23, 2012, 5pm |
Ranks |
Solid Tumors |
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) RFP
NCCN is pleased to announce that
is has received a research grant from AVEO Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
and Astrellas Pharmaceuticals, Inc. to support NCCN investigator
initiated clinical studies in the treatment of specific solid
For additional information please contact Doreen Walker,
Administrative Assistant, Oncology Research Program, at (215)
690-0565 or via email at
July 20, 2012 |
Assistant Members |
Foundation |
Smoking Related |
Flight Attendant
Medical Research Institute:
2 Program Opportunities
There are 2 Program Opportunities on the topic of second hand tobacco smoke and smoking-related disorders
Clinical Innovator Awards Program
The Clinical Innovator Awards (CIA) Program was established to stimulate novel medical and clinical scientific research studies on the topic of second hand tobacco smoke.
Young Clinical Scientist Awards Program (YCSA)
The purpose of the YCSA Program is to help prepare and support new clinical investigators with a MD or PhD as they begin their careers as independent researchers. The program is limited to the development of young researchers in smoking-related disorders.
The YCSA have 2 types of awards:
individuals who are currently faculty members, or who expect to be before the start date of the award (YCSA faculty), and
individuals who do not expect to become faculty until after the start date of the award (YCSA fellow).
Due Date: |
July 20, 2012 (Required LOI)
September 10, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/Yr for 3 years (Both
opportunities) |
Eligibility: |
Assistant Members (within 5 yrs of appointment)
CIA awards restricted to previous
Contact: |
Shaina Sine, x3658 |
August 1, 2012 |
Physician-Scientists |
Foundation |
Translation |
Harrington Scholar-Innovator Grants
The UH Harrington Discovery Institute (HDI) is dedicated to physician-scientists, enabling them to transform their extensive, cross-cutting
knowledge into therapies and medicines that improve patients'
lives. The new Scholar-Innovator Program is a grant competition
that serves as a nationwide search for physician-scientists
seeking support to accelerate their promising drug discoveries
into novel treatments for patients. Designed to support the
translation of research from laboratory to early development
stages, the annual grant competition will support up to 10
physician-scientists each year.
Due Date: |
August 1, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
Up to $200,000 over 2 years
Eligibility: |
Physician Scientists (MD, and MD, PhD) |
Discovery Institute |
August 1, 2012 |
Mid-Career |
Foundation (Peer) |
Population Sci. |
ACS Clinical Research Professor
Mid-career investigators who have made seminal contributions in the area of cancer control that have changed the direction of clinical, psychosocial, behavioral, health policy or epidemiologic cancer research.
Due Date: |
August 1, 2012
(Letter of Intent)
October 15, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$80,000/yr for 5 years
Eligibility: |
Established faculty, typically
Senior Members
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 1, 2012 |
Ranks |
Industry/Academic |
Smoking Cessation |
Smoking Cessation Leadership Center at UCSF and Pfizer
Medical Education Group
The Smoking Cessation Leadership Center (SCLC) at the University of California in San Francisco and the Pfizer Medical Education Group are collaborating to offer a new grant opportunity focused on smoking cessation.
There are three categories of focus for which grant support is available for one
Existing smoking cessation training initiatives. Requests must not exceed $200,000.
Education and quality improvement programs that include implementation of and goals around the achievement of updated Joint Commission smoking cessation performance measures. Requests must not exceed $50,000.
State-wide tobacco use reduction projects that include a healthcare provider training component related to smoking cessation. Requests must not exceed $100,000.
For all categories, priority will be given to programmatic efforts that show evidence of sustainability and/or exportability.
Date: |
August 1, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
1 Year, amount varies per Category (see above) |
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
Pfizer Medical Education Grants
R03 |
Institutes of
Health |
August 7, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NIH (Peer)
HIV & Aging |
NIH Multidisciplinary Studies of HIV/AIDS & Aging (& Cancer)
R01, R03, R21 mechanisms
Funding opportunities in HIV infection, its associated conditions, treatment, and/or biobehavioral or social factors in the context of aging and/or in older adults.
Research approaches include clinical translational, observational, and intervention studies in domestic and international settings. Scope includes numerous cancer related topics (infection- and non-infection-related):
Elucidating the relationship of telomere biology to clinical parameters of HIV disease and associated co-morbidities such as cancer.
