Current and Recent Program Announcements
Current and Recent Requests for Applications
Current and Recent
NCI and Trans-NIH Initiatives
Requests for Proposals
Due Dates

Apr 03 (OSR)
Apr 07 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs/Fellows |
Non-federal |
Immunotherapy |
Society for Immunotherapy of Cancer
Immunotherapy Clinical Research Fellowship
To further the research and development of cancer immunotherapies
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 03 (OSR)
April 07 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000 - 1 year
Must be a Post-doctoral fellow, resident,
Research scientist or comparable position, and an SITC member in good standing at
time of submission
Linda Nolan, x6071
Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Fellowship Award

April 03 (OSR)
April 5 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Technology |
Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications
& Small Business Technology Transfer Grant Applications
Grants to help advance technology towards commercialization. Applications
proposing innovative cancer-related technologies, with strong commercial
potential, in a wide range of topic areas, are invited through the Omnibus
Solicitations. Please visit the Research Topics of Interest page on the SBIR
website to view the list of portfolio areas.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 3 (OSR)
April 05 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
NCI will fund Phase I applications at a max. of $225,000 total costs and project periods of
2 years
Phase II applications will be funded at a max. of
$1,500,000 total costs or project periods greater than
3 years.
SBIR: Primary employment must be w/the small business concern
(SBC) at the time of award and during the period of performance.
STTR: may be employed with
the SBC or the single, "partnering" non-profit research institution as long as
s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC,
characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual.
Craig x1458
FOA Links:
PA-14-071 - SBIR Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement
PA-14-072 - STTR Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement
PAR-14-088 - Direct Phase II SBIR Grants to Support Biomedical
Technology Development
April 4 (OSR)
April 8 (Sponsor) |
Pre- & Postdocs |
Federal |
Career Training |
Individual National Research Service Awards (Standard)
to provide support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 4 (OSR)
April 8 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Variable |
Pre-doctoral and
Postdoctoral Trainees |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Links:
F30 (Pre-doc):
F33 (Sr. Fellows): PA-11-114
April 8 |
Jr. and Established Faculty |
Non-federal |
Miles for Moffitt Annual "Milestone Awards"
Project aim should produce preliminary data that will lead to peer reviewed funding and also propose new research that does not overlap with projects already underway.
Due Date:
April 8
(Submit to Maureen Ahearn by
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 - 12 months
Junior and Established Faculty (investigators who have previously received this award are not eligible)
Maureen Ahearn (x8824)
Miles for Moffitt Face Sheet

Apr 10 (OSR)
Apr 14 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs/Fellows |
Non-federal |
Bladder Cancer |
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
The John Quale Travel Fellowship Program
Opportunity for early career investigators interested in bladder cancer research to attend the 2014 BCAN Bladder Cancer Think Tank Meeting
(August 7-9, 2014 in San Diego, CA), seeking to engage more early-career individuals with interests related to bladder cancer including
basic scientists, urologists, oncologists, and pathologists
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 10 (OSR)
April 14 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$1,500 to support travel costs
MDs and PhDs at post-graduate, pre-faculty level (not yet started a faculty
appointment by April 14). MD’s must
be in final year of residency or in a
fellowship program. PhD applicants
must be postdoctoral fellows
Linda Nolan, x6071
John Quale Travel Fellowships
April 10 (OSR)
April 14 (Sponsor) |
Pre-docs |
Federal |
Career Training |
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31 - Diversity)
Cycle I due date for
Diversity fellowships
to provide support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 10 (OSR)
April 14 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Pre-doctoral candidates from underrepresented background |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:

April 15 |
Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Pilot Projects |
ACS-IRG Spring 2014 Funding Opportunity
Pilot funding opportunities to support junior faculty in initiating cancer-related research projects that assist in competing successfully for national research grants
Due Date:
April 15 (Submit to
Maureen Ahearn
by 4:00pm)
Amount & Project Period:
$30,000 - 1 year
Full-time members at the Assistant member/Assistant
Professor level.
Must be w/in the first 6 years of the initial faculty
appointment. No active peer reviewed funding at time of submission or award, and
No previous R01, R21 or equivalent allowed.
Maureen Ahearn (X8824)
ACS-IRG Application
ACS-IRG Guidelines

