Pragmatic Clinical Studies
and Large Simple Trials to Evaluate Patient-Centered Outcomes
compare two or more alternatives for addressing prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or management of a disease or symptom; improving health care system-level approaches to managing care;
or for eliminating health or healthcare disparities
Effectiveness of Transitional Care
(1-time opportunity) Research to determine which transitional care service clusters are most effective in improving patient-centered outcomes
- while optimizing re-admission rates - in different at-risk subpopulations and in different healthcare contexts.
Obesity Treatment Options Set in Primary Care for Underserved Populations
Seek to determine the real-world comparative effectiveness of obesity treatment options set in primary care, in adults for racial/ethnic minorities, low socio-economic status populations, and/or rural populations.
Assessment of Prevention, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options
To address critical decisions facing patients, caregivers, and clinicians without adequate information.
Improving Healthcare Systems - Comparative effectiveness research (CER) designed to provide information that would inform critical decisions that face healthcare system leaders, policy makers, clinicians, patients and caregivers.
Communication and Dissemination Research - To address critical knowledge gaps in the communication and dissemination process.
Addressing Disparities - Comparative effectiveness studies evaluating & comparing new and alternative interventions with each other or with usual care to reduce or eliminate disparities in health and health care.
Improving Methods for Conducting Patient-Centered Outcomes Research - To address gaps in methodological research relevant to conducting PCOR.

James S. McDonnell
March 10 (OSR)
March 12 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Non-federal |
Complex Systems |
Scholar Award in Studying Complex Systems
Emphasis in furthering the science of complex systems
via continued development of theory and tools used in the study of complex
research questions.

March 15 |
All Faculty |
Intramural |
Clinical Trials |
Moffitt Clinical Trials Funding Opportunity
A clinical trial funding opportunity with an emphasis on increasing minority accrual and utilization of Total Cancer Care.
Funding will be awarded to a proposal for an investigator-initiated phase 0, I, or II therapeutic or supportive care clinical
trial that addresses an underrepresented population and is likely to lead to increased minority subject accrual.

March 12 (OSR)
March 15 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Non-federal |
Solid Tumors |
Grant for Oncology Innovation
To support advancement of science and medical research in the field of personalized treatment for patients with solid tumors.
Due Date:
Complete Application Due:
March 12 (OSR)
March 15 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$1.36M total - project period not defined
All Faculty
Shaina Sine, x4568
RFA Link:
Grant for Oncology Innovation
March 13 (OSR)
March 17 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Multiple |
Other Research Grants Renewals, Resubmissions, Revisions
This cycle I deadline provides for renewals, resubmissions, and revision applications for R03, R21, R33, R21/R33, R34, & R36 funding mechanisms, unless specifically noted in the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA).
March 13 (OSR)
March 17 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Cancer Causes |
Damon Runyon Fellowship Award
Supports all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and the search for cancer causes, mechanisms, therapies and prevention.
Due Date:
Complete Application Due:
March 13 - (OSR)
March 17 - (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Level I Funding: $50,000/year plus $2,000 for scientific expenses
for 3 years.
Level II Funding: $60,000/year plus $2,000 for scientific expenses
for 3 years.
Must have completed: MD, PhD, MD/PhD, DDS, DVM or its equivalent.
Linda Nolan, x6071
Fellowship Application Guidelines
Fellowship Award Overview

March 14 (OSR)
March 18 (Sponsor) |
All faculty |
Federal |
Integrated Systems |
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) Big Mechanism
The Big Mechanism program will develop technology to read research abstracts and papers to extract fragments of causal mechanisms, assemble these fragments into more complete causal models, and reason over these models to produce explanations.
The domain of the program will be cancer biology with an emphasis on signaling pathways.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 14 - (OSR)
March 18 - (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$45M over 42 months
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071

