor (or equiv.)
OQC must be at or above Asst. Professor level (or equiv.) and must
commit at least 10% effort throughout the duration of the award. |
Link: |
Announcement |
New Investigator Award
Supports continued development of promising
independent investigators and/or the transition
of established investigators from other research
fields into a career in the field of NF
research. Projects may focus on any phase of
research, excluding clinical trials.
Applications must include preliminary and/or
published data that are relevant to NF and the
proposed project.
Amount & Project Period: |
$450,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
PIs must be either:
Independent investigators at
or below Asst. Professor (or equiv.); OR
Established independent investigator in
area other than NF at or above Asst. Professor seeking to
transition to a career in NF Must not
have received >$300,000 (total direct costs) for previous or
concurrent NF research as PI of 1 or more Federally funded, non-mentored
peer reviewed grants;
PIs must not have received a
New Investigator Award previously from any program w/in CDMRP;
PIs must commit at least 10%
effort on proposed NF project |
Link: |
Announcement |
NCI is a participating Institute
August 01 |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Career Development |
BD2K Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big
Data Science for Clinicians and Doctorally Prepared Scientists
This FOA solicits applications for a mentored career development
award in the area of Big Data Science. The aim of the initiative
is to support additional training of scientists who will gain
the knowledge and skills necessary to be independent researchers
as well as to work in a team environment to develop new Big Data
technologies, methods, and tools applicable to basic and
clinical research.
Due Dates: |
Jul. 28 (OSR) Ι Aug. 01 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
Up to $185,100/yr. for salary of award
$40,000 per year toward research development costs
Award Duration: 4 years |
Eligibility: |
Candidates must
have a research or health-professional doctoral degree or
Intended for research-oriented
investigators at any level of experience, from the postdoc
to mid-career and senior level faculty, who have shown clear evidence of
productivity and research excellence in the field of their training, and
who would like to expand their research capability through a mentored
career development experience. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
RFA Link: |
RFA-ES-16-002 |

August 05 |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Mesothelioma |
The Meso Foundation (formerly known as MARF)
Mesothelioma Research Funding
Proposed projects may relate to benchwork, translational or clinical
research not presently funded. Encouraged
projects include, but are not limited to:
1. Strategies for early detection and prevention of
2. Definition of targetable
differences between normal and transformed
mesothelium and
development of novel strategies
for treatment taking advantage of these targets;
3. Determination of clinical/molecular
determinants for prognosis
4. Therapeutic
intervention, including but not limited to:
Immune Response Targeted Therapy
b. Novel
chemotherapeutic compounds
c. Novel radiation
or surgical techniques

August 12 |
Established Investigators |
Non-federal |
Gastric |
American Gastroenterological Association
Robert & Sally Funderburg Research Award in
Gastric Cancer
To support the research of an established
investigator working on novel approaches to
gastric cancer, including the fields of gastric
mucosal cell biology; regeneration and
regulation of cell growth (not as they relate to
peptic ulcer disease or repair); inflammation
(including Helicobacter pylori) as precancerous
lesions; genetics of gastric carcinoma;
oncogenes in gastric epithelial malignancies;
epidemiology of gastric cancer; etiology of
gastric epithelial malignancies; or clinical
research in the diagnosis or treatment of
gastric carcinoma.
Due Dates: |
August 10 (OSR) Ι August 12 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$100,000 - 2 years |
Eligibility: |
Established independent
investigator in gastric biology
AGA membership required at time of submission |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Link: |
Guidelines |

2016 Round 2 |
August 15 (Pre-prop.) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Fanconi Anemia (FA) |
Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc.
Research Grants
Grants for research that focuses on rapid discovery
and development of therapies or strategies that
treat, control, or cure FA. There is
particular interest in supporting
interdisciplinary and translational research
efforts effectively addressing 1 or more of the
1. Understand how alteration of the FA genes and their
products lead to the clinical
manifestations of FA.
2. Determine causes of bone marrow failure, myelodysplasia
and leukemia in individuals
with FA, and to
develop strategies to prevent, treat, and cure
these disorders.
3. Define the pathogenesis of FA-associated cancers, and
to develop strategies for
prevention, early
detection, treatment and cure.
4. Identify practical and proactive management strategies
that families and persons with
FA can use to
maintain a high quality of life.
5. Support creation of shared resources, databases, and
technologies for the international
FA research

August 15 |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation
Fellowship Award
All theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer
and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms,
therapies and prevention are encouraged for this
Due Dates: |
Aug. 12 (OSR) Ι Aug. 15 (Sponsor)
Completed applications and USB flash drives must be in sponsor's office
by 4:00 pm (ET) on the deadline - NOT postmarked by that date. |
Amount & Project Period: |
Funding is comprised of a Stipend ($50,000
Level 1 and $60,000 Level 2) and Expense Allowance ($2,000). - 4 years
Physician-scientists who have completed their residencies and clinical
training and are board eligible in the United States will receive Level
2 funding |
Eligibility: |
For degrees conferred between October 15, 2015
and August 15, 2016. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6071) |
Links: |
Overview Ι Damon Runyon
Cancer Research Foundation |

August 26 |
Postdocs/Junior Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
American Gastroenterological Association
Research Scholar Award
This award enables
young investigators, instructors, research
associates or equivalents to develop independent
and productive research careers in digestive
diseases by ensuring that a major proportion of
their time is protected for research.
Due Dates: |
Aug. 24 (OSR) Ι August 26 (Sponsor) |
Amount & Project Period: |
$270,000 (Total) - 3 years |
Eligibility: |
Must hold a
full-time faculty position by July 1, 2017;
MD applicants: no more than 7
years shall have elapsed following completion of clinical training (GI
fellowship or its equivalent) and start date of this award.
PhD applicants: no more
than 7 years shall have elapsed following award of PhD and start date of
this award. |
Contact: |
Office of
Sponsored Research (x6804) |
Links: |
Guidelines Ι American Gastroenterological Association |