April 17 (OSR)
April 21 (Sponsor) |
US Small Business Concerns |
Federal |
Technology |
SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Award
Designed to help support the next stage of development for promising Federally-funded SBIR/STTR Phase II projects advancing cancer research technologies.
Open only to SBIR or STTR Phase II projects nearing completion or have recently ended. To be eligible under the current FOA, current Phase II projects MUST end on or before August 31, 2014.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 17 (OSR)
April 21 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Up to $1M in total costs per year and project periods up to three years.
Under the SBIR program, for both Phase I and Phase II,
the primary employment of the PD/PI must be with the small business concern at
the time of award and during the conduct of the proposed project.
Craig (x1458)
RFA Link:
Apr 18 (OSR)
Apr 22 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs/Fellows |
Non-federal |
Multiple Myeloma |
Research Fellow Awards
To help support young
investigators to begin studies in the field of multiple
myeloma while advancing the understanding of myeloma
disease biology, treatment and drug resistance.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 18 (OSR)
April 22 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$75,000 - 1 year
Postdocs with less than 5 years of experience |
Linda Nolan, x6071
2014 Research Fellow Award Guidelines

Apr 28 (OSR)
Apr 30 (Sponsor) |
Established Investigators |
Non-federal |
Cancer |
Prostate Cancer Foundation - 2014 Movember-PCF Global Treatment Sciences Network Challenge Award
Treatment Sciences research in the following topic areas is preferred (however, all treatment sciences
ideas will be evaluated):
1. First-in-field research on new targets in metastatic prostate cancer systemic treatment
2. Mechanisms of resistance to current and investigational drugs targeting the androgen receptor and
androgen axis, immune system and chemotherapy
3. Tumor microenvironment signaling related to cancer progression including the immune component
are topic areas we strongly encourage.
4. New treatments for metastatic prostate cancer including those targeting the currently
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Molecular Analysis |
Early-Stage Innovative Molecular Analysis Technology Development for Cancer Research
Exploratory research focused on the inception and development of early stage,
highly innovative, technologies or emerging technologies with significant transformative potential
that has not yet been explored in a cancer-relevant use.
Due Date:
April 20 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000 (Direct Costs) for 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
All Ranks |
Federal |
Molecular Analysis |
Validation and Advanced Development of Emerging Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research
Projects on the advanced development of emerging molecular and cellular analysis technologies and technical/analytical validation in an appropriate
cancer-relevant biological system.
Due Date:
April 20 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Biospecimen Science |
Early-Stage Development of Innovative Technologies for Biospecimen Science
Technically innovative feasibility studies focused on early-stage development of technologies that address issues related to pre-analytical
variations in the collection, processing, handling, and storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens or their derivatives.
Due Date:
April 20 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Biospecimen Science |
Validation and Advanced Development of Emerging Technologies for Biospecimen Science
Will support the development of tools, devices, instrumentation, and associated methods to assess sample quality, preserve/protect
sample integrity, and establish verification criteria for quality assessment/quality control and handling.
Due Date:
April 10 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000/year (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 28 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor) |
Principal Investigators |
Federal |
Diversity Supplements |
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
Administrative supplements to improve the diversity of the research workforce by supporting and recruiting students, postdocs, and
eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 29 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor)
Proposals may be submitted between March 1 and May 1
Amount & Project Period:
NCI Annual Salary: $75,000 plus fringe benefits - Project and budget periods must be w/in currently approved project period for existing parent award. All additional costs must be w/in scope of approved project.
Principal Investigators
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
April 28 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor) |
Principal Investigators |
Federal |
Biomedical & Behavioral |
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers
Support for individuals with high potential to re-enter an active
research career after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
April 29 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Salary plus $10,000 for research costs sand must be within currently approved project period for existing parent award.
Principal Investigators
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:

May 01 (LOI)
July 30 (OSR)
August 1 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs & Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Hematology |
American Society of Hematology -
Fellow and Jr. Faculty Scholar Awards
Proposals accepted in Basic/Translational research and Clinical Research to include patient-oriented and outcomes-based research that include significant interaction with patients.
Due Date:
May 01 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
May 16 (OSR)
August 1 (Sponsor-invited Submissions)
Amount & Project Period:
Fellow Scholars: $100,000 - 2 to 3 years
Faculty Scholars: $150,000 - 2 to 3 years
ASH Membership required at time of submission
US Citizens, Canadians, and U.S. Visa-holders
Must have both a primary mentor and secondary mentor
Applicants w/title of Assistant Professor or equivalent must apply for Junior Faculty Award, regardless of research experience
Fellow Scholar Eligibility
PhD or MD/PhD applicants 5 years of research experience after
completion of PhD
MD applicants should have 3 but less than 5 years of research experience
Junior Faculty Scholar Eligibility
MD, PhD or MD/PhD applicants with more than 5 but less than 10 years of research experience
after completion of PhD
Linda Nolan, x6071
ASH Scholar Awards

May 14 (OSR)
May 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Ovarian Cancer |
SROCF Research Grants
Research to find a cure for ovarian cancer, a screening test for early detection, breakthrough treatments and
to improve the quality of life ovarian cancer patients.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
May 14 (OSR)
May 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 - Project period not specified
All Ranks
Shaina Sine, x3658
SROCF Research Grants

