April 5 |
All Ranks |
Non-Federal |
Prostate |
A. David Mazzone Awards Program Funding Opportunities 2013
These initiatives address a broad range of needs in prostate cancer.
Due Date:
March 8 (LOI)*
April 5 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
High Impact Award
Large-scale, team-driven research projects.
$250,000/yr for 2 years
High Impact Trials
Large-scale projects for multi-institutional
teams (at least 4) of investigators.
$250,000/yr for 2 years |
Project Development
Pilot projects in translational research
$50,000/yr for 2 years
*Please note that the deadline for the DF/HCC
applications Letter of Intent (LOA) has been changed to March 8, 2013. The
proposal submission deadline is still April 5, 2013.

New Opportunity |
March 14 |
Postdocs/br />
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Hematology/Diversity |
American Society of Hematology - AMFDP Awards
Four year career development awards to increase the number of underrepresented minority scholars from
the field of hematology.
Due Date:
March 14
Amount & Project Period:
$105,000/yr for 4 years
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

New Opportunity |
March 14 |
Postdocs/strong> |
Non-Federal |
Diversity/Career Development |
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation -
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program
Career development award for faculty from historically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Due Date:
March 14 (Supporting documentation due March 15).
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/yr for 4 years - Stipend
$30,000/yr for 4 years - Research Support
Under-represented populations
Post docs
US Citizens
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program
March 15 |
All Faculty/strong> |
Foundation |
Leukemia and Lymphoma |
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Translational Research Program (TRP)
Support researchers in 6 critical areas of unmet medical need and stimulate research in
the following areas:
1. Immunotherapeutics for patients with acute myelogenous leukemia.
2. Novel therapeutics for patients with non-cutaneous T-cell malignancies.
3. Introduction of novel agents in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
and mantel cell lymphoma.
4. Therapies for patients with myelodysplastic syndromes who have failed hypomethylating agents.
5. Therapies for new targets such as bromodomains, methylation, and other epigenetic approaches for patients with high risk melanoma.
6. Long-term and late effects of blood cancer therapies.
March 15 |
Res and Clinical Fellows/strong> |
Foundation |
Cancer |
The Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation Fellowship Award
Encourage all theoretical and experimental research relevant to the study of cancer and
the search for causes, mechanisms, therapies and preventions.
Due Date:
March 15, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
Level 1:
$50,000/yr for 3 years + $2,000 expenses
Level 2:
$60,000/yr for 3 years + $2,000 expenses
Level 1:
100% of time devoted to Damon Runyon
supported research activities.
Less than one year since doctoral degree
Been in sponsor's lab for more than one
Level 2:
Must have doctoral degree and have completed residencies and clinical training and be
Must be able to devote at least 80% effort to the fellowship.
Postdoctoral fellows, clinical fellows and clinical instructors eligible to apply.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Damon Runyon Fellowship
March 20 |
All Faculty/strong> |
Federal |
Translational |
Opportunities for Collaborative Research at the NIH
Clinical Center
Support collaborative translational research projects aligned with NIH efforts to enhance the translation
of basic biological discoveries into clinical applications that improve health.
Due Date:
March 20, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000/yr. for 3 years
All faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
RFA PAR-13-029
March 21 |
Jr Faculty |
Foundation |
Brain Cancer |
The Sontag Foundation Distinguished Scientist Award
Provide funding for early career scientists with potential to generate new knowledge in the brain
cancer field.
Due Date:
March 21, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000/yr. for 4 years (includes 15% indirects)
Must hold a doctoral degree in biomedical science, medicine
or other health related field.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Sontag Foundation
March 22 |
Jr Faculty |
Foundation |
Stem Cell |
The New York Stem Cell Foundation Innovator Awards for
Early Career Investigators in Stem Cell Research
Support research that will explore the basic biology and translational
potential of stem cells.
March 22 |
Jr Faculty |
Foundation |
Neuroscience |
The New York Stem Cell Foundation Innovator Awards for
Early Career Investigators in Neuroscience
Support young researchers working the fundamental areas of developmental,
cellular, cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, broadly interpreted.
New Opportunity |
March 23 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Early phase clinical trials |
NCI Experimental Therapeutics-Clinical Trials Network with Phase 1 Emphasis
Funding for multidisciplinary groups to conduct early phase therapeutics clinical trials.
Due Date:
March 23 (LOI)
August 23 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
$850,000/yr for 5 years
All Faculty Ranks |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
RFA Link:
March 27 |
Faculty |
Foundation |
Blood Cancers |
The Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation Senior Research Awards
Accelerate the development of therapeutic approaches for myeloma and may include
proposals in basic science or translational research.
Due Date:
March 27, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/yr. for 2 years
Investigators with more than 5 year's experience in cancer research.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Multiple Myeloma RFA
March 28 |
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Radiation Oncology |
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO/ROI) Comparative Effectiveness Award
Support research focused on evaluating the effectiveness, complication profile, cost and cost-effectiveness
of various radiation therapy treatments.
March 28 |
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Radiation Oncology |
ASTRO Faculty Career Research Training Award
Support junior faculty's careers by providing the opportunity to have focused time for research projects
in radiation oncology, biology, physics or outcomes/health services.
Due Date:
March 28, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/yr for 2 years
Board-eligible physician or physicist in radiation oncology
or a radiobiologist within 3 years of faculty appointment.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
ASTRO Career Research Training Award
March 28 |
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Radiation Oncology |
ASTRO Residents/Fellow in Radiation Oncology
Research Award
Support exceptional residents or fellows planning a career in basic science or clinical
March 28 |
Medical Students |
Non-federal |
Radiation Oncology |
ASTRO Minority Summer Fellowship Award
Introduce 1st and 2nd year medical students from under-represented backgrounds
to radiation oncology.
Due Date:
March 28, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
$3,000 onetime payment at the beginning of the fellowship.
Enrolled in a US medical school in good standing.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
ASTRO Minority Summer Fellowship
March 31
All Faculty |
Federal |
Patient Centered |
Improving Methods for Conducting Patient Center Outcomes Research
Every day patients and their caregivers face crucial health care decisions while lacking key information
they need. PCORI seeks to support research projects requiring a comparative clinical effectiveness
approach that engages patients in collaboration with their clinicians.