March 14
March 18 (Sponsor) |
Established Investigators |
Non-federal |
Myeloma |
Senior Research Award
To accelerate the development of therapeutic approaches for myeloma; including proposals in
basic science, validation, or translation research.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 14 - (OSR)
March 18 - (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/year total for 2 years
MRF Member Investigators with more than 5 years of experience.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
2014 Senior Research Award Guidelines

March 18 (OSR)
March 20 (Sponsor) |
Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Brain |
2014 Distinguished Scientist Awards
Research focus on increased survival rates and improved recovery for patients and a cure or at the very least, treatments to make brain cancer a manageable chronic disease.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 18 - (OSR)
March 20 - (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/year for 4 years
Jr. Faculty in first independent, full-time faculty appointment
no earlier than March 1, 2011.
Shaina Sine (X3658)
RFA Link:
Sontag Foundation
Distinguished Scientist Award |
March 18 (OSR)
March 20 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Bench-to-Bedside |
Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center
To support collaborative translational research projects aligned with NIH efforts to enhance the translation of basic biological discoveries into clinical applications that improve health.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 18 - (OSR)
March 20 - (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000/year direct costs for 3 years
Amount includes Clinical Center costs and intramural investigator's costs. The NIH Clinical Center costs and intramural
investigator's costs will not be included in the award paid to the grantee.
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
March 18 (OSR)
March 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Nutrition |
Nutrigenetics and Nutrigenomics Approaches for Nutrition Research
To promote application of nutrigenetics and/or nutrigenomics approaches to nutrition research through collaborative
interaction among nutrition researchers and experts in omics technologies.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
February 19 (LOI)
Completed Application Due:
March 18 (OSR)
March 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

March 19 - Preapp
April 8 - Final Proposal |
Jr Faculty |
Non-federal |
Research |
V Foundation V Scholar Award Announcement
Funding is avaialble for laboratory-based fundamental and translational
research. This is a restricted submission and requires a pre-application which
is due March 19. The final submision to the V-Foundation is due April 8.
To be eligible, the candidate must hold a tenure track position as an instructor
or assistant professor and have five years' experience. Researchers with
R01 funding are ineligible.
The pre-application must include a 1 page letter of introduction and a 2-page
outline of proposed research and be submitted electronically in PDF format only.
March 19
April 8 (Final Selected Proposal)
Jr Faculty with 5 years or less experience |
Ahearn (x8824) |

March 24 -Preapp
May 13-Final Proposal |
Pre-Clinical and Clinical Faculty |
Non-federal |
Research |
Translational Research - Restricted Submission
Cancer research projects that bring together pre-clinical and clinical
investigators. The purpose is to develop novel approaches to the prevention,
detection and treatment of human cancer that requires collaboration of investigators from both the lab and clinic.
Due Date:
March 24 (Internal)
May 13 (Final Selected Proposal)
Pre-clinical and Clinical Faculty |
Ahearn (x8824) |
March 21 (LOI)
April 16 (OSR)
April 21 (Sponsor) |
SBCs (See Below) |
Federal |
Technology |
SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Awards to Accelerate the Development of Cancer Therapeutics, Imaging Technologies, Interventional Devices, Diagnostics and Prognostics toward Commercialization
The purpose is to facilitate the transition of SBIR or STTR Phase II projects to the commercialization stage. Projects must be applicable to one of the following areas:
(1) Cancer therapeutics;
(2) Cancer imaging technologies, interventional devices, and in vivo diagnostics; or
(3) In vitro and ex vivo cancer diagnostics and prognostics.
Due Date:
March 21 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application Due:
April 16 (OSR)
April 21 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$1,000,000/year (Total Costs) for 3 years
To be eligible under the current FOA,
current Phase II projects MUST end on or before August 31, 2014.
Primary employment of PD/PI must be w/small business concern at
award and during conduct of proposed project.
MPI Projects must
have at least 1 PD/PI that this requirement.
Christi Craig (x1458)
RFA Link:
March 19 (OSR)
March 21 (Sponsor) |
Principal Investigators |
Federal |
Funding |
Administrative Supplements to Existing NIH Grants and Cooperative Agreements
Potential for supplemental funding to meet increased costs within the scope of
the approved award.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 19 (OSR)
March 21 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Project and budget periods must be w/in the currently approved project period for the parent award.
Must hold an active grant or cooperative agreement, and the research proposed in the supplement must be accomplished within the competitive segment of the active award.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Annual Announcement |
March 19 (OSR)
March 21 (Sponsor) |
Established Investigators |
Federal |
Instrumentation |
Shared Instrumentation Grant Program
NIH support to purchase or upgrade a single item of expensive,
specialized, commercially available instrumentation or an integrated system
costing at least $100,000.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 19 (OSR)
March 21 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Established Faculty |
Christi Craig, x1458
RFA Link:

March 21 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Health Disparities |
Ponce School of Medicine Moffitt Cancer Center Partnership
Request for Pre-Pilot Research Proposals
To further promote the goals of the Partnership by continuing
research efforts focused on reducing/eliminating cancer health
disparities among the Puerto Rican population.
Due Date:
March 21 (by 4:00pm)
Amount & Project Period:
$15,000 per institution - 1 year
All Faculty
Must include an investigator from each institution
Sabrina Rodriguez (x6565)
RFA Link:
March 22 (LOI)
April 19 (OSR)
April 22 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
U.S. - South Africa Program for Collaborative Biomedical Research
To establish a new US - South Africa Program for Collaborative Biomedical Research. Areas include TB, HIV/AIDS biomedical and
behavioral science, and HIV-related co-morbidities, including malignancies.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
March 22 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application:
April 19 (OSR)
April 22 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
R01: $350,000 total costs - 5 years
R21: $275,000 total direct costs - 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development |
Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big Data Science for Clinicians and Doctorally Prepared Scientists
Career development of interdisciplinary researchers to
technology, methods, and tools to capitalize on the Big Data already being generated. Big Data Science is involves
3 major scientific areas:
(1) computer science or informatics, (2) statistics and mathematics, and (3) biomedical science.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$165,300/year towards salary/benefits;
$40,000/year research costs
3-5 years
All Ranks
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Established Investigators |
Federal |
Big Data
Science |
Courses for Skills Development in Biomedical Big Data Science
To support educational activities that complement and/or enhance the training of a workforce to meet the nation's biomedical,
behavioral and clinical research needs in Big Data Science.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/year direct costs -
3 years
Established Investigators
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Open Educational Resources for Biomedical Big Data
Development of open educational resources (OER) for use by large numbers of learners at all
career levels that enhance the ability of the workforce to use and analyze biomedical Big Data.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$200,000/year direct costs for
3 years
Established Investigators
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Postdoctoral Fellows |
Non-federal |
Training |
ACS Postdoctoral Fellowships
To support the training of researchers with doctoral degrees with initial funding that can lead to an independent career in cancer research.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Electronic Submission)
April 2 (Paper Submission)
Amount & Project Period:
Progressive annual stipends: $48,000, $50,000, and $52,000, plus $4,000/year
allowance - 3 years
Must have MD, PhD or equivalent
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Postdoctoral Fellowships
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Jr Faculty |
Non-federal |
Career Development |
ACS Mentored Research Scholar
Support for mentored research and training for beginning investigators.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Electronic Submission)
April 02 (Paper Submission)
Amount & Project Period:
$135,000/year direct costs for 5 years
Faculty w/in 4 years of 1st independent appointment
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Mentored Research Scholar
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Jr Faculty |
Non-federal |
Multiple |
ACS Research Scholar Grants
Grants to support investigator-initiated projects across the cancer research continuum.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Electronic Submissions Due)
April 02 (Paper Submissions Due)
Amount & Project Period:
$165,000/year direct costs for 4 years.
Exception: Population-based, psychosocial or
behavioral studies:
$400,000/year direct costs for 5 years.
Independent, self-directed researchers w/in 6 years of the first academic appointment.
Exception: Any career stage for research on psychosocial, behavioral,
health policy or health services addressing cancer health equity and disparities.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Research Scholar Grants
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Palliative Care |
ACS Pilot and Exploratory Projects in Palliative Care
Of Cancer Patients and Their Families
Supports investigators performing pilot and exploratory research studies that test interventions, develop research methodologies, and explore novel areas of research in palliative care of cancer patients and their families.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Electronic Submission Due)
April 02 (Paper Submission Due)
Amount & Project Period:
$60,000/year direct costs for 2 years
Jr. Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Pilot and Exploratory Projects
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Cancer Prevention |
ACS Physician Training Awards in Cancer Prevention
Awarded to institutions to support physician training in accredited preventive medicine residency programs that provide cancer prevention and control research
and practice opportunities.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Electronic Submission Due)
April 02 (Paper Submission Due)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000 total (average of $50,000/resident training year) for 4.5 years
Population Sciences Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Physician Training Awards in Cancer Prevention

