New Opportunity |
Open |
All Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Clinical Trials |
The Gateway's Research Funding Program
Supports patient-centered research having a positive impact the lives of cancer patients.
Due Date:
Amount & Project Period:
Applicants should apply for the amount they believe is needed to
conduct their clinical trials and indicate the amount of time
necessary to successfully complete the research study.
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
for Cancer Research Funding Program

New Opportunity |
July 12 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Non-Federal |
Pain Research |
The American Pain Society 2013 Future Leaders in Pain Research
The purpose of this grant is to encourage research in pain that will add to the existing body of knowledge and
to allow investigators to develop pilot data that will aid them in securing additional major grant funding
for continued pain research.
Due Date:
July 12
Amount & Project Period:
$20,000 total for 18 months
American Pain Society members within 6
years of completing doctoral degree; not yet awarded major
NIH or foundation grant funding (R01 or equivalent).
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
APS Future Leaders in Pain Research

New Opportunity |
July 15 |
All Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Outcomes |
PCORI Engagement Awards - Pipeline to Proposal Awards
PCORI is launching a new funding initiative, PCORI's Engagement Awards, to facilitate involvement of patient, stakeholder, and
research communities in patient-centered outcomes research.
The first opportunity of this initiative, Pipeline to Proposal Awards, is designed to create opportunities for patients to
partner with other healthcare stakeholders to become more engaged in the research process.
Due Date:
July 15
Tier 1
Pre-Engagement/Community-Building Projects focused on building the community of patients, stakeholders,
and researcher to participate in patient-centered outcomes research.
Funding: $15,000 - 1 year
Tier II
Partnership and Infrastructure Development
are available to groups who have successfully
established partnerships between patient and research partners, and have demonstrated an interest in developing
a patient-centered outcomes research proposal.
Funding: $25,000 - 1 year
Tier III
Proposal Development Projects are available to groups well equipped to develop a PCORI
research proposal but would benefit from additional support with regard to building the patient engagement
component of the study design.
Funding: $50,000 - 1 year
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Pipeline to Proposal Awards
July 15 (LOI)
Aug 15 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Oral Cancer |
Functional Characterization of Oral Cancer Initiating
Translational projects in oral cancer aimed at understanding the cellular, molecular and
functional properties of oral Cancer Initiating Cells (CICs)and their niches.
Due Date:
July 15 (LOI)
August 15 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
R01: No funding limit - 4 years.
R21: $275,000 total over 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Links:
R21: RFA-DE-14-002

July 16 (Pre-app)
Oct 22 (Inv sub) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Multiple Cancer Areas |
CDMRP - Peer Reviewed Cancer Research Program (PRCRP)
Idea Award with Special Focus
Support research projects in any one of 10 special topic areas - blood cancers, colorectal cancer, genetic cancer research, kidney cancer, listeria vaccine for cancer,
melanoma and other skin cancers, mesothelioma, neuroblastoma, pancreatic cancer and pediatric brain tumors.
Due Date:
July 16 - Pre-application
October 22 - Invited Submissions
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/yr direct costs for 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
July 16 (Pre-app)
October 22 (Inv Sub) |
Jr Faculty |
Federal |
Multiple Areas |
Career Development Award
Supports young investigators with the mentorship of an experienced cancer researcher
in at least one of these 10 special topic areas - blood cancers, colorectal cancer, genetic cancer research, kidney cancer, listeria vaccine for cancer,
melanoma and other skin cancers, mesothelioma, neuroblastoma, pancreatic cancer and pediatric brain tumors.
May include Optional Nested Postdoctoral Fellow Traineeship.*
Due Date:
July 16 - Pre-application
October 22 - Invited submissions
Amount & Project Period:
$120,000/yr direct costs for 2 years
$180,000/yr direct costs for 2 years (Nested
Postdoctoral Fellow Traineeship Option)
Junior Faculty (within 7 years of first faculty
appointment) |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
*Optional Nested Postdoctoral Fellow Traineeship: provides primarily salary support for training a motivated
postdoctoral fellow interested in pursuing a career in cancer research. The designated mentor of the trainee must
be the PI of the Career Development Award application.