April 1 |
All Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Bone Marrow |
MPN Foundation and Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's MF Challenge
Discover the factors that induce fibrosis in bone marrow and identify opportunities
to arrest and reverse this fibrosis.
April 1 |
Sr Faculty
Jr Faculty |
Internal Funding |
All Cancer Research |
Miles for Moffitt Annual "Milestone Awards"
To initiate cancer-related research projects that will produce
preliminary data that leads to peer reviewed funding.
Due Date:
April 1, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
Up to $50,000 total for 1 year
Five projects will be funded
Moffitt Scientists in two categories:
Established Investigators
Junior Faculty
Maureen Ahearn, x8824
Application Requirements:
- A two page description of the research project
that includes goals and project aims.
- A one page budget and justification.
- A biosketch including a list of pending and funded grants.
New Opportunity |
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Molecular Analysis |
Early-Stage Innovative Molecular Analysis Technology
Development for Cancer Research
Molecular analysis technologies with technical innovation to affect and transform
investigations exploring the molecular and cellular bases of cancer.
Due Date:
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000 total over 3 years
All faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Biology |
Validation and Advanced Development of Emerging Molecular Analysis Technologies for Cancer Research
Advanced development of emerging molecular and cellular analysis technologies and technical/analytical
validation in an appropriate cancer-relevant biological system.
Due Date:
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
$900,000 total over 3 years
All faculty ranks
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Biology |
Early-Stage Development of Innovative Technologies for Biospecimen Science
Advanced development of emerging molecular and cellular analysis technologies and
technical/analytical validation in an appropriate cancer-relevant biological system.
Due Date:
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000 total over 3 yrs
All Faculty ranks |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Biospecimens |
Validation and Advanced Development of Emerging Technologies for Biospecimen Science
Advanced development and validation of cancer-relevant technologies addressing issues related to pre-analytical
variations in collection, processing, handling, and storage of biospecimens
Due Date:
April 20 (LOI)
May 20 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
$900,000 total for 3 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

April 30 |
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
All Cancer Research |
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center 2013
Paul Marks Prize for Cancer Research
An award for young investigators who have made significant contributions to
increasing the understanding of cancer or improving the
treatment of the disease through basic or clinical research.
Due Date:
April 30, 2013
Amount & Project Period:
$150,000 total award
Applicants are required to be age
45 or younger.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
MSKCC Paul Marks Prize