March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Immunology |
Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowships
Provides critical financial support and continued career training in cancer
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
March 28 (OSR)
April 01 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Stipend of
$50,000 Year 1, $53,000 Year 2, $57,000 Year 3 and
$1,500/year research support for 3 years.
Must have doctoral degree by activation date.
Applicants with 5 or more years of relevant postdoctoral experience are
eligible, with the exception of MDs, who should not include years of residency in this calculation.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Irvington Postdoctoral Fellowships

April 03 (OSR)
April 5 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Technology |
Small Business Innovation Research Grant Applications
& Small Business Technology Transfer Grant Applications
Grants to help advance technology towards commercialization. Applications
proposing innovative cancer-related technologies, with strong commercial
potential, in a wide range of topic areas, are invited through the Omnibus
Solicitations. Please visit the Research Topics of Interest page on the SBIR
website to view the list of portfolio areas.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 3 (OSR)
April 05 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
NCI will fund Phase I applications at a max. of $225,000 total costs and project periods of
2 years
Phase II applications will be funded at a max. of
$1,500,000 total costs or project periods greater than
3 years.
SBIR: Primary employment must be w/the small business concern
(SBC) at the time of award and during the period of performance.
STTR: may be employed with
the SBC or the single, "partnering" non-profit research institution as long as
s/he has a formal appointment with or commitment to the applicant SBC,
characterized by an official relationship between the SBC and that individual.
Craig x1458
RFA Links:
PA-14-071 - SBIR Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement
PA-14-072 - STTR Parent Funding Opportunity Announcement
PAR-14-088 - Direct Phase II SBIR Grants to Support Biomedical Technology Development

April 3 (OSR)
April 7 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs |
Non-federal |
Immunotherapy |
Immunotherapy Clinical Research Fellowship
To further the research and development of cancer immunotherapies.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 3 (OSR)
April 7 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000 - 1 year
Must be a Post-doctoral fellow, resident, research scientist or comparable position and an
SITC member in good standing at time of submission.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Cancer Immunotherapy Clinical Fellowship Award
April 4 (OSR)
April 8 (Sponsor) |
Pre- & Postdocs |
Federal |
Career Training |
Individual National Research Service Awards (Standard)
to provide support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 4 (OSR)
April 8 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Variable |
Pre-doctoral and
Postdoctoral Trainees |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
F30 (Pre-doc):
F33 (Sr. Fellows): PA-11-114
April 8 |
Jr. and Established Faculty |
Non-federal |
Miles for Moffitt Annual "Milestone Awards"
Project aim should produce preliminary data that will lead to peer reviewed funding and also propose new research that does not overlap with projects already underway.
Due Date:
April 8
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 - 12 months
Junior and Established Faculty (investigators who have previously received this award are not eligible)
Maureen Ahearn (x8824)
RFA Link:
Miles for Moffitt Face Sheet
April 10 (OSR)
April 14 (Sponsor) |
Pre-docs |
Federal |
Career Training |
Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowships to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
Cycle I due date for
Diversity fellowships
to provide support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields relevant to the missions of participating NIH Institutes and Centers.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 10 (OSR)
April 14 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Pre-doctoral candidates from underrepresented background |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
(expires May 8, 2014)