Elucidating how aging and HIV impact the gut microenvironment and cancer pathology.
Analyses of the role of chronic inflammation in HIV and the development of cancer.
Analysis of the interactions between age, CD4+ cell count, ART exposure, cancer incidence and outcomes.
Assessment of the cancer prevention and early detection needs of aging HIV-infected patients.
Determination of the optimal treatment for HIV-associated cancers in the older population or other cancers not specifically related to HIV that develop in elderly HIV-infected individuals.
Determination of the association between barriers to care and cancer outcomes in older HIV-infected individuals and development of appropriate interventions to improve cancer care.
Analysis of the risk and level of frailty in HIV-infected individuals with cancer.
Understanding the impact of HIV and co-morbidities in older cancer patients to determine predictors of disease progression and survival.
Comparison of quality of life, treatment outcomes, and antiretroviral adherence in older versus younger HIV-infected individuals with cancer.
Due Date: |
August 7, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
R01 - $500,000/Yr for 5 years
R21 - $275,000 total award for 2 years
R03 - $275,000 total award for 2 years
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
R01 PAR-12-175 |
R21 PAR-12-174 |
R03 PAR-12-176
F32 |
Institute |
August 8, 2012 |
Postdocs |
NCI (Peer)
Postdoc Training |
Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Awards (NRSA) for Individual Postdoctoral Fellows
This individual postdoctoral research training fellowship provides support to promising Fellowship Applicants with the potential to become productive, independent investigators in scientific health-related research fields.
Due Date: |
August 9, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
Stipends for 3 years, changes each year
Eligibility: |
Postdoc Fellows
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
PA-11-113 |
Stipend Levels
U10 |
Institute |
August 9, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NCI (Peer)
Minority |
Minority-Based Community Clinical Oncology
Program Groups (U10) Grant
The purpose of this program is to support research activities of physicians involved in the care of minorities who are eligible to participate in NCI-sponsored cancer prevention, control, and treatment clinical trials.
Due Date: |
August 9, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
No limit on annual request
3 years for new; 5 yrs for renewals
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 9, 2012 |
All Faculty |
DOD (Peer)
Lung |
Department of Defense
Congressionally Directed
Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)
Lung Cancer Research Program (LCRP) Concept Award
This Concept Award mechanism supports the exploration of a highly innovative new concept or untested theory that addresses an important problem relevant to lung cancer.
Due Date: |
August 9, 2012 (Pre-application)
August 23, 2012 (Full Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/Yr for 1 year
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
| CDMRP Home
August 11, 2012 |
Established Faculty |
NIBIB (Peer)
CT Imaging |
The National Institute of Biomedical Imaging
& Bioengineering (NIBIB)
Decreasing Patient Radiation Dose from CT Imaging:
Achieving Sub-mSv Studies
Research leading to reduction of patient radiation exposure from a CT scan.
Due Date: |
August 11, 2012 (LOI)*
September 11, 2012 (Application)
*Or 1st business day if date falls on weekend
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000/yr without prior approval, for 4 years.
Eligibility: |
Established faculty
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 14, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NCATS (Peer)
Therapeutics |
Pre-application for the NIH-Industry Pilot Program:
Discovering New Therapeutic Uses for Existing Molecules
The National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) seeks to develop a therapeutics discovery pilot program to explore new therapeutic uses for proprietary drug candidates across a broad range of human diseases. This innovative program will match Agents and associated data from pharmaceutical company partners with the best ideas for new therapeutic uses from the biomedical research community.
The X02 pre-application is the first step in the application
process for
RFA-TR-12-004 and
RFA-TR-12-005; applicants must read both of the companion
Due Date: |
August 9, 2012 (Pre-application)
August 23, 2012 (Full Application)
Amount & Project Period:
N/A for this step
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
RFA-TR-12-004 |
RFA-TR-12-005 |
August 14, 2012 |
Established Faculty |
NHLBI (Peer)
Therapeutics |
NHLBI Systems Biology Collaborations
Collaborative systems biology research projects by multi-disciplinary teams to advance our understanding of normal physiology and perturbations associated with heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS) diseases and disorders. Multi-disciplinary expertise across experimental and computational domains is required, and the multi-PI mechanism is allowed, as integration across these domains is a critical element of the proposed research plan.
Due Date: |
August 14, 2012 (LOI)
September 14, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
No annual budget limit, 5 year project period.