May 14 (OSR)
May 16 (Sponsor) |
Grad. Students Postdocs and Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Cancer Treatment Benefits |
Assessing the Benefits of Treating Cancer
Supports research aimed at quantifying the benefits that have accrued from innovations in cancer treatment;
focused on developing a novel way of quantifying or describing the social, patient-centered, and economic
benefits of innovation in cancer treatment; not intended for clinical or bench research
Offered as a pre-doctoral fellowship, post-doctoral fellowship and research
starter grant for junior faculty
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Bioengineering |
Bioengineering Research Partnerships (BRP)
Awards will focus on supporting multidisciplinary teams that apply an integrative, quantitative bioengineering approach
to developing these technologies and engage biomedical researchers or clinicians throughout the project. The goal of the program
is to support projects that can realize meaningful solutions within 5-10 years.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
May 19 (LOI) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Big Data |
Development of Software and Analysis Methods for Biomedical Big Data in Targeted Areas of High Need
Development of innovative analytical methods and software tools with the objective of addressing current & emerging needs for using, managing, and analyzing
the larger and more complex data sets inherent to biomedical Big Data. FOA has 4 focus areas: Data Compression/Reduction, Data Visualization, Data Provenance & Data Wrangling
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
May 19 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
June 17 (OSR)
June 19 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000/year (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
May 21 (OSR)
May 23 (Sponsor) |
Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Pediatric Cancer |
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation -
"A" Award
For the early career scientist with an original project
not currently being funded
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
May 21 (OSR)
May 23 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/year - 3 years
May not be ranked higher than Assistant Professor
MD or MD, PhD. applicants must be less than 6 years after finishing
3-year fellowship at time of award
Preference given to applicants less than 12 years since receipt of 1st professional degree.
M.D. candidates who did not have a 3-year fellowship must
have 3 years of research experience after award of M.D. and
less than 12 years since receiving the M.D. at time of award
Ph.D. applicants must be less than 6 years since receipt of Ph.D.
(i.e., if Ph.D. is awarded in 2008 or later, applicant is eligible
for 2014 "A" Award).
Linda Nolan, x6071
"A" Awards
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation
Grant Guidelines
Apr 22 (LOI)
May 22 (OSR)
May 26 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Program Project
Awards |
National Cancer Institute Program Project Applications
Investigator-initiated program project (P01) Proposed program projects may address any
of the broad areas of cancer research, including but not limited to cancer biology, cancer treatment,
cancer diagnosis, cancer prevention, and cancer control.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
May 22 (OSR)
May 26 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budgets not limited - 5 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 03 (LOI)
July 11 (OSR)
July 15 (Sponsor) |
All faculty |
Non-federal |
Blood Cancers |
Quest for Cures
This RFP is focused on defining subgroups of patients with a given diagnosis, understanding the
role and improving detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) in hematological malignancies and
using this information to guide treatment intervention.
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Research Projects |
Research Project Grants
This due date represents Cycle II for new investigator-initiated (and other) research projects.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
R01 budgets are not usually limited and can be for up to 5 years. Please read the individual FOA to which you are applying.
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
PA-13-302 (Parent R01)
Standard Dates |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Chronic Illness |
Innovative Research Methods: Prevention and Management of Symptoms in Chronic Illness
Seeks to update the randomized control trial (RCT) design using novel research methods that are practical,
innovative, and hold promise for producing more effective outcomes
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Standard Dates
Completed Applications Due:
Next R01: June 03 (OSR) │ June 5 (Sponsor)
Next R21: June 12 (OSR) │ June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
R01: Budget not limited (but $360,000/year (Direct Costs) are
encouraged) 3-4 years
R21: $275,000/year (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
PA-13-165 R21:
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Chronic Health
Conditions |
Behavioral Interventions to Address Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Primary Care
applications proposing to use a common conceptual model to develop behavioral interventions to modify health behaviors and improve health outcomes
in patients with comorbid chronic diseases and health conditions.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 03
June 5 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budgets not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Cancers |
Mechanisms of Alcohol-associated Cancers
To stimulate a broad range of research into the mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to carcinogenesis.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Dates Apply
Completed Applications Due:
June 3 (OSR)
June 5 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited/yr for 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Dissemination &
Implementation |
Dissemination and Implementation
Research in Health
Identify, develop, evaluate & refine effective and efficient methods, systems, infrastructures, & strategies to disseminate and implement research-tested health behavior change interventions, evidence-based prevention, early detection, diagnostic, treatment & management, quality of life improvement services, data monitoring and surveillance reporting tools into public health and clinical practice settings that focus on patient outcomes.
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Standard Dates Apply -
R01: June 05
R21 & R03: June 16
Amount & Project Period:
R01: Budget not limited – 5 years
R21: $275,000 (Direct Costs) – 2 years
R03: $100,000 (Direct Costs) – 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Links:
PAR-13-055 (R01)
PAR-13-054 (R21)
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Bioengineering |
Bioengineering Research Grants (BRG)
To encourage BRG applications that:
1) Apply a multidisciplinary approach to solving a biomedical problem; and
2) Integrate, optimize, validate, translate or otherwise accelerate adoption of
promising tools, methods & techniques for a specific research or clinical problem in basic, translational, or clinical science and practice.
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 3 (OSR)
June 5 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budgets not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
May 10 (LOI)
June 06 (OSR)
June 10 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Prevention &
Control |
Fundamental Mechanisms of Affective and Decisional Processes in Cancer Control
To generate fundamental knowledge of affective processes Basic affective science projects should have key downstream
consequences for single and multiple event decisions and behaviors across the cancer prevention and control continuum
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 06 (OSR)
June 10 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$450,000/year (Direct Costs) - 5 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
June 13 (OSR)
June 17 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Biology & Epidemiology |
Bridging the Gap Between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science
Proposed projects should pose a challenging cancer research question that can be
addressed by connecting the two ends
of the research spectrum that would be difficult to address or explain through biological or epidemiological investigation alone.
Due Date:
First Cycle:
Completed Applications Due:
June 13 (OSR)
June 17 (Sponsor)
Second Cycle:
Completed Applications Due:
October 31 (OSR)
Nov 4 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$450,000/year direct costs for
5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
R01: June 3 (OSR)
June 5 (Sponsor)
R21: June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Pain Management |
Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, & Management in Pain Research
To stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Standard Dates Apply
Completed Applications Due:
R01: June 3 (OSR)
R01: June 5 (Sponsor)
Completed Application Due:
R21: June 16 (Sponsor)
R21: June 12 (OSR) Completed Application Due
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited -
5 years
R21: $275,000 (Direct Costs)
total over 2 years
All Ranks
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Links:
| R21:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Clinical Ranks |
Federal |
Obesity |
Exploratory/Developmental Clinical Research Grants in Obesity
To accelerate development of effective interventions for prevention or treatment of overweight or obesity in adults and/or children
Exploratory epidemiological research with a goal of informing translational/clinical research will also be supported within this program
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Clinical Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
Insert Text |
Insert Text |
Insert Text |
Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG)
To establish the feasibility of technologies, techniques or methods that:
1) Explore a unique multidisciplinary approach to a biomedical challenge;
2) Are high-risk but have a considerable pay-off; and
3) May propose hypothesis-driven, discovery-driven, developmental, or design-directed research and is appropriate for evaluating unproven approaches for which there is minimal or no preliminary data
NCI is a participating IC
Due Date:
Completed Applications are Due:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Insert Text |
Other Research Programs
Cycle II Deadline for NEW (R21) Exploratory/Developmental Research Grants, (R03) Small Grants Program
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
R21: $275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years
R03: $100,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:

June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Lung Cancer |
Lung Cancer Research Foundation - 2014 Research Grants
Medical/scientific research projects covering all aspects of lung cancer research.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 - 1 year
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
2014 Research Grants
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging |
Early Phase Clinical Trials in Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions
Clinical Trials for preliminary evaluation of the safety and efficacy of imaging agents, as well as an assessment of imaging systems,
image processing, image-guided therapy, contrast kinetic modeling, 3-D reconstruction & other quantitative tools. Will provide support
for pilot (Phase I and II) cancer imaging clinical trials, including patient monitoring and laboratory studies.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor) w/letter of intent 30 days before due date
Second 2014 due date: October 10
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Ranks
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
(New FOA number- replaces PAR-11-216)
June 16 (OSR)
June 18 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Informatics Technology |
Early-Stage Development of Informatics Technology
To enable development of enabling informatics technologies to improve the acquisition, management, analysis,
and dissemination of data and knowledge in cancer research
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 16 (OSR)
June 18 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$250,000/year (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 16 (OSR)
June 18 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Informatics Technology |
Revisions for Early-Stage Development of
Informatics Technology
To promote interdisciplinary collaboration in the development of innovative computational
methods and informatics approaches that are essential for cancer research to accelerate
scientific discovery and ultimately translate data into knowledge and clinical practice
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 16 (OSR)
June 18 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/year (Direct Costs) - 2 years (may not exceed the remaining number of years of the parent grant)
Revision applications from active NCI R01 and R37 awardees.
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 18 (OSR)
June 20 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Health
Disparities |
Basic Cancer Research in Cancer Health Disparities
Basic, mechanistic research into the biologic/genetic causes of cancer health disparities
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 18 (OSR)
June 20 (Sponsor)
Final deadline for this FOA number is November 20, 2014
Amount & Project Period:
$250,000/year (Direct Costs) - 5 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Small Research Projects |
NCI Small Grants Program for Cancer Research
Small research projects on cancer that can be carried out in a short period of time with limited resources
including: pilot and feasibility studies; secondary analysis of existing data; small, self-contained research
projects; development of research methodology; and development of new research technology.
Due Date:
Completed Proposal Due:
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$$50,000/year (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Pediatric Leukemia |
The Children's Leukemia Research Association,
Inc. Research Projects
For promising research related to understanding the causes of and finding a cure for childhood leukemia.
Due Date:
Completed Applications Due:
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$30,000 - 1 year
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
CLRA Research Grants

June 27 (OSR)
July 1 (Sponsor) |
Jr Faculty
Clinical Fellows |
Non-federal |
Basic or
Trans/Clin Res |
Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award
Specifically designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers
with an
innovative new idea but w/out sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding.
Research must be novel, exceptionally
creative and have strong potential for high impact in the cancer field.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 27 (OSR)
July 1 by 4:00pm (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/year for 3 years
Applicants must belong to one of the following categories:
Tenure-track Assistant Professors w/in first 3 years of obtaining initial Assistant Professor position.
(Cut-off date: July 1, 2011.)
Clinical Instructors and Senior Clinical Fellows (in final year of sub-specialty training) holding an MD
and pursuing a period of independent research before taking a tenure-track faculty position.
Distinguished Fellows w/an exceptional record of research accomplishment identified by their institution to pursue an independent research program and
who have dedicated laboratory space.
Applicants are expected to commit a minimum of 80% of their time to
conducting research
Linda Nolan, x6071
Innovation Award Overview
Application Guidelines
July 02 (OSR)
July 5 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Research Project
Applications |
R01 Research Grants
Renewals, Resubmissions, and Revisions Cycle II deadline
Due Date:
Completed Proposals Due:
July 02 (OSR)
July 5 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budgets not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 08 (LOI)
July 08 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Epidemiology |
Core Infrastructure and Methodological Research
for Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts
Support for infrastructure and core functions for existing or new Cancer Epidemiology Cohorts (CECs).
Due Date:
June 08 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Applications Due:
July 03 (OSR)
July 08 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budgets not limited - 5 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
Toolbox |