April 15 |
Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Pilot Projects |
ACS-IRG Spring 2014 Funding Opportunity
Pilot funding opportunities to support junior faculty in initiating cancer-related research projects that assist in competing successfully for national research grants
Due Date:
April 15 by 4:00pm to
Maureen Ahearn
Amount & Project Period:
$30,000 - 1 year
Full-time members at the Assistant member/Assistant
Professor level.
Must be w/in the first 6 years of the initial faculty
appointment. No active peer reviewed funding at time of submission or award, and
No previous R01, R21 or equivalent allowed.
Maureen Ahearn (X8824)
RFA Links:
ACS-IRG Application
ACS-IRG Guidelines

April 17 (OSR)
April 21 (Sponsor) |
US Small Business Concerns |
Federal |
Technology |
SBIR Phase IIB Bridge Award
Designed to help support the next stage of development for promising Federally-funded SBIR/STTR Phase II projects advancing cancer research technologies.
Open only to SBIR or STTR Phase II projects nearing completion or have recently ended. To be eligible under the current FOA, current Phase II projects MUST end on or before August 31, 2014.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 17 (OSR)
April 21 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Up to $1M in total costs per year and project periods up to three years.
Under the SBIR program, for both Phase I and Phase II,
the primary employment of the PD/PI must be with the small business concern at
the time of award and during the conduct of the proposed project.
Craig (x1458)
RFA Link:
Phase IIB Bridge Award -
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Molecular Analysis |
Early-Stage Innovative Molecular Analysis Technology Development for Cancer Research
Exploratory research focused on the inception and development of early stage,
highly innovative, technologies or emerging technologies with significant transformative potential
that has not yet been explored in a cancer-relevant use.
Due Date:
April 20 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000 (Direct Costs) for 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
All Ranks |
Federal |
Molecular Analysis |
Validation and Advanced Development of Emerging Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research
Projects on the advanced development of emerging molecular and cellular analysis technologies and technical/analytical validation in an appropriate
cancer-relevant biological system.
Due Date:
April 20 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Biospecimen Science |
Early-Stage Development of Innovative Technologies for Biospecimen Science
Technically innovative feasibility studies focused on early-stage development of technologies that address issues related to pre-analytical
variations in the collection, processing, handling, and storage of cancer-relevant biospecimens or their derivatives.
Due Date:
April 20 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000 (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 20 (LOI)
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Biospecimen Science |
Validation and Advanced Development of Emerging Technologies for Biospecimen Science
Will support the development of tools, devices, instrumentation, and associated methods to assess sample quality, preserve/protect
sample integrity, and establish verification criteria for quality assessment/quality control and handling.
Due Date:
April 10 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000/year (Direct Costs) - 3 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 28 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor) |
Principal Investigators |
Federal |
Diversity Supplements |
Research Supplements to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research
Administrative supplements to improve the diversity of the research workforce by supporting and recruiting students, postdocs, and
eligible investigators from groups that have been shown to be underrepresented in health-related research.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 29 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor)
Proposals may be submitted between March 1 and May 1
Amount & Project Period:
NCI Annual Salary: $75,000 plus fringe benefits - Project and budget periods must be w/in currently approved project period for existing parent award. All additional costs must be w/in scope of approved project.
Principal Investigators
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
April 28 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor) |
Principal Investigators |
Federal |
Biomedical & Behavioral |
Research Supplements to Promote Re-Entry into Biomedical and Behavioral Research Careers
Support for individuals with high potential to re-enter an active
research career after an interruption for family responsibilities or other qualifying circumstances.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
April 29 (OSR)
May 1 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Salary plus $10,000 for research costs sand must be within currently approved project period for existing parent award.
Principal Investigators
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