New Opportunity |
May 1 (LOI)
August 2, 2013 (App)
Post Docs/
Jr Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Hematology |
American Society of Hematology - Scholar Awards
Career development awards providing partial salary or other support for hematologists to become an independent investigator.
Proposals accepted on a broad range of research (basic, clinical research, population, translational).
Due Date:
May 1 (LOI - required)
August 2 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/yr for 3 years (Fellow)
$75,000/yr for 3 years (Jr. Faculty)
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Scholar Awards
Please note that the ASH website has not been updated at time of
publication. The website shows only that the 2012 application process is
closed, not that the 2013 is open.
New Opportunity |
May 20 (LOI)
June 20 (App) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Multiple areas |
Research Answers to NCI's Provocative Questions
Research projects designed to use sound and innovative research strategies to
solve specific problems and paradoxes in cancer research
Due Date:
May 20 (LOI)
June 20 (App)
Amount & Project Period:
R01 -
No limit, detailed budget required - 4 years
R21 - $275,000 total over 2 years |
All Faculty |
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Group A - Cancer prevention and risk
(R01: RFA-CA-12-015) &
(R21: RFA-CA-12-016)
Group B - Mechanisms of tumor development & recurrence
(R01: RFA-CA-12-017) & (R21:
Group C - Cancer detection, diagnosis, and prognosis
R01: RFA-CA-12-019 & R21:
Group D - Specific unsolved problems related to the development and use of new therapeutic agents.
R01: RFA-CA-12-021 & R21:
New Opportunity |
May 25 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Research |
NCI Program Project Applications
Program projects may address basic, translational, clinical and/or population-based studies. Projects
must consist of at least three components sharing a common theme, focus and/or overall objective.
Due Date:
May 25
Amount & Project Period:
No limit, detailed budget required - 5 years |
All faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
Doctors Cancer Foundation |
Non-Federal |
New Opportunity
May 31 |
Junior Faculty |
Non-Federal |
Career Development |
The Doctors Cancer Foundation - Management of Cancer
Support young scientists' innovative projects with a strong interest in cancer stem cells,
microRNAi agents, epigenetic agents, as well as many others; leading to clinical trials.
New Opportunity |
June 5 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Alcohol/Cancer |
Mechanisms of Alcohol-associated Cancers
Supports a broad range of research into the mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to carcinogenesis.
Due Date:
June 5
Amount & Project Period:
No limit, detailed budget required - 5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity
June 5 (R01)
June 16 (R21) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Heme/Malignancies |
Biomarkers for Early Detection of Hematopoietic Malignancies
Support projects on the development and validation of biomarkers for early detection, prediction of progression, and
recurrence of hematopoietic malignancies and for risk assessment of primary and secondary hematopoietic malignancies.
Due Date:
R01 - June 5
R21 - June 16
Amount & Project Period:
R01 - No limit, detailed budget required.
R21 - $275,000 total for 2 years |
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
R21: PA-12-220
New Opportunity |
June 5 (R01)
June 16 (R21) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Biomechanisms of Peripheral Nerve Damage by Anti-Cancer Therapy
Support projects that lead to a molecular understanding of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN)
Due Date:
June 5 (R01)
June 16 (R21)
Amount & Project Period:
R01 - No limit, detailed budget required - 5 years
R21 - $275,000 total over 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
R01 -
R21 - PA-12-083
New Opportunity |
June 5 (R01)
June 16 (R01) |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Cancer Detection |
Identifying Non-coding RNA Targets for Early Detection of Cancer
Non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) and targets in pre-neoplastic lesions and early stage cancers; usefulness of stable microRNAs (miRNAs) and ncRNAs to
predict progression to cancer and as biomarkers for early cancer detection and screening.
Due Date:
June 5 (R01)
June 16 (R21)
Amount & Project Period:
R01 - No limit, detailed budget required - 5 years
R21 - $275,000/yr for 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan,
RFA Link:
R21: PA-12-214
New Opportunity |
June 5 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Alcohol/Cancer |
Mechanisms of Alcohol-associated Cancers
Supports a broad range of research into the mechanisms by which alcohol contributes to carcinogenesis.
Due Date:
June 5
Amount & Project Period:
No limit, detailed budget required - 5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
June 12 |
Jr Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development |
NCI Mentored Research Scientist Development Award to Promote Diversity
Provide support and protected time for career development for individuals representative of groups shown
to be underrepresented in health related-sciences (biomedical, behavioral
or clinical) leading to research independence.
Due Date:
June 12
Amount & Project Period:
Stipend: $100,000/yr (75% effort commitment required)
Research Costs: $30,000/yr
Postdoc fellows
Assistant professors within 2 years of appointment
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
June 12 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Career Development |
NCI Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career
Development Award to Promote Diversity
Clinical scientists from diverse backgrounds committed to a
career in basic biomedical, behavioral or translational cancer
research, including research on cancer health disparities
Due Date:
June 12
Amount & Project Period:
$130,000/yr for 5 years
Junior Clinical Scientists
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
June 12 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Patient-oriented Research |
Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career
Development Award to Promote Diversity
Funding opportunity offers protected time for investigators to focus on
patient-oriented cancer research (POR)
Due Date:
June 12
Amount & Project Period:
$130,000/yr for 5 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
June 16 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
All Cancers |
Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Program
Encourage exploratory and developmental projects in all areas of cancer research.
Due Date:
June 16
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 total over 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
June 16 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
All Cancer |
Small Grants Program for Cancer Research
Supports small, short-term research projects on cancer.
Due Date:
June 16
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000 total for 1 year
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
New Opportunity |
June 16 |
All Faculty |
Federal |
Obesity |
Exploratory/Developmental Clinical Research Grants in Obesity
Obesity has been observed to be associated with increased incidence and mortality of certain cancers,
including breast and colon cancer. The NCI is interested in supporting human intervention studies utilizing
bioactive components (e.g., tea polyphenols, calcium) or variation in diet composition
strategies that evaluate weight change in populations; including individuals with a genetic propensity for cancer as well as those
with cancer or at risk for recurrence of cancer.
Due Date:
June 16
Amount & Project Period:
$275,000 total over 2 years
All Faculty
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:

New Opportunity |
July 1 |
Postdoctoral Fellows |
Non-Federal |
Career Development |
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation - Research Fellowships
Supports early postdoctoral research training in basic biomedical sciences.
Due Date:
July 1
Amount & Project Period:
$49,000 total year 1
$50,000 total year 2
$51,000 total year 3
$1,500/yr for 3 years
Postdoctoral fellows with less than 1 year training and US citizen.
Linda Nolan, x6071
RFA Link:
The Helen Hay Whitney Foundation Research Fellowship
Toolbox |