New Opportunity |
July 17 (Pre-app)
July 31 (Inv Sub) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Lung Cancer |
CDMRP Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP)
Concept Award
Support highly innovative concepts in lung cancer research.
New Opportunity |
July 23
November 19 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Epidemiology |
Small Grants Program for Epidemiology
Support for pilot projects, testing new techniques, secondary analyses of existing data, development and validation of measurement methods,
linkage of genetic polymorphisms with other variables related to cancer risk, and development of innovative projects for more
comprehensive research in cancer etiology and epidemiology
Due Date:
July 23
November 19
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/yr for 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan,
RFA Link:

New Opportunity |
July 31 |
All Ranks |
Non-Federal |
Cutaneous Lymphoma |
CLARION Research Awards Program
Provide support for research aimed at discovering the causes of cutaneous lymphoma
and improving the treatment and quality of life for patients.
Due Date:
July 31
Amount & Project Period:
$25,000 for 1 year
Open to all levels, from clinical and postdoctoral
fellows to established investigators.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
CLARIONS Grant Application Manual

New Opportunity |
July 31 |
All Ranks |
Non-Federal |
All Cancer Research |
James and Esther King Biomedical Program & Bankhead-Coley
Cancer Research Program Research Programs
Bankhead-Coley Cancer Research Program addresses prevention, diagnosis, treatment. and/or cure of cancer through the
James and Esther King Biomedical Research Program which supports research regarding tobacco-related disease.
Particular consideration will be given to proposals addressing:
· |
Health systems and epidemiological research, particularly research involving the Florida Cancer Data System
Translational research
Community-based participatory research |
Cancers with significant public health impact, such as cancers of the lung, breast, and colon |
Health disparities
Tobacco control, tobacco education, prevention of tobacco use, or nicotine addiction;
and the health needs of current and/or former tobacco users |
Due Date:
July 31
Amount & Project Period:
$200,000/yr for 2 years total |
Individual must be a faculty member or a postdoctoral fellow in final year of
fellowship at time of application. |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Detailed application instructions will be available on or
before July 15.
James & Esther King
Detailed application instructions will be available on or before July 15

August 1 |
All Faculty |
Internal |
Infection Cancer |
Center for Infection Research In Cancer (CIRC) Funding Opportunity
An intramural grant program to fund pilot projects that will bring together multidisciplinary strengths of Moffitt to meet
the goals of the CIRC.
Due Date:
August 1 at 4:00pm
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000 for 12 months
All Faculty
Maureen Ahearn, x8824
RFA Link:
CIRC Website

August 2 |
All Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Mesothelioma |
The Meso Foundation Grants for Mesothelioma Research
Fund projects in mesothelioma research in basic, translational or clinical areas that are
not presently funded or pending review.
New Opportunity |
Aug 11 (LOI)
Sept 11 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Radiation Dosing |
Decreasing Patient Radiation Dose from CT Imaging:
Achieving Sub-mSv Studies
Supports research leading to reduction of patient radiation exposure from a routine
CT scan to exposures of <1 mSv.
Due Date:
Aug 11 (LOI)
September 11 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
Unlimited budget for 4 year project period.
All Faculty
Linda Nolan,
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
August 12 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Conference Support |
Conferences and Scientific Meetings
To support high quality conferences and meetings relevant to the scientific mission of the
NIH and public health.
Due Date:
August 12
Amount & Project Period:
Contact the appropriate
NIH Conference Grant Contact for information
regarding any IC-specific project duration and
budget limitations.
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

New Opportunity |
August 14 |
All Ranks |
Non-Federal |
Lung Cancer |
Uniting Against Lung Cancer Legacy Program for Advances in Lung Cancer Research
Support projects in areas including novel projects with potentials to cure lung cancer; genetic subsets of lung cancer/personalized medicine;
primary and secondary drug resistance; lung cancer in never-smokers; improving outcomes in early stage disease or small cell lung cancer. The focus
should be on translational science.
Due Date:
August 14
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/yr for 2 years (Including 10% Indirect Costs)
Investigators at all levels, including postdoctoral and
clinical fellows are encouraged to apply. |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
UALC Legacy Program