May 01 (LOI)
July 30 (OSR)
August 1 (Sponsor) |
Postdocs & Jr. Faculty |
Non-federal |
Hematology |
American Society of Hematology -
Fellow and Jr. Faculty Scholar Awards
Proposals accepted in Basic/Translational research and Clinical Research to include patient-oriented and outcomes-based research that include significant interaction with patients.
Due Date:
May 01 (Letter of Intent)
Completed Application Due:
May 16 (OSR)
August 1 (Sponsor-invited Submissions)
Amount & Project Period:
Fellow Scholars: $100,000 - 2 to 3 years
Faculty Scholars: $150,000 - 2 to 3 years
ASH Membership required at time of submission
US Citizens, Canadians, and U.S. Visa-holders
Must have both a primary mentor and secondary mentor
Applicants w/title of Assistant Professor or equivalent must apply for Junior Faculty Award, regardless of research experience
Fellow Scholar Eligibility
PhD or MD/PhD applicants 5 years of research experience after
completion of PhD
MD applicants should have 3 but less than 5 years of research experience
Junior Faculty Scholar Eligibility
MD, PhD or MD/PhD applicants with more than 5 but less than 10 years of research experience
after completion of PhD
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
ASH Scholar Awards

May 14 (OSR)
May 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Ovarian Cancer |
SROCF Research Grants
Research to find a cure for ovarian cancer, a screening test for early detection, breakthrough treatments and
to improve the quality of life ovarian cancer patients.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
May 14 (OSR)
May 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 - Project period not specified
All Ranks
Shaina Sine, x3658
RFA Link:
SROCF Research Grants
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Bioengineering |
Bioengineering Research Partnerships (BRP)
Awards will focus on supporting multidisciplinary teams that apply an integrative, quantitative bioengineering approach
to developing these technologies and engage biomedical researchers or clinicians throughout the project. The goal of the program
is to support projects that can realize meaningful solutions within 5-10 years.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
May 16 (OSR)
May 20 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
June 03 (LOI)
July 11 (OSR)
July 15 (Sponsor) |
All faculty |
Non-federal |
Blood Cancers |
Quest for Cures
This RFP is focused on defining subgroups of patients with a given diagnosis, understanding the
role and improving detection of minimal residual disease (MRD) in hematological malignancies and
using this information to guide treatment intervention.
Due Date:
June 3 (Letter of Intent) by 3:00pm ET
Completed Application Due:
July 11 (OSR)
July 15 by 3:00pm ET (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$360,036/year (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Quest for Cures
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Research Projects |
Research Grants and Cooperative Agreements
This due date represents Cycle II for new investigator-initiated (and other) research projects.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
R01 budgets are not usually limited and can be for up to 5 years. Please read the individual FOA to which you are applying.
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
PA-13-302 (Parent R01)
June 03 (OSR)
June 05 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Chronic Health
Conditions |
Behavioral Interventions to Address Multiple Chronic Health Conditions in Primary Care
applications proposing to use a common conceptual model to develop behavioral interventions to modify health behaviors and improve health outcomes
in patients with comorbid chronic diseases and health conditions.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 03
June 5 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budgets not limited - 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Biomedical Research |
Exploratory/Developmental Bioengineering Research Grants (EBRG)
applications which establish the feasibility of technologies, techniques or methods that:
1) explore a unique multidisciplinary approach to a biomedical challenge;
2) are high-risk but have a considerable pay-off; and
3) develop data which can lead to significant future research
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 (Direct Costs) total over 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
June 13 (OSR)
June 17 (Sponsor) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Biology & Epidemiology |
Bridging the Gap Between Cancer Mechanism and Population Science
Proposed projects should pose a challenging cancer research question that can be
addressed by connecting the two ends