Eligibility: |
Established Faculty
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 15, 2012 |
All Faculty |
Pancreas |
The Hirshberg Foundation for Pancreatic Cancer Research
Pancreatic Cancer Research Seed Grant Award Program
To provide start-up funding for basic scientists and clinicians to test innovative ideas for improving diagnosis and develop new treatment for pancreatic cancer.
Due Date: |
August 9, 2012 (Pre-application)
August 23, 2012 (Full Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/Yr for 2 years
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 15, 2012 |
All Faculty |
Lung |
Uniting Against Lung Cancer (UALC)
UALC is dedicated to bringing
new researchers into the field of lung cancer. In addition to
funding the highest quality science, we have prioritized
providing start-up funds for early-career investigators to build
the foundation for a lung cancer research program.
Collaborations with industry partners are also strongly
encouraged; however the Principal Investigator is required to be
an academic researcher.
Due Date: August 15, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000 over 2 years
Eligibility: |
Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Shaina Sine, x3658 |
| Uniting
Against Lung Cancer |
August 15, 2012 |
Assistant Members |
Federal |
Life Sciences |
Air Force
Office of Scientific Research
Investigator Research Program
Young Investigator Research Program (YIP)
supports scientists and engineers in Air Force
relevant disciplines and is designed to promote
innovative research in science and engineering.
Due Date: |
August 15, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$120,000/Yr for 3 years
(exceptional proposals reviewed in yr 3 for potential
extension for 5 yrs)
Eligibility: |
Assistant Members (within 5 yrs of appointment)
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
R01 |
Institute |
August 18, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NIH (Peer)
China Collaboration |
NIH U.S.-China Program for Biomedical
Collaborative Research
To stimulate collaborative basic, translational, and applied research between United States (U.S.)-based researchers and Chinese researchers in the areas of allergy, immunology, and infectious diseases including HIV/AIDS and its co-morbidities and co-infections, cancer, mental health, Parkinson's disease (PD), and stroke.
Due Date: |
August 18, 2012 (LOI)
September 18, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$200,000/yr for 3 years.
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Restrictions: |
Requires China based Co-PI
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
R33 |
Institute |
August 18, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NCI (Peer)
Technology |
Validation and Advanced
Development of Emerging Technologies for Cancer Research
Research projects on the advanced development of emerging molecular and cellular analysis technologies through technical/analytical validation in an appropriate cancer-relevant biological system or context. An emerging technology is defined as one that has passed the pilot developmental stage and shows promise, but has not yet been evaluated within the context of its intended use. If successful, these technologies would accelerate research in cancer biology, cancer treatment and diagnosis, cancer prevention, cancer control and epidemiology, and/or cancer health disparities. For projects where proof-of-principle of the proposed technology or methodology has been established and supportive preliminary data are available. Projects proposed to this FOA should reflect the potential to produce a major impact in a broad area of cancer-relevant research. Projects proposing to use established technologies where the novelty resides in the biological or clinical question being pursued are not appropriate for this solicitation as non-responsive and will not be reviewed.
Due Date: |
August 18, 2012 (LOI)
September 18, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$300,000/yr for 3 years.
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
R21 |
Institute |
August 18, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NIH (Peer)
Technology |
Early-Stage Innovative Technology Development for Cancer Research
Exploratory research projects focused on the inception and development of early stage, highly innovative, technologies or emerging technologies with significant transformative potential that has not yet been explored in a cancer-relevant use. An emerging technology is defined (for the purpose of this FOA) as one that has passed the initial developmental stage, but has not yet been evaluated within the context of a cancer-relevant intended use and requires significant modification for the proposed application. The emphasis of this FOA is on technologies with a high degree of technical innovation with the potential to significantly affect and transform investigations exploring the molecular and cellular bases of cancer. If successful, these technologies would accelerate and/or enhance research in the areas of cancer biology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment, control, epidemiology, and/or cancer health disparities. Technologies proposed for development may be intended to have widespread applicability but must be based on molecular and/or cellular characterizations of cancer.
Due Date: |
August 18, 2012 (LOI)
September 18, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
$500,000/yr for 3 years.