New Opportunity |
August 15 (Pre-App)
Sept 5 (App) |
Clinical Fellows
Jr. Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development
in Prostate Cancer |
CDMRP Prostate Cancer Research Program Physician Research Training
A mentored training experience to prepare physicians with clinical duties for productive careers in
prostate cancer research.
Due Date:
August 15 - Pre-application
September 5 - Application
Amount & Project Period:
$133,000/yr direct costs for 4 years
Physician who at the application deadline is either in the last year
of an accredited GME program as a resident or fellow OR within 3 years of an appointment as
an Instructor, Assistant Professor or equivalent.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

August 21 |
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Public Health |
Public Health Services and Systems Research (PHSSR):
Mentored Research Scientist Development Awards
To strengthen the pool of researchers available to conduct PHSSR and to build on successful
principles and models previously demonstrated in public health and health services research.
Due Date:
August 21
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/yr total for 2 years
Jr. Faculty (within 7 years of doctorate degree)with a
research or professional doctoral degree in public health or related discipline
with a demonstrated career commitment to PHSSR.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
PHSSR Mentored Research Scientist Development Award
New Opportunity |
August 26 (LOI)
September 26 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Outcomes |
Person-Centered Outcomes Research Resource (PCORR)
To support the creation of a research resource infrastructure for the administration of
research investigations using person-centered outcomes.
Due Date:
August 26 - LOI
September 26 - Application
Amount & Project Period:
$1.6 million/yr total Years 1 and 2
$2.4 million total Year 3
$1.85 million total Year 4
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

August 30 |
Sr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Gastric Cancer |
AGA R. Robert and Sally Funderburg Research Award
in Gastric Cancer
This funding supports novel approaches in gastric cancer research.
Due Date:
August 30
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/yr total for 2 years
Sr Investigators established in the field of
gastric biology and a member of AGA at the time of submission. |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Funderburg Research Award in Gastric Cancer

New Opportunity |
September 5 |
Postdoctoral Fellow |
Non-Federal |
Lymphoma |
Lymphoma Research Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
To support laboratory or clinic based research relevant to the treatment, diagnosis or prevention of Hodgkin
and/or non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Due Date:
September 5
Amount & Project Period:
$45,000 - Stipend Year 1
$50,000 - Stipend Year 2
$5,000/yr for research project for 2 years
*Grant does not provide for F&A
Candidates must have completed
2 years of fellowship training or have less than 2 years
as a junior faculty instructor or assistant professor at
start of award.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
LRF Postdoctoral Fellowship
New Opportunity |
September 5 |
Clinical Investigators |
Non-Federal |
Lymphoma |
Lymphoma Research Foundation Clinical Investigator Career Development
To fund training of physician investigators who will participate in developing
new therapeutics and diagnostic tools for lymphoma.
Due Date:
Sept 5
Amount & Project Period:
$75,000/yr for 3 years
Must be an advanced fellow or junior
faculty member less than 5 years of experience beyond completion
of fellowship or postdoctoral training.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
LRF Clinical Investigator Career Development

New Opportunity |
Sept 15 (LOI)
Oct 1 (App) |
All Ranks |
Non-Federal |
Leukemia & Lymphoma |
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Career Development Program
Supports basic and clinical research in genetics, molecular and cell biology, molecular pharmacology, molecular virology
and immunology, and translational research directly relevant to treatment or diagnosis of leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma and, where
applicable, to prevention.
Quality of Life Research Funding Initiative - within the categories below,
can also apply for this initiative that is a component of the Career Development
Due Date
September 15 (LOI)
October 1 (Application)
Scholar Award:
Eligibility: Independent faculty
Funding: $110,000/year for 5 years
Scholar in Clinical Research:
Eligibility: Independent faculty
Funding: $110,000/year for 5 years |
Special Fellow:
Eligibility: Postdoctoral
fellows who have completed minimum of 2 years of training.
Funding: $65,000/yr for 3 years
Special Fellow in Clinical
Eligibility: PhD or MD with minimum
2 years of clinical hematology, oncology, hematology/oncology or
hematopathology training or postdoctoral research training in a
clinical discipline.
Funding: $65,000/yr for 3 years