of the research spectrum that would be difficult to address or explain through biological or epidemiological investigation alone.
Due Date:
First Cycle:
Completed Application Due:
June 13 (OSR)
June 17 (Sponsor)
Second Cycle:
Completed Application Due:
October 31 (OSR)
Nov 4 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$450,000/year direct costs for
5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
June 3 (OSR)
June 5 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Cancers |
Mechanisms of Alcohol-associated Cancers
To stimulate a broad range of research into the mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to carcinogenesis.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Dates Apply
Completed Application Due:
June 3 (OSR)
June 5 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited/yr for 5 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
R01: June 3 (OSR)
June 5 (Sponsor)
R21: June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Pain Management |
Mechanisms, Models, Measurement, & Management in Pain Research
To stimulate and foster a wide range of basic, clinical, and translational studies on pain.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
Standard Dates Apply
Completed Application Due:
R01: June 3 (OSR)
R01: June 5 (Sponsor)
Completed Application Due:
R21: June 16 (Sponsor)
R21: June 12 (OSR) Completed Application Due
Amount & Project Period:
Budget not limited -
5 years
R21: $275,000 (Direct Costs)
total over 2 years
All Ranks
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
| R21:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Obesity-Clinical |
Exploratory/Developmental Clinical Research Grants in Obesity
Exploratory/developmental clinical studies to accelerate development of effective interventions for prevention or treatment of overweight
or obesity in adults and/or children. Exploratory epidemiological research with a goal of informing translational/clinical research will also be supported within this program.
NCI is a participating IC.
Due Date:
June 12 (OSR) Completed Application Due
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 (Direct Costs) total for 2 years
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Non-federal |
Lung Cancer |
Lung Cancer Research Foundation - 2014 Research Grants
Medical/scientific research projects covering all aspects of lung cancer research.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 12 (OSR)
June 16 (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 - 1 year
All Ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
2014 Research Grants
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor) |
All Ranks |
Federal |
Imaging |
Early Phase Clinical Trials in Imaging and Image-Guided Interventions
Clinical Trials for preliminary evaluation of the safety and efficacy of imaging agents, as well as an assessment of imaging systems,
image processing, image-guided therapy, contrast kinetic modeling, 3-D reconstruction & other quantitative tools. Will provide support
for pilot (Phase I and II) cancer imaging clinical trials, including patient monitoring and laboratory studies.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 26 (OSR)
June 30 (Sponsor) w/letter of intent 30 days before due date
Second 2014 due date: October 10
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 (Direct Costs) - 2 years
All Ranks
Linda Nolan, x6071
FOA Link:
(New FOA number- replaces PAR-11-216)

June 27 (OSR)
July 1 (Sponsor) |
Jr Fac
Clin Fellows |
Non-federal |
Basic or
Trans/Clin Res |
Damon Runyon-Rachleff Innovation Award
Specifically designed to provide funding to extraordinary early career researchers
with an
innovative new idea but w/out sufficient preliminary data to obtain traditional funding.
Research must be novel, exceptionally
creative and have strong potential for high impact in the cancer field.
Due Date:
Completed Application Due:
June 27 (OSR)
July 1 by 4:00pm (Sponsor)
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/year for 3 years
Applicants must belong to one of the following categories:
Tenure-track Assistant Professors w/in first 3 years of obtaining initial Assistant Professor position.
(Cut-off date: July 1, 2011.)
Clinical Instructors and Senior Clinical Fellows (in final year of sub-specialty training) holding an MD
and pursuing a period of independent research before taking a tenure-track faculty position.
Distinguished Fellows w/an exceptional record of research accomplishment identified by their institution to pursue an independent research program and
who have dedicated laboratory space.
Applicants are expected to commit a minimum of 80% of their time to
conducting research
Linda Nolan, x6071
Innovation Award Overview
Application Guidelines
Toolbox |