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 20, 2012 |
Junior Faculty |
Lung |
2013 Young Investigator Research Grant
The purpose of this Grant Program is to drive research forward
that will increase understanding of lung cancer, while ensuring
that young investigators have the resources needed for them to
succeed as lung cancer researchers. Multiple grants are
available in 2013. Basic, translational or clinical proposals
are eligible for funding. Research that will lead to significant
improvement in lung cancer prevention, detection, diagnosis,
screening, treatment, and symptom management is sought.
Due Date: |
August 20, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/Yr for 2 years
Eligibility: |
Assistant Members
Contact: |
Shaina Sine, x3658 |
National Lung Cancer Partnership
R01 |
Institutes of
Health |
August 21, 2012 |
All Faculty |
NIH (Peer)
All Areas |
NIH Director's Transformative Research Awards
To support individual or groups of scientists proposing groundbreaking and/or unconventional research with the potential to create new scientific paradigms, establish improved clinical approaches, or develop transformative technologies. Little or no preliminary data are expected.
Due Date: |
August 21, 2012 (LOI)
September 21, 2012 (Application)
Amount & Project Period:
No annual budget limit, 5 year project period.
Eligibility: |
Established faculty
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
August 31, 2012 |
All Faculty |
Foundation |
Gastric Biology |
American Gastroenterological Association Research Foundation
Funderburg Research Award in Gastric Cancer
To support an established investigator in the field of gastric biology
whose research will enhance the fundamental
understanding of gastric cancer. AGA
membership is required.
Due Date: |
August 31, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$50,000/Yr for 2 years
Eligibility: |
All Faculty Ranks
Contact: |
Shaina Sine, x3658 |
August 31, 2012 |
All Faculty |
Imaging |
The Society of Nuclear Medicine
and Therapy
Pre-doctoral Molecular Imaging Scholar Program
Provide support to a research scholar in an established molecular imaging lab that will apply molecular imaging approaches (including tool development) to investigate biological pathways in disease models.
Due Date: |
August 31, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$20,000/yr for 2 Years
Eligibility: |
Established Faculty
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
September 17, 2012 |
All Faculty |
Federal (Peer)
Math/Biology |
Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research
At the Interface of the Biological and Mathematical Sciences
The Division of Mathematical Sciences in the Directorate for Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences at the National Institutes of Health plan to support research in mathematics and statistics on questions in the biological and biomedical sciences.
Due Date: |
September 17, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$100,000/yr to $400,000/yr for 5 Years
Eligibility: |
Established Faculty
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
R25 |
Institute |
September 25, 2012 |
Established Faculty |
Federal (Peer)
Math/Statistics |
Short Courses on Mathematical, Statistical & Computational Tools
for Studying Biological Systems (R25)
This FOA encourages applications for Research Education Grants
(R25) from institutions and organizations to conduct workshops
and short courses to improve integration of mathematical,
statistical, and computational
approaches into biological and/or behavioral research. Support
will be limited to activities that reach a wide audience of
researchers. The FOA is not intended for university courses or
curriculum development.
Due Date: |
September 25, 2012
Amount & Project Period:
$200,000/yr for 5 Years
Eligibility: |
Established Faculty
Contact: |
Linda Nolan,
x6071 |
October 15, 2012 |
Ranks |
Lung |
Personalized Oncology for Lung Cancer Patients
Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation
Personalized Oncology for Lung Cancer Patients as early as
possible in their disease. This could include searching through
any of the "-omics" for relevant markers or patterns of markers
of specific and individual types of disease. At this time, most
of our grants are designed to be "seed" funds for initiating
innovative research work. We are looking at projects that have a
stated direct and fairly immediate benefit for patients.
Due Date: |
October 15, 2012
Amount: |
$50,000 per year,
up to two years
Faculty with active research
work in lung cancer.
Contact: |
Shaina Sine, x3658 |
October 15, 2012 |
Faculty |
All Areas |
ACS-IRG Fall 2012 Cycle 32
Moffitt Cancer
Center, the University of South Florida and Ponce School
of Medicine invite Junior Investigators to apply for an
American Cancer Society Institutional Research Grant.
This funding serves to support junior faculty initiating
cancer related research projects to assist them in
competing successfully for national research grants.
Due Date: |
October 15, 2012 at 4:00 pm
$30,000/Yr for 1 Year
Eligibility: |
Full time Assistant
Members/Professors with no active peer-reviewed funding
within 6 years of initial faculty appointment.
Contact: |
Maureen Ahearn, x8824 |