New Opportunity |
September 18 (Pre-App)
October 9 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Disparities/Prostate |
CDMRP Prostate Cancer Research Program (PCRP)
Barbara Terry-Komoma Health Disparity Research
Supports new ideas based on innovative concepts for prostate cancer health disparity research.
New Investigator Option allows applications from early stage investigators. Proposals will be peer and programmatically
reviewed separately.
Nested Health Disparity Traineeship Option allows for training highly motivated graduate students and postdoctoral fellows
to pursue a career in resolving disparities in prostate cancer incidence, morbidity, and mortality.
Due Date:
September 18 - Pre-Application
October 9 - Application
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/yr for 3 years
(Additional funding if traineeship is requested)
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

New Opportunity |
September 19 |
Postdocs |
Non-Federal |
Difficult-to-treat Cancers |
The Hope Funds for Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellowship
To support innovative projects challenging traditional paradigms of understanding the causes,
mechanisms, progression, disease markers or risk factors of difficult-to-treat cancers.
Due Date:
September 19
Amount & Project Period:
$44,000 Year 1
$46,000 Year 2
$48,000 Year 3
$1,500/yr Travel Support
Postdoctoral fellows with less than 2 years training.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Hope Funds Postdoctoral Fellowship
New Opportunity |
October 5 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Aging and Cancer |
Chronic Inflammation and Age-related Disease
Origins and effects of low level chronic inflammation in the onset and progression of age-related
diseases and conditions.
Due Date:
October 5
Amount & Project Period:
Unlimited budget for 5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
October 14 (LOI)
November 14 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Microbial Metabolites |
The Role of Microbial Metabolites in Cancer
Prevention and Etiology
Stimulate preclinical and clinical research to describe the effect of microbially
generated metabolites in cancer prevention/progression
Due Date:
October 14 (LOI)
November 14 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
No funding limit - 5 years
All faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
October 18 |
Junior Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Gastric Cancer |
American Gastroenterological Association Foundation
Research Scholar Awards
Supports the development of independent research careers in digestive diseases, including gastric cancer.
Due Date:
October 18
Amount & Project Period:
$90,000/yr total for 2 years
Junior Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
November 18
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Biology |
Collaborative Research in Integrative Cancer Biology
To encourage new research into integrative cancer biology by fostering
collaborations between investigators currently supported through the
Integrative Cancer Biology Program (ICBP) and those currently unaffiliated
with the ICBP.
Due Date:
November 18
Amount & Project Period:
No funding limit - 5 years
Collaborating teams must be comprised of at
least one ICBP investigator and at least one non-ICBP-affiliated
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
November 19 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Drug Delivery |
Image-guided Drug Delivery in Cancer
Supports innovative projects focused on image-guided drug delivery (IGDD), including
real-time image guidance, monitoring, quantitative in vivo characterizations and validation
of delivery and response.
Due Date:
November 19
Amount & Project Period:
No funding limit - 5 years
All faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
November 20 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Disparities |
Basic Cancer Research in Cancer Health Disparities
Encourage applications from investigators interested in conducting basic, mechanistic
research into the biologic/genetic causes of cancer health disparities.
Due Date:
November 20
Amount & Project Period:
$250,000/yr for 5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
December 15 (Pre-App)
January 15 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Tobacco Control |
Tobacco Control Regulatory Research
Encourage biomedical, behavioral, and social science research that will inform the development and
evaluation of regulations on tobacco product manufacturing, distribution, and marketing.
Due Date:
LOI - December 15
Application - January 15
Amount & Project Period:
R01: $499,000 direct costs/yr for 5 years.
R21: $275,000 total direct costs over 2 years
R03: $100,000 total direct costs over 2 years |
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
| (R01)
| (R03)
Toolbox |